Most Titled Dog Portrait to Grace AKC in Raleigh
Friends and fans of the American Kennel Club’s first quintuple champion, CH FC AFC OTCH MACH Legacy’s DeChartay UDX (5) MH, were on hand August 18 to unveil the portrait of the most titled dog in AKC’s 122-year history. Chartay’s likeness now proudly greets visitors in the foyer of AKC’s Operation Center in Raleigh, NC.
AKC Chief Operating Officer John L. Lyons and Assistant Vice President Companion Events Curt Curtis address the gathering before the portrait unveiling of AKC’s first quintuple champion, CH FC AFC OTCH MACH Legacy’s DeChartay UDX (5) MH.
AVP Companion Events Curt Curtis and Chartay’s owner/handler Jack Sharkey of Alexandria, VA unveiling the portrait.
Jack Sharkey talks about his adventures with Chartay
John Lyons, Jack Sharkey, Chartay and Curt Curtis