Press Releases
AKC Announces Recipients of 2004 Lifetime Achievment Awards
The AKC Lifetime Achievement Awards honor those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the sport of purebred dogs on a national level. The recipients are selected by votes cast by AKC member clubs for one of three nominees in the categories of Conformation, Companion Events, and Performance. The awards, engraved Tiffany and Co. […]
| October 3, 2003
Press Releases
Lifetime Achievement Awards 2004
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were launched in 1998 and are now in its sixth year of honoring the Fancy's best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of selfless effort have made significant contributions […]
| July 23, 2003
Press Releases
AKC Celebrates All-American Breeds
Just like our immigrant ancestors, most of the dog breeds we know and enjoy today originated in other countries and came to the United States later on. However, there are a number of AKC registered breeds which were developed on American soil, and each has its own unique history and heritage: Alaskan Malamute - […]
| June 18, 2003
Press Releases
Addition of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Toller) officially joined the ranks of the American Kennel Club on July 1, 2003. As of this date the Toller will enjoy regular status as an AKC-recognized breed in the Sporting Group, and the addition will round out the total number of AKC-recognized breeds to 150. Coincidentally, this Canadian […]
| June 4, 2003
Legislative Alerts
Attention Indiana Sportsmen
Field trialers and hunt test enthusiasts in Indiana who have been frustrated by their state's recent restrictions on performance events have an opportunity to share their thoughts with state officials in June. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife is hosting a series of open houses around the state June 3-11th. […]
| May 28, 2003
Press Releases
AKC Announces Board of Directors Election Results
At the AKC Delegate Meeting on March 11, Dr. Patricia H. Haines was elected to the AKC Board of Directors, Class of 2007, and Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia and Mrs. Patti L. Strand were re-elected. Ronald H. Menaker was re-elected Chairman of the Board and David C. Merriam was re-elected Vice-Chairman. Dr. Patricia […]
| March 17, 2003
Press Releases
Irish Dog Breeds Celebrated In Spirit Of St. Patrick’s Day
In celebration of St. Patrick's Day on Monday, March 17th, 2003 the American Kennel Club celebrates seven purebred dogs of Irish heritage. Additional information including the full breed standards, links to Parent Club web sites and video clips of each breed, is available on this site. The Glen of Imaal Terrier - "There is […]
| March 13, 2003
Legislative Alerts
CA Bill Prohibits Performance Events/Hunting with Dogs
AKC and California dog owners are outraged by legislation that prohibits hunting with dogs or training for that purpose. This bill (AB342) was intended to restrict the hunting of fur-bearing animals with dogs but is extremely poorly worded. As written, AB342 makes it illegal for any dog to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill, or […]
| March 4, 2003
Press Releases
Labrador Retriever Holds Position as Most Popular Dog Breed in America
--AKC Releases Registration Statistics for 2002-- For the 13th consecutive year, the Labrador Retriever is the most popular purebred dog in America, according to registration figures released today by the American Kennel Club. Nearly three times as many Labs were registered in 2002 as any other breed. Golden Retrievers were a distant second, with […]
| January 31, 2003