Rescue Dog Helps Owner Recover from Tragedy
Michele Hernandez gave Dezi a new life after her former owner abandoned her on the street. Dezi is now rescuing Michele, aiding her recovery as a survivor of the country’s worst mass shooting.
Dezi’s former owner tied her to a pole and walked away, never to return.
The young dog stood for hours until a passer-by called the shelter and reported the abandonment.
A few months later, Michele Hernandez was driving to a special event, but a radio announcement inspired her to make a U-turn.
“The Albuquerque Animal Shelter was hosting its annual Howl-O-Ween event, which featured adoptable dogs in costume,” she said. “Easy decision – I opted out of the grand opening and made my way to the shelter.”
The New Mexico resident had been pondering the addition of a second dog as a companion for her son and pet Corgi. She wanted a smaller dog, but could not ignite a connection as she went down each row.
“ I had one row of dogs left to see – the big dogs. Mid-row, lying down in her kennel, quiet and calm, was this thin, young, brown dog with the sweetest face named ‘Maybe.’ Cue the sparks, for it was instant love.
“She didn’t know how to walk on a leash, was incredibly skittish, timid and jumpy. Others may have overlooked her based on her behavior or simple brown appearance, but for a dog named Maybe, I had never been more certain of anything in my life – that with me is where she belonged.”
Who Rescued Who?
Michele saved a life when she adopted Maybe in October 2011. The football-crazy family renamed her Dezi after Dallas Cowboy Dez Bryant, and the Catahoula mix became a survivor of her former abuse, gaining confidence and becoming a loving family member.
Six years later, the tables turned, and Dezi repaid Michele for her rescue. Michele survived a horrific mass shooting, and Dezi helps her get through the tough times. Dezi’s unwavering support earned a nomination for Exemplary Companion in the AKC Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE).
“Her natural calm demeanor and loving attentiveness eased much of my anxiety and emotional pain,” Michele said. “Her unconditional love pieced me back together when my life turned upside down.”
Living Through a Tragedy
The tragedy started with plans for a happy reunion. Michele and her two best friends, Chav and Cordova, who live in San Diego, CA, have an annual “girls’ weekend.” They share a love of country music so decided to meet halfway in Las Vegas and attend the three-day Route 91 Harvest festival from Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2017.
The first two days of the concert were great. They attended at night, seeing their favorite country artists, and during the day, they shopped and saw the sights.
“Day three, we shuttled to the concert like we had the first two evenings and made our way through the crowd until we were mid-center of the stage…We listened and danced while Big and Rich played, then Jake Owen. A short intermission followed. We made our way closer to the stage and sat in the grass.
“The lights dimmed, and Jason Aldean came on stage. We rose to our feet. Everyone was cheering, singing and dancing. Jason began singing his third song, ‘When She Says Baby.’
“Three gunshots were fired. I glanced over at Chav and asked, ‘Did you hear that?’ She replied, ‘Yes. I think those are fireworks.’ I looked at the sky, no fireworks. I began to see dust and smoke bouncing up from the ground in the crowd, as if a pack of Black Cat fireworks were lit. I immediately knew something was wrong.
“Jason continued to play his song. I grabbed Chav’s hand and said, ‘We need to leave now. Something isn’t right.’ She grabbed Cordova.
“We were a few steps in making our way through the crowd… The music stopped. The lights turned on. I saw Jason Aldean and his crew running off stage as bullets bounced off the stage floor. We began to run for our lives, not knowing where the bullets were coming from or which direction to go.
“People began to yell ‘Get down; Lay flat on the ground.’ Bullets were raining down all around us; how could we possibly be still?“
The three women kept running, tripping along the way over people and then a metal barrier that had been knocked over as the gunshots continued. They continued running until they were out of the concert grounds and saw a church. They hopped over the property’s iron fence, one at a time, but as Chav climbed over, her jeans hooked on the fence. Bullets were still flying, and they feared the worse.
“A man appeared from behind, lifted her up and tossed her over. She rose to her feet. We ran through the church parking lot towards a block wall at the end of the property and hopped that wall. “
They found themselves in front of an apartment building. One of the residents invited the women and others inside to shelter until they felt it was safe to leave. The next morning, Michele flew home.
“At the airport I learned that 58 people had been killed and the concert I attended was America’s deadliest mass shooting,” she said.
Recovering with Dezi’s Support
Even though Michele survived, the aftermath has stayed with her.
“The event was very traumatic. I have lasting issues that, despite having received counseling, continue to affect me all the time. I experience anxiety, depression, hypersensitivity and hyper awareness to name a few.”
Her best therapy has been delivered by another survivor, Dezi, who seems to know Michele needs constant comfort.
“When I returned home, Dezi sensed I was different. She often saw me cry, have panic attacks, bad dreams, restlessness, and sensed I struggled to feel safe, secure and manage my anxiety,” Michele said. “Dezi never left my side, my loyal girl. She followed me from room to room, keeping me company. Dezi allowed me to hug her while I cried and would try to lay in my lap, which would then make me laugh because she is just too big. “
Michele continues in her work as a care coordinator for Presbyterian Health Plan’s Transition of Care Team. But many things in her life have changed. She has stopped attending concerts and other events where large numbers of people gather. She spends more time at home where she and Dezi like to hang out on the patio; Michele enjoys the sun and Dezi chases lizards.
“Her presence, warmth and closeness granted me the opportunity to relax and rest knowing she was with me,” Michele said. “Our most favorite part of the entire day is when we get ready for bed. She curls up right next to me until morning. “