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Below are some frequently asked questions about finding information on the new website. If you have a moment, we encourage you to read the step-by-step instructions or watch the video to familiarize yourself with the structure of the new site to help you during future visits.

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Desktop Instructions

  • How do I search for events/tests/trials/matches? +

    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Sports & Events (screenshot)
    2. Under Resources For Sports Participants, select Event Search & Results (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find the results from past events/tests/trials? +

    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Sports & Events (screenshot)
    2. Under Resources For Sports Participants, select Event Search & Results (screenshot)
    Quick Links:

  • What sports can my dog participate in? +
    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Sports & Events (screenshot)
    2. Under Getting Started in Dog Sports, select Which Sport Should You Do With Your Dog? (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find Rules & Regulations for each sport? +

    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Sports & Events (screenshot)
    2. Under Resources for Participants, click on Rules & Regulations (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find the Downloadable Forms page? +
    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Sports & Events (screenshot)
    2. Under Resources for Participants, click on Rules & Regulations (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find contact information for AKC Events Departments? +

    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Sports & Events (screenshot)
    2. Under Resources for Participants, select AKC Contact Info For All Sports (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find points and awards for my dog? +

    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Sports & Events (screenshot)
    2. Under Resources for Participants, select Points & Awards (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find out about Training Programs like CGC or STAR Puppy? +
    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Products & Services (screenshot)
    2. In the second column, under the heading Training Services, select Canine Good Citizen (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How can I manage my events online? +
    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1.  Select Sign in, located right next to the search bar at the top of the page
    2. Click My AKC
    3. Select My Event Tools from the left sidebar
    4. Select My Events (screenshot)
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find information from Board & Delegate meetings? +

    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Scroll down to the footer of the page
    2. Under About AKC select Minutes & Reports (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:

  • How do I find the breed standard for each breed? +
    Follow These Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. Click on the top navigation section Dog Breeds
    2. Select Your Dog Breed (screenshot)
    3. Select the Breed Standard Tab (screenshot)
    4. Click Full Breed Standard (screenshot)
    Video Instructions:
    Quick Links:


Mobile Instructions


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