Teachers have read and heard it in every education publication and professional development seminar in recent years. Everyone in education is talking about the fact that the jobs we are preparing our students for do not yet exist.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that by 2020, there will be one million more computer science jobs than there will be graduates prepared for them. Technology is advancing every day and incorporating coding into your classroom is a great way to get kids interested in technology and all that it has to offer.
Here are some tips and tricks for how to incorporate coding into your classroom.
- Learn to code yourself!
Check out www.code.org. for tools and videos to prepare yourself. They make it simple to understand! You can also find some great lesson plans that will making coding in your classroom an effortless venture.
- Don’t let perceived obstacles stand in your way.
Coding can be developmentally appropriate for any age group. There are great online resources for all grade levels. Worried about having enough tech? Don’t be! You don’t need a device for every student. Collaborating is a key skill for all coders. You can partner or group students to fit your technology needs.
- Find a teacher partner.
If you are interested in teaching coding to your students, find a teacher friend at your school who may be interested as well. This will allow you to share ideas and resources.
- Don’t re-create the wheel.
There are some great websites available to help teachers learn the best ways to teach coding and effective lesson plans that are ready to use. You can check out the resources here:
Resource Websites:
For Younger Kids
For Older Kids
- Invite an expert.
Code.org keeps a list of volunteer coders that will visit your classroom in person or remotely to teach students about coding. It is FREE and there are thousands of volunteers all over the country ready to help you out!
Coding is of great benefit to your students and is easy to include in your curriculum.
Kalil, T. & Jahanian, F. (2013, December 11). Computer Science is for Everyone. [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2013/12/11/computer-science-everyone.
Startup Stock Photos. (n.d.) Untitled [photo]. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/en/children-win-success-video-game-593313/.