More Canine Victims of the Hurricanes Airlifted Out of Ravaged Area
Continuing its efforts to aid the canine victims of the hurricane affected areas, the American Kennel Club (AKC®), along with its affiliate AKC Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR), airlifted 4,000 pounds of furry passengers to Illinois and Wisconsin. This is the sixth airlift of animals AKC has helped coordinate since August.
In coordination with the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs and the ABKA, a portion of the animals will be received at the University of Illinois Willard Airport where area veterinarians and University of Illinois veterinary students will help check the animals in and assist with any immediate medical needs. The remaining animals on the flight will be flown to the Kenosha airport where volunteers have coordinated with area shelters to take the animals into their care until either they are reunited with their owners or find new homes.
“The AKC is dedicated to helping the remaining canine victims of the hurricanes,” said AKC President Dennis Sprung. “We are pleased to be a part of this effort with FAKC and ABKA and remain committed to reuniting these animals with their original families or placing them in appropriate new homes in time for the holidays.”
American Kennel Club Rescues Nearly 100 Orphaned Hurricane Animals
New York , NY – The American Kennel Club (AKC ® ) and its affiliate, AKC Companion Animal Recovery, have joined together in a collaborative effort with the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs (FAKC) and ABKA, a trade association for the pet care industry, to airlift approximately 100 animals from Dothan , Alabama to Toledo , Ohio . This is the second such airlift coordinated by AKC, AKC/CAR, FAKC and ABKA.
The transported animals have been cared for by staff and volunteers affiliated with four different Alabama organizations: Save a Pet, the Dothan Animal Shelter, the Wiregrass Humane Society and the Southeast Alabama Kennel Club. The Florida Association of Kennel Clubs has supported these efforts by providing funding, volunteers and supplies. The animals originated from hurricane-stricken states including Mississippi , Louisiana , Florida and Texas .
Initially, the dogs will be received by Pampered Pets Bed and Biscuit, a privately-owned boarding facility in Napoleon, OH, where they will receive additional veterinary care and temperament evaluations prior to being placed in various ABKA-member pet care facilities for longer-term care. All of the dogs will have identification papers and every effort will be made to reunite the pets with their owners before being made available for adoption. Fostering is also a possibility if owners are found but are not yet able to care for their pets long-term.
“AKC will not waver in its mission to help with the rescue, care and long-term placement of animals affected by the hurricanes,” said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. “We thank ABKA and FAKC for helping make this airlift possible and look forward to working together again to do whatever is necessary to help these animals in need.”
Bob Payne, ABKA President stated, “ABKA welcomes the opportunity to partner with AKC to once again provide assistance to less fortunate pets. When we were able to reunite some of the previously airlifted companion animals with their owners, all of us knew we were doing a good thing. Seeing the remaining pets comfortable in their temporary and potentially permanent homes makes us proud to be a part of on-going hurricane animal relief efforts.”
This is the fifth airlift of hurricane animals conducted by the American Kennel Club and AKC/CAR. AKC airlifted 75 animals from Louisiana to the St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in New Jersey, helped coordinate an airlift of another 100 dogs to the Humane Society of Palm Beaches in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, worked with ABKA to airlift nearly 100 dogs from Louisiana to pet care facilities in the Philadelphia, PA area, and, most recently, worked with FAKC to fly animals from Florida to the Dothan, Alabama facilities to evacuate in preparation for Wilma. ABKA member pet care facilities have continued to shelter as many of the displaced animals as possible since Hurricane Katrina hit at the end of August.
Those wishing to make tax-deductible donations to support the ongoing care of displaced animals in the Gulf States may send it to the address below or visit the AKC website at .
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund
Attn. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club
260 Madison Avenue – 4 th Floor
New York , NY 10016-2401
You may also send tax-deductible donations to the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs and ABKA at the addresses below:
The Florida Association of Kennel Clubs
c/o Diane Albers
401 Cardinal Oaks
Lake Mary, FL 32746
ABKA Emergency Relief Fund
1702 E. Pikes Peak Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
American Kennel Club and ABKA Join Together to Rescue Remaining “Katrina and Rita Dogs”
The American Kennel Club (AKC®) and its affiliate, AKC Companion Animal Recovery, have joined together in a collaborative effort with the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs and ABKA, the trade association for the pet boarding industry, to airlift up to 100 dogs from a temporary shelter run by the Emergency Animal Rescue Service (EARS) in Monroe, LA to boarding facilities in the Philadelphia, PA area. Thousands of dogs remain homeless nearly two months after the devastating hurricanes.
Initially, the dogs will be received by Molly’s Country Kennel, Inc., a large, privately-owned boarding kennel in Lansdale, PA, where they will receive veterinary care and temperament testing before being placed in various ABKA-member pet care facilities for longer-term care. All of the dogs will have identification papers and every effort will be made to reunite the dogs with their owners before being made available for adoption. Fostering is also a possibility if owners are found but are not yet able to care for their pets long-term.
“The AKC committed itself in the beginning of this disaster to the long-term care of the displaced animals,” said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. “The ABKA is providing valuable assistance in our efforts to rescue dogs that are still without permanent homes. We will continue to do what we can to help.”
ABKA Vice President Charlotte Biggs echoes that sentiment. “ABKA is very grateful to the AKC for this joint effort on behalf of these pets and it’s good to know that in times of disaster, organizations such as ours can work together to make a real difference in the lives of these and other pets.”
“We are so thankful to ABKA and AKC for helping us relocate these dogs to foster care situations,” said EARS/UAN president and CEO Jennifer Fearing. “Our volunteers have been giving them tender loving care for the past month and we know that level of care will continue in their new foster homes.”
Recently, the American Kennel Club airlifted 75 animals from Louisiana to the St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in New Jersey as well as helped coordinated an airlift of another 100 dogs to the Humane Society of Palm Beaches in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. ABKA member pet care facilities have continued to shelter as many of the displaced animals as possible since Hurricane Katrina hit at the end of August.
Those wishing to make tax-deductible donations to support the ongoing care of displaced animals in the Gulf States may send it to the address below or visit the AKC website at
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund
Attn. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club
260 Madison Avenue – 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016-2401
You may also send tax-deductible donations to the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs and ABKA at the addresses below:
The Florida Association of Kennel Clubs
c/o Diane Albers
401 Cardinal Oaks
Lake Mary, FL 32746
ABKA Emergency Relief Fund
1702 E. Pikes Peak Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
AKC Employee and Delegate Match Program Contributes $36,000 to AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund and American Red Cross
The American Kennel Club (AKC®) announced today that its dollar for dollar match of contributions made by AKC employees, its Board of Directors and Delegates has raised $36,000 for the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund and the American Red Cross to help people and animals displaced by Hurricane Katrina.
“We are grateful for the outpouring of generosity by AKC staff, Board and Delegates,” said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. “Not only has AKC staff and the fancy put forth a great deal of effort to coordinate relief efforts, but they have also reached into their own pockets to contribute to those in need. AKC is proud to make matching contributions to these two worthy charities on their behalf.”
Donations made to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund by employees, Delegates and Board Members totaled nearly $12,000 which resulted in a total of $24,000 being donated by the AKC. And to the American Red Cross, AKC matched contributions of $6,000 for a total of $12,000 donated.
Through donations to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund, AKC makes supplies, financial resources and other assistance available to the Gulf Coast States’ authorities dealing with animals in areas affected by the hurricane. In addition, AKC worked with the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs and St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center of New Jersey to arrange an airlift of dozens of dogs from Baton Rouge, LA to Madison, NJ. AKC staff was on-site at the Lamar-Dixon staging area assisting for the release of the dogs and facilitating the air and ground transportation to the newly-established “St. Hubert’s Katrina K-9 Care Center” in Mendham Township, NJ.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, you may send it to the address below or visit the AKC website at
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund
Attn. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club
AKC Matching Funds for Katrina / 2
260 Madison Avenue – 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016-2401
The American Kennel Club ( AKC ® ) and its affiliate, AKC Companion Animal Recovery, are working with St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in a coordinated effort to rescue many dogs left homeless as a result of Hurricane Katrina. On Saturday, Oct. 1, approximately 50 dogs will travel by private charter plane from Baton Rouge, LA, to Madison, NJ.
The AKC staff has been on-site at Lamar-Dixon this week to help St. Hubert’s arrange for the release of the dogs as well as to facilitate the air and ground transportation to the newly-established “Katrina K-9 Care Center” in Mendham Township, NJ .
“Since the beginning of this disaster, the AKC has been concerned about the health and welfare of all dogs in the Gulf States and has assisted in their care,” said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. ” AKC will continue to provide financial support for the dogs to ensure their needs are met while in New Jersey .”
“Together with the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs, who helped arrange the air transport, and St. Hubert’s, the AKC is proud to be a part of this truly collaborative effort,” said AKC Chairman Ronald H. Menaker, a former board member of St. Hubert ‘s. “Helping all dogs during times like these is how the AKC shows its support for our cherished canine companions when they may be separated from their owners.”
Once the dogs arrive at St. Hubert ‘s Katrina K-9 Care Center, they will receive an initial veterinary exam and will be photographed and cataloged so that every effort can be made to reunite them with their owners. After the dogs are placed in their own individual kennel space, which includes indoor/outdoor runs, they will receive a complete exam and diagnostic workup. All dogs will be healthy and spayed/neutered before they are available for adoption in mid-to-late October.
“We all know the stress these hurricane dogs have endured. Our staff and volunteers are going to give these animals the very special care they need, medical and emotional, until they are reunited with their owners or placed in new homes,” said Elizabeth McCorkle, President of St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center . “We are grateful to the AKC for airlifting these hurricane animals to St. Hubert ‘s. We know we can count on the good hearts of the people in New Jersey to help us provide them with a second chance at life.”
One hundred percent of the donations made to the AKC / CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund are used to purchase needed equipment and supplies for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as a result of natural or civil disasters. If you wish to make a fully tax-deductible donation, you may send it to the address below or visit the AKC website at .
AKC / CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund
Attn. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club
260 Madison Avenue – 4 th Floor
New York, NY 10016-2401
To make a donation to St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center ‘s Katrina K9 Care Center, call 973-377-7094 or visit the St. Hubert ‘s web site at
New York , NY – The American Kennel Club (AKC®) and affiliated organization AKC/CAR helped coordinate an airlift of more than 100 animals from the Lamar-Dixon staging area in Gonzales , Louisiana to a shelter in Florida on Wednesday.
“It couldn’t have happened without the help and cooperation of the AKC,” said Louis Auslander, Chairman of the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League/Humane Society of the Palm Beaches . “Not that there isn’t a great deal more to do, and not that there aren’t thousands of animals out there to be rescued, but we at least made the effort and the AKC was there when we needed them.”
AKC Director of Investigations and Inspections Steve Robinson arrived in the region shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf states visiting half a dozen shelters and staging areas offering aid and shipping supplies to help the dogs in need.
The Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League/Humane Society of the Palm Beaches, a 501 (c) (3) animal shelter founded in 1925 held a fundraiser to lease a Continental Airlines 737 jetliner to rescue animals from the area. But before this plan could be put into motion, the AKC played a leadership role in coordinating needed permissions from government officials and airlines representatives.
“Having Steve Robinson on the ground was invaluable to us in securing the release of these animals for transportation to our shelter,” said Executive Director Carl Leveridge from the facility in Palm Beach , Florida . “He not only worked with officials in the area but he was at the airport early in the morning helping us to load the dogs into the plane. There were bichons, poodles, beagles, a variety of hounds, and pitbull mixes. I’m happy to report they are all glad to be out of the heat and into the air-conditioned shelter. Last night after they were fed, they just curled up and went to sleep.”
“The American Kennel Club showed compassion in their willingness to rescue pure bred dogs and non-pure bred dogs and yes, cats as well!” said Auslander, a former AKC Chairman of the Board.
“AKC and AKC/CAR continue to send supplies to the region when requested,” said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. “Additionally, we are now reaching out to clubs and people in Texas in preparation for Hurricane Rita which is expected to affect the region. We are prepared to meet the requests should they be needed in that part of the country as well.”
Immediately after Katrina struck the Gulf region, the AKC set-up a donations exchange database on its website at where people listed resources, equipment, and transportation offers to those canine victims and their owners.
Clubs and shelters in need of assistance from Katrina or Hurricane Rita can go to the AKC website home page or contact us at or 1-800-252-7894.
Contributions made to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund are used to immediately purchase needed equipment and supplies and deliver them directly to contact centers. 100 percent of your donation goes to helping dogs in need. If you wish to make a fully tax-deductible donation, you may send it to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund at the address below or visit the AKC website at
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund
Attn: Ms. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club
260 Madison Avenue – 4th Floor
New York , NY 10016-2401
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund is a permanent charitable fund which provides resources, support and other assistance to not-for-profit animal shelters and similar not-for-profit organizations providing care for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as a result of natural or civil disasters.
Chairman’s Report on Hurricane Katrina
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The American Kennel Club expresses its heartfelt sympathies to those human and canine victims of Hurricane Katrina. Since the disaster struck the region, the AKC® has been working tirelessly to help the stranded, injured and displaced animals and fanciers in the region.
Through the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund we continue to assist those who reach out to us for help no matter how large or small the request. We have sent teams from AKC and AKC/CAR to numerous staging areas and shelters in Louisiana and Mississippi to meet not only with the lead coordinators, but face-to-face with the volunteer relief workers caring for the animals. As a result we have been able to send much-needed supplies like crates, bowls, leashes, collars, fencing, and dog food to the affected states. To date the fund has received more than $250,000 in donations, all of which is being used to provide aid to the dogs.
The AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund is a permanent charitable fund which provides resources, support and other assistance to not-for-profit animal shelters and similar not-for-profit organizations providing care for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as a result of natural or civil disasters. This fund was created in response to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorists attacks and since its inception has provided relief to dogs as a result of the California wildfires, and last year’s multiple hurricanes in Florida. Because of this fund AKC has been able to respond quickly to the current situation in the Gulf region.
While 100 percent of the proceeds of donations sent to the AKC/CAR Katrina Relief fund are used to provide for the dogs, AKC also recognizes that dog owners also need help and so we have given an additional donation of $25,000 from the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund general fund to the Take the Lead Katrina Disaster Fund to aid those in the fancy affected by the disaster.
Immediately after Katrina struck, the AKC set-up a Katrina Relief Section on our web site including a Donations Exchange Database<!– Donations Exchange Database –> and so far there has been more than 500 offers of assistance. People have come forward with offers of equipment, foster homes, and transportation for canine victims and their owners. People may also list their requests for help.
AKC also sent a Disaster Relief Van to the Somerset Hills Kennel Club and Westchester Kennel Club dog shows so fanciers could drop off supplies and equipment or make donations in person.
Additionally, AKC clubs have been very generous with donations to help the dogs. Some are collecting donations at dog shows or AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day events throughout the country or are matching donations from their members.
For frequent updates about our relief efforts or if any club or individual wishes to make a fully tax-deductible donation to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund – Katrina, or wants to add to the Donation Exchange Database, please visit our website at
I want to personally thank everyone, including those club members in the region, for their voluntary donations of time and money who have been instrumental in getting relief to the dogs.
Ronald H. Menaker
A $25,000 Donation From the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund Made to Take the Lead to Aid Fanciers
The American Kennel Club (AKC®) and affiliated organization AKC Companion Animal Recovery has sent relief teams to visit local shelters to offer help to local canine relief workers in Louisiana and Mississippi.
“Offering assistance in this way brings immediate relief to workers caring for dogs and to the pets of the hurricane disaster in that supplies can be shipped directly to the location where there is an urgent need,” said AKC Chairman Ron Menaker. “We will continue our outreach efforts in this personal and immediate way as well as donate to other organizations, such as our $25,000 donation to Take the Lead Katrina Relief Fund, who are reaching out to people in the fancy in need.”
“We are down here to find out exactly what their immediate needs are and make sure they get the supplies they need,” said Steve Robinson, AKC Director of Investigations and Inspections. “As we visit each shelter we continue to provide much-needed supplies like crates, bowls, collars, leashes and other equipment for the dogs.”
The teams visited shelters and staging areas housing hundreds of companion animals in Monroe, LA on Wednesday and Jackson, MS on Thursday and are in Baton Rouge and Gonzalez, LA today. Team members on the ground are making every effort to meet with relief workers face-to-face to determine where assistance is needed most.
“AKC® and AKC/CAR have already sent thousands of supplies to the region and continue to send shipments as soon as requests come in,” said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. “No request is too small and we urge clubs and shelters to call us or contact us on our website with requests. Additionally, I’d like to thank all the members of AKC clubs who have volunteered their time and donated their money to the relief effort.”
The AKC immediately set-up a donations exchange database on its website at where people can list resources, equipment, and transportation offers to those canine victims and their owners.
Clubs and shelters in need of assistance can check the AKC website home page, contact us at or 1-800-252-7894. –>
Contributions made to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund are used to immediately purchase needed equipment and supplies and deliver them directly to contact centers. 100 percent of your donation goes to helping dogs in need. If you wish to make a fully tax-deductible donation, you may send it to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund at the address below or visit the AKC website at
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund
Attn: Ms. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club
260 Madison Avenue – 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016-2401
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund is a permanent charitable fund which provides resources, support and other assistance to not-for-profit animal shelters and similar not-for-profit organizations providing care for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as a result of natural or civil disasters.
AKC and AKC/CAR Send First Relief Shipment to Gulf States and Launch Web-Based Donation Exchange
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
100 Percent of Donated Dollars Goes To The Dogs
The American Kennel Club (AKC®) and affiliated organization AKC Companion Animal Recovery continue relief efforts with a shipment of bowls, crates and exercise pens to the Louisiana State University Veterinary School staging area in Baton Rouge in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. For people wanting to volunteer much needed equipment, housing and personal resources, such as foster homes and offers of transporting dogs, AKC has set up a web-based donation exchange on its website at
“As is our tradition, AKC will take whatever steps are necessary to do what is in the best interests of helping dogs in need,” said AKC Chairman Ron Menaker.
“AKC® and AKC/CAR want concerned animal lovers to know that 100 percent of donated funds go directly to helping animals with no funds used for administrative purposes,” said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. “The AKC family is a vast network of clubs, club members and individuals from around the country who have opened their hearts to helping dogs that have been lost, displaced or injured by Hurricane Katrina. As an organization we will continue to send whatever supplies are needed to help in our relief mission.”
In addition, AKC launched a donations exchange database on its website with “Need Help?” or “Want to help?” buttons on its home page. People can list resources, equipment, and transportation offers to those canine victims and their owners in the devastation in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and in Texas and Florida where relief efforts are underway. So far, we have an outpouring of relief from many people including a homeowner with a spare bedroom for a family with pets to offers of fostering dogs with medical needs to driving animals to a shelter. Those in need of such assistance can search the database by state.
AKC is a “club of clubs” with nearly 5,000 member, licensed, and affiliated clubs with thousands of volunteers across the country ready to help the dogs affected by the disaster. While donations are paramount on everyone’s mind now, relief efforts will continue for weeks and months. AKC clubs are coming forward donating portions of their proceeds from dog shows, collecting funds at their AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day events at the grassroots level.
As always, since the terror struck dogs and their owners just over a week ago, AKC continues to work with its club delegates, presidents and secretaries with the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Louisiana State University Veterinary School, the Houston Kennel Club and the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs to provide aid where it is needed most.
We continue to post updates to our website. <!– Clubs, shelters, or individuals in need of assistance can check the AKC website home page or contact us at or 1-800-252-7894. –>
Contributions made to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund are used to immediately purchase needed equipment and supplies and deliver them directly to contact centers. If you wish to make a fully tax-deductible donation, you may send it to the address below or visit the AKC website at
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund – Katrina
Attn: Ms. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club, Inc.
260 Madison Avenue – 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016-2401
AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund is a permanent charitable fund which provides resources, support and other assistance to not-for-profit animal shelters and similar not-for-profit organizations providing care for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as a result of natural or civil disasters.
AKC and AKC Companion Animal Recovery Working to Provide Relief to Canine Victims of Hurricane Katrina
Friday, September 02, 2005
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the American Kennel Club (AKC®) and affiliated organization AKC Companion Animal Recovery are working to provide relief where it is most needed by animals and the people helping them.
The AKC is in contact with delegates, presidents and secretaries of AKC Member and Licensed Clubs in the hurricane-stricken states and is working closely with the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Houston Kennel Club and the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs to determine where shelters and staging areas will be established so that supplies and assistance may be provided. Contact has been made with the shelter director of the Louisiana State University Veterinary School to provide an initial shipment of supplies.
“The AKC is greatly saddened by the devastating hurricane that continues to leave a path of destruction across the South,” said Dennis B. Sprung, AKC President and CEO. “Notwithstanding the human tragedy and untold billions of dollars in damage, we expect there are untold numbers of canine victims that are in desperate need of our assistance. Today we are arranging for the shipment of crates, exercise pens and feeding and water bowls, and will continue do everything in our power to find ways to help. ”
Dog clubs, shelters or individuals in need of assistance are asked to contact us or 1-800-252-7894.
The AKC will continue to post frequent updates to our website at
In anticipation of the needs of the canine victims, we are accepting monetary donations. If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, you may send it to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund – Katrina at the address below. Contributions made to the AKC/CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund – Katrina are used to immediately purchase needed equipment and supplies and deliver them directly to contact centers.
AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund – Katrina
Attn: Ms. Kim Luong
c/o American Kennel Club, Inc.
260 Madison Avenue – 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016-2401