In late 2018, Sully, the 2-year-old Labrador Retriever service dog of George H.W. Bush was photographed alongside the president’s casket in Houston, still wearing his service vest.
Three months later, Sully is ready for his next mission: a new job with the U.S. Navy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Good morning and thank you for sharing this moment with us, today we welcome Sully H. W. Bush to our #WRBFacilityDogs team!USO-Metro
Posted by Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Wednesday, February 27, 2019
On Wednesday, Feb. 27, Sully was appointed to the rank of hospital corpsman second class. He was then given a new uniform to wear — a military vest representing the medical center.
The dog was sworn in with a personalized oath:
Do you affirm – or pant – as a hospital corpsman in the United States Navy that you will support, comfort, and cure warriors and their families, active duty and retired? That you embrace our staff and bear unconditional love and solace, especially on busy days? That you take this obligation freely, without any promise of treats or tummy rubs and that you will faithfully discharge the duties to provide joy, love and nurturing for our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and sailors and their families?
What Can Sully Do?
Sully was trained by America’s VetDogs to be a service dog, therapy dog, and guide dog. He can open doors, answer phones, retrieve items, and turn lights on/off, amongst other tasks.
Sully’s Instagram account posted “Today I became an official Facility Dog – HM2 Petty Officer. It’s an honor and privilege to join a wonderful group of dogs at [Walter Reed] and I look forward to continue my mission to serve veterans as my best friend wanted me to.”