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The Connecticut Joint Planning and Development Committee’s public hearing agenda for Monday, February 3, 2025, includes HB 6832, which would give Connecticut cities and towns the authority to locally ban pet retail sales of dogs, cats, and rabbits.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) opposes HB 6832 and encourages all concerned Connecticut residents to share their opposition with the Planning and Development Committee.

The State of Connecticut already provides a uniform system of licensing and inspections of pet stores, along with consumer protections to ensure that pets purchased from pet stores are healthy and that provide redress should it be determined otherwise.   While HB 6832 would allow pet stores to showcase dogs sourced from shelters and rescues, it would not require shelters and rescues to work with pet stores; and unlike pets purchased from pet stores, those acquired from shelters and rescues do not benefit from Connecticut’s purchase protections.

Pet retail ban proposals have resulted in negative and harmful consequences where they have been adopted, including increases in the number of pets imported, which do not include detailed health or background information as required for pets sold by pet stores.  The Connecticut Department of Agriculture animal importers’ data indicate that more than 41,000 rescue animals were brought into the state between 2021 and 2024.  This volume, along with a lack of information to help officials determine the health of pets imported for redistribution, increases risks of zoonotic disease transfer and is a threat to the public health.

Additionally, if consumers cannot obtain the pet they want from licensed and inspected entities, they are at significant risk of online scams.  Since 2017, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) has been studying pet sales fraud and warning consumers to exercise caution when purchasing pets without seeing them in person.  According to the BBB, pet scams accounted for an estimated 25% of all online scams in 2021.

Shelter and rescue animals can also present a higher risk for undocumented behavioral challenges, such as aggression, and may not always the best option for every family.  AKC believes great pets come from a variety of sources, including breeders, responsible rescues, and regulated pet shops and shelters. The crucial first step in supporting life-long responsible pet ownership is by educating prospective dog owners and enabling them to obtain a pet that is the right fit for their lifestyle.  Their consumer freedom should not be arbitrarily limited.


  1. Immediately register your opposition with the Planning and Development Committee by completing this form.
  2. Fill in the fields for your name, and select “February 3, 2025, 10:30AM” from the “Hearing Date and Time” drop down menu.
  4. On the right-hand side, select “Opposes”.
  5. Please select “Type In My Testimony” under “How do I want to submit my testimony?” to share your objections or select “Upload a file I select” to upload written testimony in PDF format. Then, click on the button “Submit Testimony”. Please be aware that all submitted testimony is public record.

In addition, you may speak at the February 3, 2025, 10:30AM public hearing in person or remotely.  To do either, you must register by following these details before the hearing begins.

AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant.  For more information, contact AKC GR at