Showing 891-900 of 949 results

Legislative Alerts UPDATE: LA City Council Final Vote on Mandatory Spay/Neuter Friday February 8th!
On Friday February 8th, the Los Angeles City Council is expected to take a final vote on a proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance. Last week, the City Council voted 10-1 in favor of the ordinance, with only Councilmember Bill Rosendahl standing up for responsible owners and breeders. At the previous meeting, concerned dog owners were outnumbered […] | February 5, 2008
Legislative Alerts URGENT: Palm Beach to Vote on Spay/Neuter and Hobby Breeder Ordinance Tuesday – Attendees Needed!
Palm Beach County Adopts Mandatory Spay/Neuter and Hobby Breeder Restrictions [February 6, 2008] Yesterday afternoon the Palm Beach County Commission voted 5-1 to restrict the rights of responsible dog owners and breeders. Commissioner Kanjian was the only member who voted to support the responsible dog owners and breeders of Palm Beach County. AKC thanks all […] | February 1, 2008
Press Releases Barbara Miller Named 2007 AKC Breeder of the Year
  Award Presented at AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Barbara Miller of Glen Head, NY was honored with the 2007 AKC Breeder of the Year Award at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship on Saturday, December 1, 2007. The annual award honors those breeders who have dedicated their lives to improving the health, temperament and quality of purebred dogs. […] | December 5, 2007
Press Releases American Kennel Club Branded Products Make Fetching Gifts a Breeze for Your Two-And Four-Legged Love
  Deck the Halls with AKC Toys, Games and Treats! The holiday season is right around the corner and AKC licensed merchandise includes products which are sure to please both canines and their human companions! From "dog-a-licious" treats to Rubik's Cubes to plush stuffed animals for kids and canines—there's an AKC item for everyone on […] | November 6, 2007
Press Releases Group Honorees Named for the American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year Award
  - "AKC Breeder of the Year" to be Announced at AKC/Eukanuba National Championship - Today the American Kennel Club® announced the seven group recipients of the 2007 AKC® Breeder of the Year Award. The award honors breeders who have dedicated their lives to improving the health, temperament and quality of purebred dogs. "It is […] | August 27, 2007
Press Releases AKC ‘Educational Match’ Offers Tri-State Dog Owners a Chance to Explore AKC Events
New York, NY -The American Kennel Club® has announced that an AKC® “Educational Match” will be held Saturday, September 29th on the grounds of the Hunterdon Developmental Center in Clinton, N.J. AKC held the first Educational Match in Raleigh, NC in March 2007. The purpose of these events is to offer the general public and […] | July 3, 2007
Legislative Alerts Oppose Overreaching NJ Proposal!
The American Kennel Club is alarmed by the provisions of New Jersey Assembly Bill 2649. The proposal attempts to replace New Jersey's already comprehensive and reasonable animal cruelty laws and humane care standards with an unnecessary, confusing, and haphazard system that will not only affect the health of the general public, but will also threaten […] | June 7, 2007
Press Releases Linda Hurlebaus Hired as Executive Field Representative
  New York, NY – The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that Linda Hurlebaus has been hired as an Executive Field Representative. Linda will join the staff on June 4, 2007 and will be assigned the Southeast region. "Linda brings a broad, hands-on experience with many breeds, valuable judging experience and extensive experience […] | April 27, 2007
Legislative Alerts URGENT – CA Spay/Neuter Bill to Be Amended – Continued Opposition Needed!
Assembly Bill 1634, the California bill that will require any dog or cat over the age of four months to be spayed or neutered will be revised with even more burdensome requirements. The bill still does not make any provision for animals in the state only for a short time or those who are competing […] | April 5, 2007
Press Releases AKC Announces Board of Directors Election Results
  -- Kenneth A. Marden Elected; Dr. Patricia H. Haines and Patti L. Strand Re-Elected; Ronald H. Menaker and David C. Merriam Re-Elected as Chairman and Vice Chairman Respectively -- The Annual Meeting of the AKC Delegates took place on March 13, 2007. Kenneth A. Marden, Delegate from the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America, […] | March 14, 2007

Showing 891-900 of 949 results