The Baton Has Passed!
Denny Kodner, former Skarda Chairperson, writes: “Since its inception nine years ago, I have served as chairperson, chief cook and bottle washer of the SKARDA AWARD. During that time, the committee, with the help of you, the fancy, has presented this one of a kind award to nine diverse and deserving recipients. In addition, the committee has chosen to give three special awards. Two of these went to two divisions of the search and rescue community. Winners included both men and women as well as representatives of many facets of the dog community. My special thanks goes to the people at AKC who are the custodians of the trophy. The committee is grateful to have it housed in the trophy case of the Library at AKC headquarters in New York. In addition we extend our thanks to Jim Crowley and Al Cheaur who made sure the engraving was done in a timely and proper fashion.
2004 Skarda Award Nominations
In the award's 10th year, the baton passes to new Chairperson Mr. Edd Bivin, whose opening statement follows:
“One of the fortunate things about growing up in dogs in the Southwest was the number of excellent mentors and guides. When I look back, I realize that I depended upon certain individuals to help me along in particular groups or breeds. Certainly among those was Lang Skarda. Lang was a quiet man with a unique smile and a wonderful sense of humor. His kindness and concern for those in the sport is well remembered by those of us who knew him. He was benevolent in his attitude and generous with his time. He was a man of the Southwest who loved dogs, horses and people. We ask that you join us in trying to preserve that spirit by nominating individuals whom you feel contribute in unique ways to the spirit of the sport which Lang would have appreciated. Please send your nominations directly to me so that they may be included in the process.”
Entries for the 2004 Langdon Skarda Award are now open. They will close on October 31, 2003. Please send nominations to:
c/o Mr. Edd Bivin
4108 Pebblebrook Court
Fort Worth, Texas 76109-1616
Fax 817-828-2080
Please include the following: nominator's name, address, phone and/or e-mail. Also, the nominee's name, address, phone and/or e-mail, and a statement in 150 words or less explaining why the nominee is deserving of the award.
The current members of the committee are:
Edd Bivin Ray Bay Michele Billings Maxine Beam Stan Flowers Sam Lawrence |
David Merriam Corky Vroom Frank Harra Gene Zaphiris Bill Holbrook Denny Kodner |
Jim Moses Mrs. Bill Trainor Jud Streicher Gordon Carvill Gene Haupt Mike Skarda |