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Have you ever wondered: why does my dog lick my feet? For some owners, this behavior may seem odd. And for those with ticklish feet, it can be downright unpleasant, especially if your dog’s licking becomes a regular occurrence. But licking is a perfectly normal behavior for dogs. They lick to communicate and to take in their surroundings.

Your dog has an additional sensory organ, called the Jacobson’s organ, which connects their nasal cavity to the roof of their mouth. This organ allows them to taste and smell at the same time, enabling them to take in even more information.

Bitches lick their pups to communicate affection and to provide necessary care. Licking can also be used to express a wider range of emotions in dogs, including submission and anxiety. For some dogs, licking even takes on a compulsive nature. But why do they lick their owners’ feet?

Why Do Dogs Lick Humans’ Feet?

Sweaty, stinky feet are full of biological information, such as pheromones. Sweat also contains salt, which many dogs find appealing. There is a difference, however, between occasional licking and a licking habit. If your dog takes licking a step too far, it could be a behavioral problem.

When your dog licks your feet, you likely respond immediately. This can quickly develop into an attention-seeking behavior, especially if your dog thinks it’s a game. The good news is that with a bit of training, you can spare your toes from further assault.

Labrador Retriever licking the feet of a woman sitting on the couch while she laughs.
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How to Stop Your Dog From Licking Your Feet

Even if it makes you uncomfortable, it’s important to avoid punishing your dog for this behavior. Instead, use positive reinforcement training techniques to distract your dog from licking. Truly determined lickers may require more drastic measures. You can always consult your veterinarian or a dog trainer to develop a strategy to deter licking in the future.

What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Stop Licking Their Paws

If your dog is licking their paws incessantly, there may be an underlying medical cause. Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinarian for AKC, says that if your dog is licking only one paw, look for cuts or abrasions (or even an insect bite). While licking is an instinctual way for dogs to tend to their wounds, it can be counterproductive and cause secondary infection and inflammation.

If your dog is licking multiple paws, examine each one, especially between the toes. Dr. Klein says that if the area between the paws is red, swollen, and/or inflamed, your dog may have come into contact with a caustic material, such as fertilizer. Excessive licking could also be due to allergies, including food allergies or parasites, which would warrant a trip to the veterinarian.

Related article: Why Does My Dog Lick Me?
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