Press Releases
Bedlington Terrier “Vogue” Wins Best in Show at 2018 AKC National Owner-Handled Series Finals
The AKC National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS) Finals Best in Show honors went to GCHG CH Lamz Strike A Pose RN CAA CGC TKN, a Bedlington Terrier known affectionately as “Vogue” owned and handled by Gabrielle Gilbeau and bred by Laurie Zembrzuski & Gabrielle Gilbeau. The 2018 NOHS Finals Best in Show winner was crowned by […]
| December 15, 2018
Test Your AKC Dog Knowledge!
Whether you want to challenge your general dog knowledge or are simply looking to pass the time with cute dog questions, we've got you covered with our quizzes. Guess the Breeds From Puppy Pictures! Just like humans, a dog’s appearance can change throughout their lives. Some breeds look very different as puppies than they do […]
| December 12, 2018

Expert Advice: Dog Breeding
Holiday Cards: A Great Way to Touch Base with Owners
Many breeders design holiday cards and send them out digitally or via “snail mail” to puppy buyers, friends, and family. Holidays are a great time to get in touch with your puppy owners and thank them for giving wonderful homes to your special pups. We thank these breeders for sharing their cards and hope they […]
| December 10, 2018
Advanced Recognition Breeders of Merit
The following breeders have met the requirements for the Breed and Levels recorded at the time of the application. The American Kennel Club is pleased to recognize these breeders for their contribution to the sport and maintaining the tenets of the Breeder of Merit program. (current as of 12/5/24, last updated 12/6/24) [accordion] [accordion_panel title="Platinum"] […]
| September 25, 2018

Expert Advice: News
Felter Linda Facci’s Incredibly Lifelike Replicas of Dogs Have Us Doing a Double Take
Linda Facci (aka "The Dog Felterer") is a perfectionist — and it shows in her amazingly realistic felt dog replicas. A remark such as, "I love your work, but this is creepy!" is not unusual for the self-taught artist to hear. Based in Manhattan, Facci keeps a busy schedule, with her 9-to-5 job as creative […]
| May 21, 2018

Expert Advice: News
Reno or Bust
At first glance, Razzberry the Bichon Frise and Henry the Spinone Italiano don’t appear to have much in common: Razzberry is a toaster-sized ball of snowy white hair with an unnatural hostility to leather footwear. Laidback Henry, by contrast, looks like the famous big dog Benji and swoons at the sight of beef jerky or pigeons. But what these […]
| March 6, 2018

Expert Advice: News
Meet Flynn, the 142nd Westminster Best in Show Winner
A full crowd at Madison Square Garden watched as seven incredible canines stood in front of the 2018 Westminster Kennel Club Best in Show judge, Mrs. Betty-Anne Stenmark, on Feb. 13. As Stenmark pointed at Flynn, the Bichon Frise, his owners went wild in the stands. After competing against 11 other Bichons, Flynn won Best […]
| February 15, 2018

Expert Advice: News
18 Pictures of Flynn, Westminster 2018 Best in Show Winner
The AKC classifies the Bichon Frise’s bark level as “barks when necessary,” but the way things went last night at the 142nd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Show, there was plenty to bark about. Flynn, the winner for the Non-Sporting Group earned the coveted title of Best in Show at the 2018 competition, which came to a head Tuesday […]
| February 15, 2018

Expert Advice: News
Westminster Dog Show 2018: Group Winners, Best in Show
After two long days of breed judging at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, the best dogs came out to compete in their respective groups. A grand audience at Madison Square Garden watched closely as these beautiful dogs made their way around the ring. Here are the winners for 2018. Hound Group Winner GCHG CH Belisarius JP My […]
| February 12, 2018
Press Releases
2018 National Championship Judging Panel Now Available
The American Kennel Club® (AKC®) is pleased to announce the judging panel for the 2018 AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin to be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, December 15 and Sunday, December 16, 2018. The 2018 event will showcase the top national and international canine athletes and will also […]
| February 8, 2018