Showing 91-100 of 1,717 results

Legislative Alerts Illinois General Assembly Establishes Breeder Task Force
Based on the concerns about Illinois House Bill 198, and its companion Senate Bill 53 (bills that sought to regulate dog breeding in Illinois), the House and Senate sponsors of those bills introduced a new Senate Joint Resolution (SJR 56) to create a 15-member Joint Task Force on Breeders and Pet Stores to investigate and […] | June 5, 2009
Legislative Alerts Strict Ohio Breeder Bill to be Heard on Tuesday, June 9
Ohio Senate Bill 95 will be considered by the Ohio Senate State and Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee today, Tuesday, June 9.  SB 95 seeks to impose breeder oversight in Ohio, including: Defining a "regulated dog breeding kennel" as an establishment that keeps, houses, and maintains adult breeding dogs that produce either at least […] | June 9, 2009
Legislative Alerts Consideration Continues on Tennessee Breeders Bills
Tennessee House Bill 386 and Senate Bill 258, which seek to regulate certain breeders in the Volunteer State, continue to be debated by the Tennessee Legislature.  The American Kennel Club’s Government Relations Department (GR) is aware of several potential amendments to HB 386 and SB 258, and continues to work with AKC’s Tennessee federation, the […] | June 12, 2009
Legislative Alerts Attend the Illinois Breeder Task Force Meeting on June 22
The first meeting of the Illinois Joint Task Force on Breeders and Pet Stores will be held on Monday, June 22, at 9:00 a.m.  The AKC encourages responsible dog owners, fanciers, and breeders to attend or submit written comments and help educate the Task Force on responsible breeding and dog ownership.  This Task Force was […] | June 19, 2009
Legislative Alerts Strict Ohio Breeder Bill to be Heard on Wednesday, June 24
Ohio House Bill 124 will be considered by the Ohio House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, June 24.  HB 124 seeks to strictly regulate commercial breeders who produce nine litters of puppies or at least forty puppies in any given calendar year, including. Imposing strict engineering standards (including cage sizes, temperature range, etc.) […] | June 23, 2009
Legislative Alerts NC ALERT: Strict Breeder Bill To Be Heard On Tuesday, June 30!
Senate Bill 460, a bill which regulates breeders and infringes on the rights of responsible dog owners, will be heard in the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday, June 30.  All responsible dog breeders and owners in North Carolina are encouraged to attend the hearing on Tuesday in opposition to the bill.  We need to show […] | June 26, 2009
Legislative Alerts Why is AKC Opposing the North Carolina Commercial Breeders Bill?
On Wednesday, the North Carolina Senate will vote on Senate Bill 460, a bill designed to regulate commercial dog breeders and to "ensure the humane care and treatment" of puppies bred in our state. This sounds pretty good: Who could oppose humane care for puppies? So then, why is this bill so controversial? And why […] | July 7, 2009
Press Releases AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Days Unleashed
  Hundreds of Nationwide Events Listed on New York, NY – Are you interested in learning training and grooming tips from the pros? Or considering adding a new family member? Be sure to mark "AKC® Responsible Dog Ownership Days" on your calendar. This month-long celebration includes hundreds of organizations around the country holding free […] | July 8, 2009
Legislative Alerts North Carolina Responsible Dog Owners Making an Impact- Continued Action Needed
The numerous calls and letters North Carolina Senators have received from responsible dog breeders and fanciers is making a difference! Today the North Carolina Senate delayed voting on Senate Bill 460, as many Senators have expressed concerns and questions with the bill.  The bill has been re-referred to the Senate Rules Committee, where further amendments […] | July 8, 2009
Legislative Alerts NC Breeder’s Bill Passes by a Single Vote; Moves to the House
The North Carolina Senate passed SB 460 this evening by a vote of 23-22. While the AKC appreciates the many changes that were made to the bill yesterday we remain concerned that the bill has been too rushed to allow time for legislators and the public to adequately review the bill and fully understand its […] | August 5, 2009

Showing 91-100 of 1,717 results