Showing 6,811-6,820 of 6,929 results

Legislative Alerts Last Chance to Help Stop CA Ear Crop Bill in Committee!
California fanciers will recall that the Assembly Appropriations Committee placed AB418—a bill to ban ear cropping—on the Suspense File in April due to concern over its potential financial impact on the state's economy. On May 25th, the committee will hold a hearing to announce which bills will be released from the Suspense file to the […] | May 20, 2005
Legislative Alerts Reminder: Help Still Needed in California!
There's still time to help oppose AB418, a bill to ban ear cropping, but fanciers must work quickly! With only a few short weeks to go before the Assembly Appropriations hearing, dog owners need to contact their representatives immediately with their concerns. Please see our April alert below for more information. [ Wednesday, April 13, […] | May 2, 2005
Press Releases The AKC Awards 2005 Junior Scholarships
The American Kennel Club today announced that 58 Junior Scholarships have been awarded to students from 26 states. The scholarships for high school, college and graduate school students range from $1,000 to $5,000 each for a total of $100,000. "The Junior Scholarship program is a special way for AKC to honor the hard work and […] | April 28, 2005
Legislative Alerts MA Federation Holds First-Ever Lobby Day
On Wednesday, April 20th, the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (Mass Fed) held its first-ever Lobby Day at the State House in Boston. The following is a summary of a report submitted by Charlotte McGowan, the federation’s Legislative Liaison. We extend our congratulations to all who participated in this very successful […] | April 25, 2005
Press Releases New AKC Registration Option Includes Companion Animal Recovery Enrollment
  The American Kennel Club announces a new feature to its individual dog registration package that will give purebred dog owners the opportunity to register their dog with AKC and "stay connected for life." New owners can now enroll in the AKC Companion Animal Recovery System, at the same time – and on the same […] | April 15, 2005
Chairman's Reports April 2005 Chairman’s Report
Rally is AKC's newest dog sport and it is sweeping the nation. It was created to promote a positive relationship between the dog and its owner.  Rally is also the ultimate spectator sport. It is easy for spectators to understand and enjoy watching, even if they have never been to a dog show.  Every station […] | April 12, 2005
Legislative Alerts CA Ear Crop Bill Passes Committee
AB418 passed out of the Assembly Committee on Public Safety late yesterday afternoon. The bill, which would ban ear cropping of dogs, now moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for fiscal analysis and then on to the full Assembly. Although several concerned fanciers attended yesterday's hearing, they were considerably outnumbered by supporters of AB418. Additionally, […] | April 6, 2005
Legislative Alerts Attention West Virginia Dog Owners
West Virginia dog owners should be aware of a fast-moving bill (SB277) that would prohibit the possession, breeding, and sale of exotic animals unless one obtains a special permit. The bill further establishes an Exotic Animal Regulation Board and grants it extensive powers, including the authority to regulate the permitting process, the operation of pet […] | April 5, 2005
Legislative Alerts UPDATE: CA Ear Crop Bill Developments
UPDATE! AB418 has been set for hearing in the Assembly Committee on Public Safety on Tuesday, April 5th at 9 a.m. in Room 126. The Animal Council is urging dog clubs to submit formal letters on their own letterhead to the committee consultant. Letters should be clearly marked "AB 418 - Dogs: animal cruelty: ear […] | March 22, 2005
Press Releases AKC Seeks Support of Fancy to Spread Responsible Dog Ownership Message
  Clubs Invited to Hold Educational Events For AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to announce that the third annual AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day will be held on Saturday, September 17th (the day the AKC was founded in 1884). The goal of the initiative is to educate first-time […] | March 15, 2005

Showing 6,811-6,820 of 6,929 results