Texas Alert: Support Bill Limiting Local Restrictions on Working Animals; Hearing TOMORROW
Texas House Bill 543 seeks to restrict political subdivisions in the state, including counties and municipalities, from imposing requirements that ban the use of working animals. The bill is scheduled to be considered by the House Agriculture and Livestock Committee on Thursday, March 18, at 8AM. Texas residents are encouraged to contact the committee today […]
| March 17, 2021
Idaho: Ask Boise City Council to Oppose Harsh Dog Ownership Restrictions
The Boise City Council is requesting public feedback on a number of changes to the city’s animal control ordinance until March 30, 2021. This “kitchen sink” bill contains over 40 pages of changes, including requiring written permission from neighbors to keep four dogs on your property, allowing private citizens to remove dogs from cars, the […]
| March 16, 2021
Illinois: Ask Senate to Oppose Animal Rights Court-Appointed “Lawyers for Dogs” Bill
A bill is moving in the Illinois Senate that would provide an animal a court advocate in cases involving the health, safety, or an injury of a dog or cat. Senate Bill 153 is similar to bills being introduced in other states in an effort to alter the legal status of animals and provide them […]
| March 16, 2021
Minnesota Info: Bill Seeks to Modify Use of Traps that Could Harm Pets
Minnesota House File 2086 seeks to modify the use of certain traps used in hunting, and would require the reporting of pets or companion animals found caught in the traps. While the bill has been referred to the Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee, it has not been scheduled for consideration. Concerned owners […]
| March 16, 2021
Illinois: Bills Restricting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Are Advancing– Call Today to Oppose!
The Illinois House and Senate continue to consider bills that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. Yesterday, the House Consumer Protection Committee passed House Bill 1711, but there was a verbal commitment to negotiate on amendments prior to bringing the bill […]
| March 16, 2021
Tennessee Dog Breeder Bill Scheduled for Committee Vote on Wednesday, 3/17/21. TAKE ACTION TODAY!
Please share this information with Tennessee dog owners, sportsmen, breeders, clubs, and residents who may wish to obtain a locally-bred dog in the future. Tennessee Senate Bill 511 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. Concerned Tennessee dog owners and […]
| March 12, 2021
Tennessee Dog Breeder Bill Scheduled for Committee Vote on Wednesday, 3/17/21. TAKE ACTION TODAY!
Please share this information with Tennessee dog owners, sportsmen, breeders, clubs, and residents who may wish to obtain a locally-bred dog in the future. Tennessee Senate Bill 511 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. Concerned Tennessee dog owners and […]
| March 12, 2021
Illinois Committee to Consider Bill Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue on Monday (3/15)
The Illinois House Consumer Protection Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Monday, March 15, that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. Illinois residents and those who purchase dogs in Illinois are strongly encouraged to contact the committee and express […]
| March 11, 2021
Alabama–Good News! Bill that Allows Dogs in Outdoor Seating Areas of Restaurants Advances to Full Senate. Continued Support Needed.
The voices of responsible dog owners are being heard! Alabama House Bill 235, which seeks to authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas if the company wishes to do so, has passed in the House and in Senate committee. It next will be voted on by the full Senate. […]
| March 11, 2021
Texas: Support Bill to Establish Police Service Animals Memorial Monument
In an effort to recognize and honor police dogs and other police animals killed in the line of duty, Texas House Bill 1677 seeks to direct the State Preservation Board to establish a Texas Police Service Animals Memorial Monument on the grounds of the Texas Capitol. The American Kennel Club (AKC) strongly supports HB 1677, […]
| March 11, 2021