As the holidays approach, the AKC Government Relations team wants to thank each of you who have worked tirelessly this year to protect the right to own, breed, and exhibit dogs. We rely on you – our state federations, legislative liaisons, and local advocates – to help communicate with lawmakers in your state and local community and are grateful to partner with you.
This month, AKC GR staff continued our efforts to reach out to dog clubs and like-minded legislators to strengthen our voice on behalf of dogs. This included speaking at the National Assembly of Sportsmen Caucuses summit in Michigan and hosting a meeting/mini- conference in Maryland to discuss options for reinvigorating a state federation there.
The year may be winding down, but states are already gearing up for next year. Seven states are already accepting pre-filed bills, and others will follow shortly. In addition, local governments are continuing to consider laws that would impact dog owners. Now is a great time to reach out to your state and local lawmakers and let them know you are a constituent and a resource on dog issues facing the community. Letting them know what you and your club are doing now right in your own backyard can be instrumental in developing a positive working relationship with them going forward. For some specific ideas on how to make a difference, check out our latest blog on how to influence local dog laws.
If you hear of an issue in your state or town, don’t forget to notify AKC GR! We are here to help you and provide you with the resources you need to protect your dogs and your rights.
As we approach Thanksgiving, we would like to thank you again for all your amazing efforts on to protect and preserve purebred dogs and the rights of responsible dog owners.