Aurora, CO Meeting October 16: An Opportunity to Discuss Proposed Ownership Limits, Other Law Changes Before They are Passed
The City of Aurora is hosting a public information meeting on Tuesday, October 16 regarding several proposed changes to the city’s animal laws. The stated purpose of the changes is to “Create a superior quality of life for residents” and make the city “a desirable place to live and work.” These changes include limiting a […]
| October 10, 2018
Albany County (NY) Considering Two Bills Impacting Dog Owners Tomorrow (10/9)
AKC Government Relations has just learned that on Tuesday, October 9, the Albany County Legislature is expected to consider two proposals that would have a direct impact on dog owners who reside or participate in events in the county. If you live in Albany County or participate in dog events, you are encouraged to contact […]
| October 8, 2018
Pennsylvania Set to Consider Limits on Consumer Choice
The Pennsylvania Senate is expected to vote very soon on Senate Bill 1154, which will prohibit retail pet stores (defined as any “for profit establishment open to the public that sells or offers for sale domestic animals to be kept as pets”) from selling any dogs or cats. Instead, they would only be allowed to […]
| October 4, 2018
UPDATE: New Haven to delay vote on animal ordinance until 10/15/18
The Government Relations department and concerned dog owners and breeders submitted letters to the New Haven, CT Board of Alders regarding proposed changes to the animal ordinance, which resulted in the Board passing over the resolution at their Sept 17th meeting until their next meeting. The changes were scheduled to be presented to the Board […]
| October 1, 2018
UPDATE: Tulare Co., CA Proposal Seeking to Expand Animal Ordinance
The AKC Government Relations and many concerned dog owners and breeders submitted comments last week on Tulare County’s proposed changes to its Animal Ordinances and Kennel Standards. These changes will still need to be presented to the County Board of Supervisors at a later date. Tulare County Animal Services Division has not yet indicated when […]
| October 1, 2018
Shamong, NJ Update: Township Committee Expected to Consider Animal Ordinance Changes
The Shamong Township Committee is expected to consider changes to its animal ordinance at its meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 2, 2018. The American Kennel Club encourages all concerned residents to attend tomorrow’s meeting to learn what changes will be proposed. BACKGROUND: In an effort to address a local animal control issue, the Shamong Township Committee […]
| October 1, 2018