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In a recent discussion by the AKC Detection Dog Task Force, the costs of raising a detection dog were brought up for consideration.

I would first say that your return of investment is based on your effort. Your effort will be both your time and in having sufficient infrastructure to raise a dog. It brings up a recent Facebook meme that read-

Child “Dad, how can I become a millionaire training dogs?”

Father “By starting out as a billionaire!”

The elite detection canine is singularly driven to get to their reward object without much regard for distractions and obstacles in their way. Often the handler themselves may be the obstacle. Resilience, independence, and focused motivation are the hallmarks of these elite animals.

Now some can create success with minimal technology and others would be well advised to have the equipment that will make their training more effective towards a defined goal. This program is here to show you as many ways to achieve success that are available. Some methods may suggest costly equipment, I only recommend it as one potential solution. An earlier blog- demonstrated the many advances we have had in technology that we take advantage of in our daily lives. The advanced use of detection dogs cannot be easily separated from technological advances in their training.

  1. Your open mindedness to education is your biggest investment
  2. Some training items may make the process easier by de-emphasizing the dog’s dependence on the handler
  3. We can always find options
  4. We hope to have a system for loaning equipment soon!

When running the TSA Canine Breeding and Development Center we had a significant investment in reproductive health. To this day, I find breeders that don’t run progesterone, vaginal cytology, or luteinizing hormone testing. Ironically, such breeders are always surprised when their female comes up empty. TSA CDBC had a 98% conception rate, with 6.2 puppies per litter. The investment in the use of modern technology made all the difference in kennel dedicated to purpose breeding detection dogs.