“How do I view my dog’s awards summary?”
Go to the AKC Store: https://www.akc.org/shop/index.cfm
Click on the Competitor Reports https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/store/?view=category&cde_category=COMP
Once that page opens – then click on Individual Dog Award Records and Points Progression https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/store/?view=product&cde_category=DOG&cde_product=CMPREC
If you have not yet logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
After you have logged in, you will be directed to a page where you can select an individual dog to view. If you have used the Store for reports before, you may use the drop down menu for the box marked as “Dog” to find the dog for which you are searching. If the dog for which you are searching does not appear in the menu, you can search for a new one by clicking “Find a Dog” in the middle of the window.
Once you have selected a dog, you may view the number of qualifying scores/points your dog has earned in an AKC event, by clicking on “View Points/Summary of the Title Progression for this dog.”
The Title Progression is free of charge and is similar to an Awards Record, only it is less detailed. The Awards Record report is an electronic report and may be purchased for $ 8.00 from the Store. This report will give you a report that you may view, print and/or save of your dog’s entire competition history from beginning to end, for all AKC events.
“How do I verify my dog’s AKC records?”
There are two ways to confirm your dog’s qualifying scores and both ways can be done online at the AKC Store! The AKC web site URL is https://www.akc.org
Individual Events & Event Results Search: From the AKC home page click on “Dog Show & Trials” in the menu bar at the top of the page. On the next page, click on “Event Calendar” under the “Additional Resources” heading at the bottom of the screen. From this page, select the tab named “Event Search” and complete the information in order to retrieve the event data by club name, time range and competition type as indicated. Enter as much or as little information that you know then click on “Search” to retrieve the event information/results. From this page you may view the event information overview or click on the individual club name to retrieve more details and event information.
Sometimes an event result may not have been recorded yet by AKC. To view the events not included in the actual Awards Record, click “View events not included in the Awards Record at this time.” Please be sure to review this link before purchasing an Awards Record report. You may also view a sample of an Awards Record report before purchasing by clicking “View a sample Awards Record.”
To order an Awards Record report, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Add to Wagon.” When the product is ready for purchase, you can click “Checkout” to pay for it. The report will be uploaded to your Wagon to view, print, or save to your computer files.
When you have finished using the Store, select “Logout” from the toolbar on any page in the Store.
“How do I check my dog’s points and awards?”
When you enter the Store, you will notice a box in the middle navigation area labeled “AKC Reports.” From this list, select “Points and Awards.” If you have not yet logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
If you have used the store before, you may select a dog from the drop down menu box. If the dog for which you are searching does not appear in the menu, you can search for a new one by clicking “click here to search for a new one” at the bottom of the window. In the pop-up window that appears you can enter either the registration number or the breed and exact spelling of the dog’s name. Click “Go.” This search may bring up multiple dogs. Select the dog you want by clicking on its registration number. If you intend to use the selected dog for all reports, click “use this dog for all reports.” If not, the last 10 dogs you have selected will appear in the drop down box the next time you log into the store.
Once you have selected a dog to view you have the option of viewing a Points/Summary of the Title Progression for the dog or purchasing an Awards Record for the dog. The Title Progression is free of charge and is similar to an Awards Record, only it is less detailed. The Awards Record report is an electronic report and may be purchased for $10.00 from the Store. This report will give you a report that you may view, print and/or save of your dog’s entire competition history from beginning to end, for all AKC events.
To find the number of qualifying scores/points your dog has earned in an AKC event, click “View Points/Summary of the Title Progression for this dog.” You can now view the point information and title progression for all types of AKC events, including Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Field Trials, Hunting Tests and all other AKC sanctioned event types.
Sometimes an event result may not have been recorded yet by AKC. To view the events not included in the actual Awards Record, click “View events not included in the Awards Record at this time.” Please be sure to review this link before purchasing an Awards Record report. You may also view a sample of an Awards Record report before purchasing by clicking “View a sample Awards Record.”
To order an Awards Record report, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Add to Wagon.” When the product is ready for purchase, you can click “Checkout” to pay for it. The report will be uploaded to your Wagon to view, print, or save to your computer files.
When you have finished using the Store, select “Logout” from the toolbar on any page in the Store.
Frequently Asked Questions for Exhibitors
- Question: “What is Rally?”Answer: “Rally was created to promote a positive relationship between the dog and its owner. Animation and enthusiasm throughout the performance is encouraged. Emphasis is on fun and excitement for the dog and handler, and the spectator, by providing a more “natural” approach to the performance.Each team is judged on the execution of a single, continuous performance of numbered signs on a course, uninterrupted by orders from the judge. Many of the exercises are derived from “doodles” people use when training for Obedience.Perfect heel position is not required but you must maintain a loose leash at all times. Harsh verbal or leash corrections are not tolerated.”
- Question: “Can you talk to your dog during the exercises?”Answer: “Yes! You can talk to your dog, use praise and body language throughout the performance.”
- Question: “Who can do Rally?”Answer: “Anybody! Rally was designed with the average pet dog owner in mind, as a way to introduce them into the world of dog sports and for people to just have fun with their dogs. Whether you’ve just completed your CGC or are looking for something else to do, or you want to hone up on your obedience skills, Rally has something to offer you and your companion.”
- Question: “Will this help my dog to compete in regular Obedience?”Answer: “Rally is a wonderful sport for dogs and handlers who experience “ring stress”, or for whatever reasons, would not be successful in traditional obedience. The Novice and Intermediate levels are all on leash, you are allowed to use multiple hand and verbal cues, and you can talk to and encourage your dog throughout the performance. This makes it a great place to work through both of your ring nerves and to have some success in the ring.”
- Question: “Can beginners do Rally?”Answer: “Absolutely! Rally makes a great entry-level class for both obedience and agility. But don’t be fooled! Rally can still be a challenge. You must work closely as a team as you negotiate the course, heeling from sign to sign and performing one of the many different exercises. Some are quite complex (there are 42 different signs in Novice alone to choose from).”
- Question: “I have a dog that is listed in the Foundation Service Stock (FSS) and was told previously that we could compete in Rally. Our breed has been approved to show in obedience as an FSS breed.Answer: “Your breed was approved to compete in all companion events, not only obedience. Your breed is also approved to compete in agility and tracking as well as rally.
- Question: “When a person gets a rally novice title what obedience class would they enter, Novice A or Novice B?”Answer: “If the person and their dog have earned a rally title before ever competing in AKC obedience, they would be eligible to compete in obedience Novice A.”
- Question: “My confusion is that both Advanced A and Advanced B state that it is a class for dogs who have earned an RN title. If I have a dog that has earned an RN title, but he has no other titles, and this dog is the only one I have ever titled personally then he would go in Advanced A Class, correct?”Answer: “You are correct. The Advanced and Excellent A classes are for dogs that have never titled in obedience and have not earned the Rally Advanced title (RA) or any AKC Obedience titles. The B classes are open to any dog that has earned the pre-requisite rally title.”
- Question: “I would like to know, with one leg needed to complete the Rally RN title, can I enter an event with both days as novice, then the following day transfer to Advanced (should we qualify for the last leg needed)?”Answer: “You definitely need to enter the Novice class both days and it would depend on whether the club allow transfers or not for the second day. It is at the club’s discretion to allow an exhibitor to transfer up to the next level class. Rally transfer forms can be downloaded from the AKC website www.akc.org, if needed.”
- Question: “Please tell me what how to order information and rules for Obedience trials and Rally.”Answer: “Please send your request for regulations to orderdesk@akc.org or call (919) 233-9767. Please include your full name and address in your email request. A customer service representative would be happy to send that out to you.”
- Question: “I am looking for rally signs. I have searched the AKC website to no avail.”Answer: “Rally signs can be found in dog supply catalogs that sell obedience or agility equipment. Many clubs are making the signs or having them made for their club — we allow any colors to be used. Here is the link to our signs that you can download yourself.
- Question: “For sign 23, Straight Figure 8 Weave Twice, and exercise 24, Serpentine Weave Once, can you exit the exercise without crossing the center line after the last cone?”Answer: “All cones must be used; however, when leaving the last cone, the center line of the cone should NOT be crossed.”
- Question: “When is a pivot in an exercise a requirement?”Answer: “When pivot is specified in the exercise sign, turning in place (a pivot) is required. These are exercises 106, 107, 112, 113, 116 & 117. Pivots should not be used for Left or Right Turns, exercises 5 and 6, 33 or 34, 119 or 120, 214 or 215, . Tight circles or pivots may be used for any other exercise requiring a turn.”
- Question: “Are judge’s allowed to judge an exhibitor any time and when they are ready?”Answer: “The catalog order should be adhered to as closely as possible. If there is a conflict with one of the exhibitors, the judges should make an effort to accommodate the exhibitor. However, if it delays judging, they may miss their turn.”
- Question: “What do I do if I entered the wrong rally class? I should have entered Rally Novice B and I entered the A class by mistake, can I transfer to the B class?”Answer: “If you have entered the wrong class, you may still compete. If you or the dog has become ineligible for the A class and the trial has already closed, you may submit a request to transfer to the B class before the start judging that day..
- Question: “How long can I stay in the Rally Novice A class?”Answer: ” A person may continue to show in the Rally Novice A class for 60 days after earning the RN title. They can then either show in Rally Novice B, Intermediate or Advanced A or B.”
- Question: “I have put agility titles on the dog I would like to enter in Rally. Am I still eligible for the Rally Novice A class?”Answer: “Yes, the Rally Novice A eligibility requirements refer to obedience titles only.”
- Question: “Are judges expected to record the armband numbers and/or breeds into the judge’s book?”Answer: “No, if the armband numbers and breeds are not listed in the book when they get it, they need to give it back to the trial secretary and have the trial secretary fill in this information. Only the trial secretary has a record of what dogs entered any given class and what armbands were assigned.”
- Question: “If a dog is transferred, who is responsible for recording that transfer in the judge’s book, the judge or the trial secretary?”Answer: “The trial secretary or superintendent has the paperwork to verify that dogs have been transfer. The trial secretary should mark the book as “transferred” and initial the change.”
- Question: “If a dog comes to my ring for judging in Rally Novice A and should be in Rally Novice B, what do I, as the judge, do?”Answer: “The judge does not have any input regarding the entry eligibility of a dog for a class outside of breed disqualification. Once a dog is entered in the A level when it should be in the B level, it’s not up to the judge to make any determination or to change or note anything in their book. The exhibitor is the one who can decide to compete or not to compete. Or, if the trial secretary made a mistake and put the dog in the wrong class, it is the trial secretary’s job to record the change and to initial it in the book. The judge is there to judge the class. If dogs are in the wrong classes, AKC will deal with that when the results are received.”
- Question: “If a dog comes into my ring and the armband number does not match the breed of dog in the judge’s book, what should I do?”Answer: “The trial secretary should be contacted to make the necessary corrections. If this cannot immediately be done, the judge should judge the dog, make a note of the discrepancy in the judge’s book and send a follow-up memo to AKC.”
- Question: “How many jumps should be used in Advanced, Excellent and Master classes?”Answer: “One in Advanced, two in Excellent and one in Master.”