Author of 33 books about dogs (and one book about cats!)
Areas of Special Expertise
Dogs, dogs, dogs…but especially
Canine Science: I write extensively on veterinary, genetics, senses and other science topics. Clients include veterinary and dog food companies.
Breeds: My Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds is the top selling breed encyclopedia. Animal Planet and PetFinder use my profiles on their websites.
Competitions: My Show Me! is the top selling book about showing your dog.
<h2>What I Do:</h2>I write about dogs: 34 books, thousands of magazine and web articles, an occasional television script and even an app. I’m a columnist for Dog World and AKC Family Dog.
I win awards for writing about dogs: Dog Writer Association of America Maxwell Award (nine times), Canine Health Foundation Award (twice), Eukanuba Canine Health Award (twice), Morris Animal Foundation Award and DWAA Denlinger Award.
I study dogs: My Ph.D. (Florida State) was earned with research interests in canine senses, genetics and behavior. I’m still studying.
I talk about dogs: I’ve been a guest on television and radio, including NPR’s Talk of the Nation, and quoted in many publications, including Newsweek and USA Today. I live with dogs: Not only live with, but compete with dogs. My dogs and I have won Best in Show, High in Trial (in both obedience and agility) and Best in Field awards. I share my life with three salukis and one sort-of-if-you-squint Russell Terrier who conspire to show me I don’t know as much about dogs as I think I do.