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Papillon in AKC Rally
  • Any person and any dog can compete in Rally — and no equipment is required to get started!
  • Handlers and their dogs perform skills based on a course of 10-20 different signs.
  • Each participant begins with a perfect score of 100, and points are deducted along the way.

Just like any team sport, AKC Rally® requires both teamwork and skill. Handlers and their dogs navigate a course, side-by-side, as the handlers steer their dogs through a course of 10-20 different signs. Each of these signs provides instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed.

Though watching Rally can be confusing at first, once you pick up on ring procedures, how scoring works, and what it takes to earn a qualifying score, it’s easy to become hooked. So, what should every potential spectator or future participant know about Rally? We break down this fun and exciting activity.

Setting the Scene

AKC Rally is one of four companion events (obedience, Rally, agility, and tracking), and is a little over a decade old, having started in 2005. It’s open to all AKC-recognized breeds and mixed breeds registered with an AKC PAL or Canine Partners number. It’s also open to people of all ages. Currently, there are no minimum age requirements for people for AKC Companion Events. At most trials, Juniors compete alongside adults.

The most important thing to understand is that the sport is all about teamwork. A handler and their dog navigate a numbered course of signs together, during which the team must complete a series of specific numbered skills.

Learning the Basics of AKC Rally

Each course is filled with 10-20 signs (the number depends on the class level) indicating which skills the dog-handler team must perform. The handler does not know which ones will be present on the course until the day of the event. Here are just a few of the signs you might see at a Rally competition:

Can be used in all class levels: Can be used in Intermediate, Advanced, Excellent, and Rally Advanced Excellent classes: Can be used in Excellent, Rally Advanced Excellent, and Master classes:
akc rally

Although performances are timed, quickly completing a course is not the goal. Rally is ultimately about the handler and their dog working together to execute the specified set of skills, with the dog remaining under control throughout the entire presentation.

Another significant part of Rally is communication. At every AKC Rally level, handlers can use verbal commands and hand signals to encourage their dog throughout the course, and at lower levels — like Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced — handlers can also clap their hands and pat their legs to engage with their dog.

As for scoring, each participant begins with a perfect score of 100, and points are deducted along the way. Minor deductions range from a dog interfering with his handler’s movement to a dog responding too slowly to a command. More substantial deductions include incorrectly performing a sign and luring or pleading with a dog to perform the exercises on the course.

Teams must finish the course with at least 70 points to earn a qualifying score and earn a “leg” toward a title.

2018 Juniors Classic Obedience and Rally, Orlando, FL.
David Woo / American Kennel Club

An Intro to AKC Rally Classes

Here’s what you need to know about four of the levels:

  • Novice: In this class, all exercises are performed with the dog on a leash. There are between 10 and 15 signs, depending on the course, and it takes three qualifying scores of at least 70 points to earn a title.
  • Intermediate: In this class, teams will perform similar courses as the Advanced class, without the jump and with the dogs performing on leash. There are between 12-17 signs, depending on the course, and it takes three qualifying scores of at least 70 points to earn a title.
  • Advanced: In this class, all exercises are performed with the dog off-leash, and one jump is required. There are between 12 and 17 signs, and it takes three qualifying scores of at least 70 points to earn a title.
  • Excellent: In this class, all exercises are performed off-leash and the dog is required to jump twice. There are between 15 and 20 signs, and it takes three qualifying scores of at least 70 points to earn a title.

How to Get Started in AKC Rally

If you’re inspired to start training your dog in Rally after watching a competition, get connected with your local AKC Club or dog training facility to take a class. Instructors will show you how to train your dog to perform the skills required for Rally. But it will also take plenty of practice on your own. No specialized equipment is required to get started and videos of each skill are available on the Rally resources page.

For your dog to compete in an AKC Rally trial, he or she must be at least six months old and have an AKC number via AKC Registration, AKC Canine Partners, the Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) program, or the Foundation Stock Service for breeds on the road to full AKC recognition.

This fast-growing sport is becoming more and more popular every year and is an excellent option for dogs that are new to competition. Plus, Rally is an excellent form of mental stimulation for canine companions and is a wonderful bonding activity for you and your furry BFF.

During this time of necessary social distancing, we want to give our beginner AKC Rally® exhibitors a reason to continue training their dogs and to stay engaged with the sport of Rally. The AKC Rally Novice Virtual pilot program provides these exhibitors an opportunity to enter an AKC Rally® event from home by setting up a pre-designed AKC Rally® course in the safety of their own yard,

The AKC National Championship, presented by Royal Canin, is the dog world’s biggest event of the year! Learn more about conformation and follow your favorite breeds at dog shows throughout the year. They might be competing for the coveted Best in Show title in December!
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