CA Considering Limits to Pet Choice, Require Pet Shops to Sell Only Pets from Shelter/Rescues
A radical nationwide campaign continues to seek government-sanctioned restrictions on retails sales of pets. The latest threat emerges from the California State Legislature.
| April 5, 2017
URGENT’ Act TODAY to Oppose Tennessee Dog Breeder Amendment
If you own intact female dogs, you could be regulated as a 'commercial' dog breeder under a bill that is advancing in Tennessee.
| April 3, 2017
California Action Alert: Bill Banning Leases for Breeding To Be Considered Tomorrow, 4/4
California Assembly Bill 1491, which will be heard by the Assembly Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, April 4, would prohibit all leasing of dogs or cats.
| April 3, 2017
Nevada Committees Considering Multiple Dog Bills This Week
The Nevada Senate will be considering several bills this week impacting dog owners. Those who reside or participate in dog events in Nevada are strongly encouraged to contact the committee regarding these bills.
| April 3, 2017