Showing 531-535 of 535 results

Press Releases Recognizing Contributors
  Many of the donations to the CA wildfires relief efforts have been made possible by the AKC-CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund. The permanent charitable fund has among its goals to provide resources, support and other assistance to not-for-profit animal shelters and similar not-for-profit organizations providing care for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as […] | November 17, 2003
Press Releases Official Drawing for AKC National Tracking Invitational
  The official drawing of Champion Trackers that will exhibit in the first AKC National Tracking Invitational took place Thursday, July 24th at the American Kennel Club office in Raleigh, NC. President and CEO, Alfred Cheaure along with Senior Vice President and COO, Dennis Sprung pulled little "tracking feet" from a paper gift bag to […] | July 29, 2003
Press Releases AKC Announces Board of Directors Election Results
  At the AKC Delegate Meeting on March 11, Dr. Patricia H. Haines was elected to the AKC Board of Directors, Class of 2007, and Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia and Mrs. Patti L. Strand were re-elected. Ronald H. Menaker was re-elected Chairman of the Board and David C. Merriam was re-elected Vice-Chairman.   Dr. Patricia […] | March 17, 2003
Chairman's Reports January 2003 Chairman’s Report
While we are all eagerly looking forward to seeing the 2002 AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship air on Animal Planet later this month, there are some other AKC events being televised this month that deserve our attention.  For the past six years, the Outdoor Life Network (OLN) has been airing AKC Performance Event Championships with much […] | January 14, 2003
Press Releases OLN Sets 2003 Schedule of AKC Performance Events
  The Outdoor Life Network (OLN) will be airing six American Kennel Club performance events in January and February of 2003. These events are sanctioned by the AKC and demonstrate the natural ability of dogs in the field. AKC performance events demonstrate what purebred dogs were bred to do more than any other activity, commented […] | January 8, 2003

Showing 531-535 of 535 results