The students at P.S. 57 in New York City have gained some furry help in learning English as a second language. The school works with the Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ) program to ease the challenges and pressures these young students face.
The READ program partnered with P.S. 57 in October to help 15 students in kindergarten through third grade. Izzy, a gray Havanese, works with the students to make them feel more comfortable and secure during their lessons.
Many of the students’ families emigrated from Latin America and are now learning English as a second language. Thanks to Izzy, nearly all of the students who were originally below their grade reading level in October have now reached or surpassed it, teacher Bridget McElroy told Reuters.
Third grader Aelane Vasquez loves the security Izzy has given her. “I love reading to Izzy because he listens to me and doesn’t make fun of me when I make a mistake,” she said.
See Aelane and her classmates read to Izzy in the video below:
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