We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking, and Trick Dog. Moreof you continue to enjoy success taking advantage of AKC’s Virtual Titling programs too!
AGCH (Agility Grand Champion)
AGCH MACH4 Sassy RAE2 MXB2 PDS MJC PJS MFG TQX T2B6 CGC owned by Mette Bryans of Eureka, CA
Sassy was in a kennel at a rescue where Mette volunteered, and she took her home to foster.
“Her kennel had poop all over from Sassy running around in circles. This is kind of a deal breaker for getting adopted. A couple of people expressed interest and told me they would get back to me after the upcoming holidays. No one did,” Mette said.
“I took Sassy out to play at a little agility. After a short session, I started to head back inside. Sassy stood in the middle of my agility field and I’m sure she was saying, ‘that was the most fun thing I have ever done. Let’s do more.’ And so, we did. This was 10 years ago.
“Sassy has been a willing, and at times trying, partner in so many adventures: Rally, agility, and recently scent work. She gives her all, and I could not ask for a more fun doggie partner.”
Sassy got her Agility Grand Championship title in Ferndale, CA, on July 18, 2020.
“Go to your local shelter and find your next trial prospect. Awesome dogs await an opportunity to shine,” Mette said.
Master Agility Championships (MACH)
Multiple Master Agility Champions
Congratulations to these dogs who have earned more MACHs:
- MACH8 Camp David’s On The Verge Of Greatness MXS3 MJG3 MFC TQX T2B3 CGC TKA owned by Rachel Billick of Tarentum, PA
- MACH4 Rrh Lulu MXB2 MJS2 XFowned by Denise Tudor-Hayes of Loveland, OH
- MACH2 Heverling’s Danny MXS MJG MFB T2B2owned by Jeffrey Heverling and Karen Chilutti of Naples, FL
Congratulations to these first-time MACHs:
MACH Jesse’s Girl CDXREMXMXBMXJMXBXFT2BCASWNCGCTHDA owned by Christine and Robert Ballenger of Wheaton, IL
Nine years ago, Jesse was a 12-week-old stray found wandering the streets of Rockford, IL.
She was impounded and then rescued by Christine, because in a room full of anxious, barking dogs, she made eye contact and never stopped watching her.
Christine didn’t even know what dog sports were. Their exciting journey began when they started training in obedience, rally, lure coursing, and agility all at the same time because everything with Jesse was so much fun.
She was a therapy dog for years too, bringing joy to many at a convalescent center. They added trick training and scent work along the way. “Every minute spent with her, and my other dogs, taught me so much about goal setting, perseverance, patience, and teamwork.”
After retiring from teaching first grade, Christine had more time for training and competing. “Agility was the hardest of the sports for me because I can honestly say I have no natural talent for it and in fact am directionally challenged,” she said. “There were many days I just wanted to give up as we slowly worked our way through the performance levels until we finally were one QQ short of a MACH.”
Then the pandemic hit, and everything was shut down. They didn’t train for four months and Christine began to believe their MACH wouldn’t happen.
“But never give up on your dreams! On July 24 at the Lyons Township dog Training Club trial, Jesse gave me that MACH we worked so hard for. She was 9 years old and I was 71! It was a first time MACH for both of us although I think Jesse would say, ‘I could have had had a couple of MACHs by now with another handler, but I wanted to wait until I got it with you!’ Thank you, patient, honest good girl, Jesse. You’ve kept me younger than my years, and I love you so much!”
Congratulations also to these dogs who have earned their first MACH:
- MACH Torwood’s Tindra Star RN MXB MJB owned by Diane Prieskorn of Pinckney, MI
- MACH Ontarget Force Of Nature MXB MJB NF T2B CA BCAT owned by Carla Knapikof Loxahatchee, FL
Preferred Agility Championships (PACH)
PACH Tova’s Firewords Over Periland-Fire MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX MFP TQXP T2BP CGC owned by Vicki Eckerdt of Eugene, OR
Seventy-three-year-old Vicki and 7-year-old Fire have been competing in agility trials for three-and-a-half years and achieved their PACH in their hometown of Eugene on July 25. “
It was especially exciting for two reasons, Vicki said.
“First, I had not anticipated achieving our championship. Second, I snapped the ACL in my knee running agility in February, so have been rehabbing and running in a knee brace. Fire is amazing. She works so hard to do everything I ask!”
Congratulations also to this dog for earning the PACH:
- MACH3 PACH Gilly Of Redwood MXC MJC MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX XF owned by Marcy Jacobs of Godfrey, IL
Coursing Ability Excellent – Congratulations to this dog for earning her first CAX for passing the CAT test 25 times:
Bailea CD BN RE NA NAJ CAX ACT2 CGC owned by Margret Hatch of Dickson City, PA
Bailea earned her CAX on June 28, 2020, at Hanover Shoe Farm in Pennsylvania. At the time she was 6 years old, and it was the same field and event where she first started lure coursing two years before when earned her CA.
Bailea is a Boston Terrier/Pug mix adopted as a puppy in 2013. Her first AKC sport was rally, followed by obedience and then agility. In 2018 she earned an Achiever Dog certificate. Margret said their favorite event, however, is the CAT.
“Bailea goes crazy for the chase and I absolutely love watching her run.”
Congratulations also to this dog for earning the CAX:
- Brick III CAX CGC owned by Nikela Parks of Avondale, AZ
Fast CAT
Congratulations to these FCAT title earners for earning 1,000 points:
- I Have Them All Fooled, Lana Angel CAA FCAT ACT2 CGC TKN owned by Kris Voit of Haymarket, VA and William Hoosier of Woodbridge, VA
- Mr. Vinny RI CA FCAT THD CGC TKI owned by Erin Miller of Waverly, WV
- Marnie Palmer Wagglebottoms FCAT owned by Lauren Dale of Muncie, IN
- Defino’s Jinger CAA FCAT CGCA TKP owned by Margie Defino of Waynesboro, PA
- Mythical Marley CAA FCAT owned by Monica Garcia of Orangevale, CA
- Freja RE CAA FCAT CGC owned by Susan and Donald Schweitzer of McMurray, PA
Congratulations to these dogs for adding more FCAT titles to their names:
- My Nessary Evil CAA FCAT2 CGCA CGCU TKI owned by Ashley Stafford of Manassas, VA
- Hyde Park’s Sweet Petunia CAA FCAT2 CGCA TKA owned by Grayce S Berman of Tallahassee, FL
- Wailin’ Phelan The Bearded Lass CAX FCAT2 owned by Krista Shreet and Ted Koch of Crownsville, MD
- Lucy’s Got Some ‘Splainin’ To Do CD RE CAX2 FCAT2 SIN SBN RATO CGC owned by Nancy Lewin of Cedar Grove, WI
- Found by God’s Grace, Kaylee Grace FCAT3 ACT2 DN CGC TKN owned by Kris Voit of Haymarket, VA and William Hoosier of Woodbridge, VA
- Nataki’s Life in The Fast Lane RN FCAT6 ACT1 CGCA TKP owned by Gwen and Stephen Carr of Frederick, MD
- Zoey Krawczyk CA DCAT owned by Kirsten Krawczyk of Williamsburg, VA
- C4c Safety’s Off At Rensai DCAT owned by Renee Sainato of Norfolk, VA
- Audrey Becker RN MX MXJ MJB NF DCAT CGCA CGCU TKP owned by Diane Becker of Stafford, VA
- Harlow’s Paddy FDC MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB XFP CA DCAT THDA RATO TKN owned by Trudy Harlow and Edward Dervan of Arlington, VA
- Buster Becker DCAT ACT1 CGC TKI owned by Diane Becker of Stafford, VA
- Pepper’s Precocious Pride RN DCAT SWN owned by Wendy Barbe of Huber Heights, OH
- Aimee V CAA DCAT TKP owned by Elisha Edge of Saint Louis, MO
- Luna (Wcso) Ladrigan DCAT CGC owned by Jennifer and Jacob Ladrigan of Morrow, OH and Warren County Sheriff of Lebanon, OH
- Hay There Tag Along RE DCAT RATN CGC TKN owned by Lia Peach of Haymarket, VA
- Dobby The House Dog DCAT owned by Deirdre Jones of Fairfax, VA
- Nataki’s Take It Easy DCAT owned by Gwendolen Carr of Frederick, MD
- Bingo Is His Name O DCAT owned by Margie Defino of Waynesboro, PA
- Sharp Dressed Hobo FDC DCAT owned by Shari Shriver of Mount Clare, WV
Utility Dog (UD)
Congratulations to this dog who has earned the UD title:
- Angus The Dog UD BN GO owned by Derek Lien of Hawley, MN
Rally Champion (RACH)
RACH Ziva D. Of Wissota CDX PCDX BN GN RM3 RAE8 THDN FDCH RATN CGC TKPowned by Rexann Lemke of Chippewa Falls, WI
Ziva was adopted from the Wisconsin Humane Society at 1 year of age.
“She was a little shy but gained confidence quickly,” Rexann said. “We started taking obedience and rally classes and enrolled in the Canine Partners , which had just started. I was so happy that we would be able to compete!”
Ziva started earning obedience titles and competed at the AKC Obedience Classic in 2013, earning the Top All American award. They also competed in the Classic in 2016.
But Rexann realized that Ziva’s love was rally. They have competed at every AKC Rally Nationals since its inception, with the exception of 2019 when they were entered but Rexann became ill and they could not make it to Tulsa. On July 17, 2020, Ziva attained her RACH. “We are looking forward to competing at the 2020 Rally Nationals in Orlando in December!”
Besides obedience and rally, Ziva has earned titles in flyball, tricks, barn hunt, and freestyle. She is a therapy dog visiting at a University Library and assisted living home. Ziva works as Rexann’s demo dog to train Canine Good Citizen and therapy dogs.
“I am so glad I adopted Ziva as we have a very special bond. Also, glad that AKC has included All Americans! Thanks, AKC!”
SWM – Scent Work Master
Daisy ‘Chicken Little’ Angiulo RN CA SWM CGC TKA owned by Cynthia Angiulo of Commerce Township, MI
In November 2012, Cindy received a phone call from a friend in rescue. A dog that couldn’t walk had been dropped off. When they picked her up, they realized this was because of her overgrown nails. Against her better judgement, Cindy went to meet her.
Daisy was thought to be between 9 to 18 months old when she went home with Cindy, whose goal was to build her confidence so that she could go to a new and loving home; she had no intention of keeping her. Cindy took her to trick training class and to several different behavioral trainers. They were making progress, but Daisy was still very fearful. There were two trial adoptions, which did not work out.
After Daisy’s final adoption event on March 17, 2013, she officially became Cindy’s dog. “I took her home that night and never looked back. I was a foster failure.”
A new behaviorist asked what Cindy’s intentions were for Daisy. At the time, she had dreams of obedience and rally and had enrolled her in the AKC Canine Partners program as Daisy “Chicken Little” Angiulo, “since she felt the sky was always falling!” Cindy said. “His response was not what I wanted to hear but the one I needed to hear – ‘This dog will never be able to leave your house.’
“She was always excited to leave the house but was fearful when we reached our destination. We tried barn hunt and coursing. All were positive for Daisy but not her passion. In late 2014, we started scent work in our home. She excelled at it! It was her sport! We were delighted to start AKC Scent Work in 2017.”
In September 2018, Daisy was diagnosed with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease. “We need to watch her heart rate and keep here cool. Exercise needs to be low key. We could no longer do coursing or Fast CAT. We were very lucky to be able to continue with scent work.”
They earned their Master Scent Work title in June 2020 at the Wolverine Dog Training Club Scent Work Trial in Farmington Hills, MI. It was the first trial they were able to enter after the COVID shutdown.
“Hopefully you will see us at future trials working on our detective legs and trying handler discrimination.”
Champion Tracker (CT)
Congratulations to this All American Dog for earning her VST and CT:
CT Lassie Spirit of The Canyon TKI owned by Lynn Wilson of San Diego CA
When little 12-pound Lassie was rescued, she didn’t even know how to walk on a leash. In fact, when the collar and leash were first put on her, she froze and wouldn’t even take a step. By letting her take the lead with treats as encouragement, she quickly learned that the leash meant going on walks. Soon she had an over-the-top enthusiasm for the leash (like jumping straight up about a foot in the air). This seemed like a good indication that she might like tracking.
During their first tracking lesson, the coach commented, “I think Lassie will be good at this.” By the fourth or fifth lesson, she told Lynn that Lassie’s work ethic is amazing and that she had dogs that had been tracking for two years that weren’t doing what Lassie was doing. Her work ethic is still going strong, and on July 5, 2020 she earned her VST and became a Champion Tracker.
“Lassie did a beautiful job on her VST – tracking in somewhat warm weather but working the entire time with no inclination to stop or take a break,” Lynn said. She was competing in the event sponsored by the German Shepherd Dog Club of San Diego and since there were no GSDs competing, a representative from the club decided tiny Lassie could be the “honorary GSD” and her success was posted on the club’s Facebook page. “Lassie is a joy to work with and a joy as a companion. I couldn’t imagine life without her. The San Diego tracking community celebrated Lassie’s titles along with us and we are so grateful for this community and to the GSD club for allowing the talented and deserving All American Dogs into their trial.”

Variable Surface Tracking (VST)
Congratulations to this All American Dog for earning her VST:
- CT Lassie Spirit Of The Canyon TKI owned by Lynn Wilson of San Diego, CA
TKE (Trick Dog Elite)
Bentley Kayganiewicz RN CAX BCAT DDU DDGE CGCA CGCU TKE owned by Kristyn and D.J. Cyganiewicz of Lexington, KY
Bentley, a 7-year-old Australian Cattle Dog mix, was adopted from the Lexington Humane Society as a puppy.
“His intelligence and athleticism were apparent immediately and right from the start; he was learning and doing all he could. He proved to be a successful courser and received his CGCA and CGCU,” Kristyn said.
“Many of the little tricks were learned when Bentley was young. He enjoys training and learning new skills. In 2015, at the age of 2, Bentley earned his Novice Trick Dog title from Do More with Your Dog. He learned more and more tricks, and on March 2, 2020, he performed for a group of dogs and students who were working towards their own Novice Trick Dog titles, earning his Elite Performer Trick Dog title. His favorite trick series ends with him dunking a basketball through the hoop.”
A natural performer, Bentley loves to take his trick dog show on the road to schools, nursing homes and dog exhibitions. He has done numerous trick and disc dog demos, educating the local community about dog sports and AKC Canine Partners.
Shameless Wee Winged Archer RA SCN SEN TKEowned by Kelly Castle of Chuluota, FL
Dixon came to Kelly by way of a small dog rescue. His picture popped up on her Facebook feed and she “just had to meet him.”
The first thing she noticed was his severe overbite which quickly earned him the nickname “Baby Shark.”
“He was adorable, and I adopted him on the spot,” Kelly said. “Once home I soon realized he had some significant issues with strangers. I also realized how incredibly bright he was, so we began trick training to build his confidence around strange people.”
Tricks lead to learning other sports and within the first two years with Kelly, he began competing in agility, rally, barn hunt and scent work. He earned his TKE title in 2020 with his skit called “A Day in Dixon’s Garden” and he “had a blast doing it! I look forward to big things to come with my little Baby Shark!”
Penson’s Agile Archduck TKE owned by Sophie Penson of Marietta, GA
Sophie is a junior in high school and Ducky is a rescued Border Collie mix. She took to trick training naturally and amazes Sophie every day with how quickly she learns new things.
“Ducky has absolutely changed my life and has gotten me through the quarantine, among other events. We live for tricks and training in general, and I forget about stress when I can work with her on fun behaviors,” Sophie said.
They earned their TKE on June 29, 2020, in their kitchen, performing a skit celebrating their dog-handler bond.
“When I go back to watch the video, I’m reminded of how happy she makes me. I am very thankful for such a fun, loyal teammate and for all the opportunities we have had to grow together.”
Jasmine CGC TKE owned by Martha Podyma of Eden, NY
Jazzy, originally from Georgia, made her way to an Eden-area rescue at 4 months old. She joined the Podyma family on March 31, 2018.
“I had big plans for her to be a therapy dog, maybe learn a few tricks to play around with,” Martha said. “Jazz however had other plans! We quickly learned that she wanted to work and work hard. She has a lot of herding dog in her and that meant she wanted to herd us, all the time. Jazz not only LOVED to learn but needed to learn to keep that brain of hers occupied.”
So, the basement was converted into a puppy trick play palace. “As we became a trick team, Jazz and I found that we also enjoyed agility, parkour, and scent work. We are still finding more things to try.”
Jazzy attained her Elite Performer on July 10, 2020.
“The skit was ‘Finding Sock Monkey’ (her toy friend, who was lost). Of course, Jazzy saved the day and found Sock Monkey sleeping in a toy locker. Jazz and I found our voice in making that video. We now make videos to cheer people up, people we can’t physically see due to COVID-19.”
Their “Dr. Jazzy” videos have become a big hit. “Mostly silly and full of fifth grade humor, we hope to make people smile and know that they are loved. The first VIP to receive the videos was my best friend who is fighting cancer. Word got out, and our audience has grown to 25 recipients. Jazz and I are always on the lookout for new ideas, new tricks and some fun along the way.”
Archie The Northern Dream TKE owned by Madelyn Hartshorn of Watertown, MN
Archie turned 1 on June 16, 2020, and obtained his Trick Dog Elite Performer title, virtually, on July 20.
“We enjoy many sports as a team and our favorite thing to do together is tricks. It is really fun for me to teach him these tricks, and he enjoys performing them as well,” Madelyn said. “We are honored to have been able to obtain our AKC Trick Dog Elite Performer title, and we hope to earn many other titles in other sports.”
Luke Anthony AX AXJ NF CGC TKE owned by Julie Lynn Hughes of Archer, FL
Julie found Luke Anthony at a shelter where she was working as the full-time behavior expert. He was frightened and malnourished, less than a year old, and Julie found him bright and eager to please, though not overly friendly.
“Tony would rather work and learn than sit. He is very beautiful and was adopted quickly but returned because of his high prey drive which did result in a pet gerbil being killed. I was already in love with him, so I took him home to join our pack of rescues and mutts,” she said.
“Tony is a rambunctious dog with a bright and eager mind. He was a handful as a young dog; one activity included moving all the patio furniture into the pool. Repeatedly.
“He will work for anything, even kibble and will put his whole heart and mind into whatever you want him to do. Best decision I ever made was bringing him home. We are learning partners for life.”
ITS Now or Never ACT2 TKE owned by Kristin Cabaniss of Dallas, TX
Izzy is a 3-year-old terrier mix who loves doing “all the things,” Kristin said. “She was born in Virginia and is super busy, which is a good thing since she has a ton of energy.”
Izzy and Kristin enjoy flyball, agility, Barn Hunt, dock diving and disc, although “probably Izzy’s favorite pastimes are chasing squirrels and climbing trees.”
When COVID put a halt to many of their favorite sports competitions, they decided it would be fun to add to their trick repertoire. They worked and played hard and in August put together a routine about basketball, Kristin’s favorite sport, but “Izzy made more baskets!” she said.
They earned the TKE on Aug. 27, 2020, in their living room in Dallas. “Izzy is super honored to be recognized for earning the AKC Elite Performer title.”
Morty Phillip OA AXJ CGC TKE owned by Lexi Halter and Julie Halter of Washington, IN
Now 8-year-old Morty was given to Lexi as a birthday gift.
Soon after, it became apparent that training was needed to help him learn to behave better around other dogs. They quickly contacted a trainer and enrolled in an obedience class.
Starting with obedience and agility through their local 4-H program, they began competing in AKC events.
Lexi and Morty spent their time in quarantine racking up their trick titles, culminating in the TKE.
Echo Of Church TKE owned by Mary Myers of East Berlin, PA
“When I saw Echo’s picture on a Carolina Dog Rescue Group’s Facebook page, my heart melted,” Mary said.
During calls with the rescue group and with his foster, she learned that Echo met all her requirements “except for, well, having no training at all, never having been in a house, had only been on leash a few times. Was I crazy?” she asked herself.
He was also in Mississippi, a fair distance from Pennsylvania. “The obstacles were mounting; I knew this would take a lot of work – was I up to it?”
The rescue provided transport to New Jersey, and they met on May 20, 2019, when Mary drove there to get Echo.
“Echo burst into my life like a hurricane. He was a 9-months old, 48-pound Carolina Dog with no house manners, but he sure knew how to love,” she said. “His excitement level was sky high; you could almost hear him yell ‘I have a home, I have a family,’ all while using the house as his personal racing track. Here was a dog that needed a job.”
When COVID-19 happened, obedience training continued at home. Echo enjoyed the one-on-one interaction and loved to learn, so Mary began teaching him tricks.
Echo was ready when AKC started the virtual Trick Dog program. In May he earned the TKN (Novice Trick Dog) and four months later, in September, the Performer and Elite Performer Titles – just in time to enter the AKC National Trick Dog Competition.
“He still gets the zoomies, uses the house as his personal racing track, and his tail never stops wagging. Echo is my shadow, always in same room, beside me or at my feet. We are a team. Echo, what a good boy you are.”
Congratulations also to these All American Dogs who have earned the Trick Dog Elite title:
- Adkins’ Betty TKE owned by Terri Adkins of Omaha, NE
- Bobo XIII AXP AJP TKE owned by Catherine Lilly of Garland, TX
- Calamity Jane Tarnation TKE owned by Kate Donaldson of Salem, VA
- Miraculous Lucky Sunday TKE owned by Mengyang Xu and Weihao Chen of Oxford, OH
- Omri Cadenhead THDX CGC TKE owned by Karen Cadenhead of Tomball, TX
- Buster Beans CGCA CGCU TKE owned by Tracey Davis of Martinsburg, PA