The DeKalb County Board of Commissioners deferred until December 2024 action on problematic animal ordinance #2024-0190. Among numerous concerns, the proposed ordinance could negatively affect residents who, in the future, might have reason to give away, sell, or transfer a dog or cat. It also contains vague and overreaching provisions regarding litter permits, home inspections, and ineffective consumer protection language that does not include proper due process for either a pet buyer or seller.
Click here to view AKC’s previous alert that discussed concerns with the proposed ordinance.
It is important for commissioners to continue to hear from constituents with concerns about this vague and overreaching proposal.
Click here to identify your commissioner and their contact information. Please note that two seats are currently vacant and new commissioners will be elected in November. Contact DeKalb County commissioners and ask them to VOTE NO on Ordinance #2024-0190.
Please contact AKC Government Relations at or call 919-816-3720 for additional information.