The 2015 AKC Obedience Classic and the AKC Agility Invitational took place December 12-13, 2015 in conjunction with the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, demonstrating the highest level of training and teamwork between dog and handler. Obedience and agility competitions for junior handlers were held for the fifth year, and an AKC Rally® Junior competition was held for the second year.
On-demand coverage of agility and obedience is available at
The winners:
AKC Obedience Classic
Four obedience dogs and their owners – one dog/handler team in each of the four classes – were crowned at the AKC Obedience Classic, which brought together 217 dogs from across the country and beyond.
Placing first in their class (Novice, Open, Utility and Masters respectively) were:
- Novice: Goldstar Steadfast Nathan CD, a Labrador Retriever owned by Constance Cleveland and Judy Rasmuson
- Open: Katwalk Extra Special CDX BN, a Border Collie owned by Kathleen Walker
- Utility: GCH CH Wyndale’s Enchantress Of Gwynedd UD CGC, a Labrador Retriever owned by Karen Vare
- Masters: OTCH Rhumbline’s Once In A Blue Moon OM1 BN GN RE, a Labrador Retriever owned by Linda Brennan
The four first place winners (Masters, Utility, Open, Novice) from the 2015 AKC Obedience Classic.
AKC Agility Invitational
Five agility dogs and their owners – one dog/handler team in each of the five height categories – were crowned as the 2015 winners of the AKC Agility Invitational, which brought together more than 700 dogs from across the country and beyond.
Placing first in their height division (8″, 12″, 16″, 20″ and 24″ respectively) were:
- 8” – NAC MACH12 Wildfire Heavens To Betsy MXG3 MJB4 OF T2B2 (“Gigi”), a Papillon owned and handled by Lisa Evans
- 12” – OTCH MACH7 Triune’s Baby’s Gone Shopping UDX3 OM4 VER RAE MXC2 MJC2 MXF T2B (“Visa”), a Shetland Sheepdog owned and handled by Angela Evers
- 16” – CH MACH3 La Brise Moustique Bleu MXS MJG NF T2B (“Skeeter”), a Pyrenean Shepherd owned and handled by Kelly Maier
- 20” – MACH13 Rivercity Outrageous MXG4 MJC4 FTC2 MFC2 TQX T2B9, a Golden Retriever owned and handled by Patricia White
- 24” – MACH5 Hildidan’s Some Kind Of Magic MXB2 MJB2 MXF MFG TQX T2B7, a American Foxhound, owned and handled by Candy Gaiser PHD
The agility winners
The junior results:
AKC Juniors Obedience/Rally Classic
Juniors who participated in the AKC Juniors Classic competed in Obedience and/or AKC Rally®.
In Obedience, Juniors competed in two divisions (Obedience Junior Titled (OJT) – where the Junior earned all the titles on the dog that met the requirements and Obedience Junior Handled (OJH) – where the Junior may handle any dog that met the requirements). The Juniors competed in the Beginner Novice, Preferred Novice and Preferred Open classes twice, based on their AKC obedience accomplishments.
Placing first in their divisions were:
Obedience Junior Titled (OJT)
- Beginner Novice: Cassy Didelot, Ruby Red Didelot, Labrador Retriever
- Preferred Novice: Brittaney Allen, Allen’s Ollie CD BN RN CGC, All-American Dog
- Preferred Open: Mara Wacker, Sandy Creek Wanna’Be Like Me CDX BN GN RN, Miniature American Shepherd
Obedience Junior Handler (OJH)
- Beginner Novice: Anneka Mikel Dahle, Western Hills Texas Ranger AX MXJ XF, Australian Shepherd
- Preferred Open: Avery Adams, Smokingold Vibrant Spark CDX RA MX MXJ XF, Golden Retriever
In AKC Rally®, Juniors competed in Rally Novice, Rally Advanced or Rally Excellent, based on the dog’s class eligibility (qualifying scores and/or titles earned).
Placing first in their class were:
- Rally Novice: Mara Wacker, Sandy Creek Wanna’Be Like Me CDX BN GN RN, Miniature American Shepherd
- Rally Advanced: Brittaney Allen, Allen’s Ollie CD BN RN CGC, All-American Dog
- Rally Excellent: Destiny K. Lytle, Veniaminof Vom Lytle RE NAP OJP CA, German Shepherd Dog
A junior obedience competitor
AKC Juniors Agility Competition
Juniors who participated in the AKC Juniors Agility Competition competed in either the Junior Excellent or Superior Classes, depending on whether they had achieved an agility title.
Placing first in their height division (8″, 12″, 16″, 20″ and 24″ respectively) in the Junior Excellent class were:
- 8”- Kayangee Dorothy Parker (“Dot”), a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel handled by Anthony Rotelle
- 12”- PACH5 General Tommy Franks AX MXJ MJB MXP12 MXPC MJP16 MJPS2 PAX5 XF OFP T2BP (“Tommy”), a Parson Russell Terrier handled by Deva Wilson
- 16”- Foxglove Tempus Fugit MX MXJB OF T2B (“Zippy”), a Shetland Sheepdog handled by Tessa Winialski
- 20”- MACH Pine Run Pity The Fool (“Mr. T”), a Golden Retriever handled by John Rotelle
- 24”- MACH3 Zonkers Texas Hold’em CDX VCD2 RE XF (“Ace”), a Golden Retriever handled by David Frasca
Placing first in their height division (8”, 12”, 16″, 20″ and 24″ respectively) in the Junior Superior class were:
- 12”- Pinky’s Rockin’ Rio CGC RN BN (“Rio”), an All-American Dog handled by Kailyn Merkle
- 16”- Kaiden’s Blue Blaize RN BN CGC (“Blaize”), a Miniature American Shepherd handled by Kaiden Snider
- 20”- Eyespy Cech (“Check”), a Border Collie handled by Karr Hersh
- 24”- Sergeant Spencer (“Spencer”), a Golden Retriever handled by Emily Tregler
A junior agility competitor
Click on the sport for more results and photo coverage: