Texas Info: Tethering Legislation Again Filed in Second Special Session, Not Expected to Be Considered
On August 7, the Texas Legislature entered its second Special Session of 2021. Governor Abbott’s proclamation to convene the special session identified 17 agenda items for the legislature to consider, none of which involve dog-related issues. Nevertheless House Bill 17 and Senate Bill 78, relating to the tethering of dogs, have been filed. Both HB […]
| August 16, 2021
Horry County, SC: Contact County Council About Overreaching Animal Ordinance. First Vote is Tuesday (8/17/21)
The Horry County (SC) County Council will hold the first of three votes on amendments to the county animal ordinance on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Owners of pets and “large animals” are urged to review the proposed ordinance and express their concerns to council members. The numerous provisions that would affect dog owners include the […]
| August 13, 2021
Henderson County, KY—Dog Owners Urged to Make their Voices Heard on Proposed Animal Ordinance
Amendments to the county animal ordinance were discussed at a special called meeting of the Henderson County (KY) Fiscal Court on August 9, 2021. Among other expected provisions, the proposed ordinance will address dangerous animals and the safety of dogs left enclosed in hot cars. The ordinance was not finalized as of August 11, 2021. […]
| August 11, 2021
California Information: Committee to Consider Bills on Blood Banks, Emotional Support Animals Monday
The California Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider two bills on August 16 that have the potential to impact some dog owners. Those who wish to comment are encouraged to reach out directly to the committee (scroll down for more information). The committee is expected to consider the following legislation: Assembly Bill 468 – […]
| August 11, 2021
Virginia: Fauquier County to Consider Amendment Limiting Pet Choice at August 12 Meeting
The Fauquier County (VA) Board of Supervisors will be conducting a Public Hearing on August 12 on an amendment to the County zoning ordinance that would prohibit the retail sale of dogs and cats in all commercial and industrial districts. The prohibition would not apply to adoption events hosted by private non-profit or rescue groups. […]
| August 10, 2021
Illinois: Governor Signs Bill Requiring Reporting for Dog-Related Insurance Claims
Yesterday, the Illinois Governor signed Senate Bill 1672, which will require companies offering liability insurance for renter’s or homeowner’s insurance to report dog-related claims to the state for the next two years. This bill originally sought to prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against policyholders based on the breed of dog they own, however this met […]
| August 10, 2021
USDA APHIS Info: Concerns over African Swine Fever Prompts Order Restricting Imports of Dogs for Resale
The United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has issued a new federal order that imposes restrictions on the importation of live dogs for resale from regions where African swine fever (ASF) exists or is reasonably believed to exist. Regions include: The continent of Africa, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Brazil (excluding […]
| August 6, 2021
Manatee Co., FL— URGENT! Act Today to Preserve Your Right to Buy or Sell a Dog. Comment Deadline 2PM Friday (8/6)
On Tuesday, August 10, the Manatee County (FL) Board of County Commissioners are scheduled to vote on a proposed animal ordinance that seeks to ban the sale of dogs and cats by “commercial establishments.” This not only would ban sales of dogs and cats in pet stores, it would ban the sale of a dog […]
| August 5, 2021
U.S. Congress Info: Senators Grassley, Smith Introduce Healthy Dog Importation Act
Today, Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Tina Smith (D-MN) introduced a measure to require that all dogs imported into the U.S. meet minimum health standards as demonstrated in a health certificate issued by a recognized veterinary authority in the country of origin. The Senate Healthy Dog Importation Act of 2021 joins companion measure HR 4239 […]
| August 4, 2021
CT Update: Stamford Board Adopts Amended Tethering Ordinance
On August 2, the City of Stamford’s Board of Representatives met virtually to vote on the proposed tethering ordinance, as amended by the Legislative and Rules Committee on July 20, 2021. The lengthy discussion before final adoption of text begins 36 minutes into the meeting, which can be viewed on video here. Final text includes […]
| August 4, 2021