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The earliest scientific review of canine development using assessment tools was the work done in Bar Harbor, Maine at the Jackson Laboratory. This seminal work has undoubtedly been the foundation of much of our knowledge of canine behavior. However, the research was not meant to lay down universal laws of canine behavior and development, it was just the first serious scientific attempt.

-The breeds chosen were all small breeds (Cocker Spaniel, Wire Fox Terrier, Beagle, Shetland Sheep Dog, and last the Basenji)

-The dogs were raised in a modest laboratory setting (not in homes with families).

-Sourcing of the dogs was not by pedigree or trait analysis, but simply by availability.

-The canine program only lasted 5 years from 1945 to about 1950.

I fear I may have just trod on holy ground, but give this some serious critical thought-

– Would you prefer your up to date laptop computer or would you rather use a 1947 ENIAC that took up 1800 square feet of space?

– Your typical passenger airline in 1945 flew at a little over 200 mph and carried 40-50 passengers as compared today’s typical airliner that can carry over 200 passengers at over 560 mph.

So why have we advanced so much of our technology yet in canine we often rely on traditional information that is 50-70 years old?

Please read the history of the Fuller and Scott work here: