Harley, a Yellow Labrador Retriever, may have lost her sight, but that doesn't stop her from making a difference in the lives of all she meets.
Harley and her owner, Rita Harrell, travel to Shriners Hospital for Children every week and visit patients, reports CBS News. Harley is a therapy dog, and a very special one at that.
At the age of five, Harley was diagnosed with glaucoma and lost her eyesight. Only a few months later, because the condition became so painful, Harley had to have her eyes removed. After that, “it was almost like she was a new dog,” Harrell told CBS.
So when Harrell saw a show on therapy dogs, she knew Harley would be perfect, sight or no sight. Harley and Harrell trained at Paws2Care, and Harley became a therapy dog. Now she has been visiting children's hospitals, nursing homes, and treatment centers for three years.
She visits Shriners every week, and Harrell says this is her favorite place. “She does best with kids. Kids can just be all over you and she likes that contact,” Harrell said.
Since Harrell currently has a full-time job, she's looking forward to retirement so that the pair can travel all over and visit more patients.
Way to go, Harley! See Harley in action in the video below.
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