Press Releases
New AKC Public Service Announcement
The American Kennel Club's public service announcement (PSA) campaign continues to deliver important messages to the general public about purebred dogs. The newest television PSA, titled "A Dog is for Life," focuses on the long-term commitment of getting a dog. It has been distributed to over 500 television stations across the country and we […]
| August 7, 2003
Press Releases
Best in Show Winner to Receive New Suzuki
American Suzuki Awards Vehicle to AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Winner The American Kennel Club, Animal Planet and The Iams Company announced today that American Suzuki Motor Corporation will award a new car as part of the grand prize for the 2003 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. The owner/s of the Best in Show winning dog will receive a […]
| July 31, 2003
Press Releases
Lifetime Achievement Awards 2004
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were launched in 1998 and are now in its sixth year of honoring the Fancy's best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of selfless effort have made significant contributions […]
| July 23, 2003
Press Releases
AKC Holiday Card Collection
Celebrate the holidays with a gift that gives back to purebred dogs. The AKC is pleased to present this year's Holiday Card Collection-cards specially chosen for dog lovers everywhere. Get a jump on the holiday rush by selecting your cards now, and receive two free gifts with your purchase. The Collection features a variety of […]
| July 18, 2003
Press Releases
AKC Welcomes 2003 Summer Interns
New York, NY - The American Kennel Club is pleased to welcome the seven students who have been chosen to participate in the AKC Internship Program. The program--open to college students with a background and interest in purebred dogs--is designed to further their professional development as well as help the AKC identify potential employees […]
| July 9, 2003
Chairman's Reports
June 2003 Chairman’s Report
As the cut-off date for nominations for the 2003 Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE) approaches (June 30th), I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight this wonderful AKC program, now in its 4th year. Since AKC first celebrated the extraordinary canine-human bond with this award in 1999, we have been delighted, humbled, saddened and awed […]
| June 26, 2003
Chairman's Reports
June Chairman’s Report
As the cut-off date for nominations for the 2003 Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE) approaches (June 30th), I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight this wonderful AKC program, now in its 4th year. Since AKC first celebrated the extraordinary canine-human bond with this award in 1999, we have been delighted, humbled, saddened and awed […]
| June 9, 2003
Press Releases
Addition of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Toller) officially joined the ranks of the American Kennel Club on July 1, 2003. As of this date the Toller will enjoy regular status as an AKC-recognized breed in the Sporting Group, and the addition will round out the total number of AKC-recognized breeds to 150. Coincidentally, this Canadian […]
| June 4, 2003
Press Releases
Don’t Leave Your Dog in a Hot Car!
When it's only 80 degrees outside, a car can heat up to more than 120 degrees in just minutes. In that kind of heat, a dog could easily die. That's why the American Kennel Club recommends that dog owners never leave their dog alone in a car during warm weather. For additional tips on canine […]
| June 2, 2003
Chairman's Reports
May 2003 Chairman’s Report
AKC was honored to host Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, at a luncheon at our Corporate Headquarters in New York City on Wednesday, April 30. Princess Anne was the guest of honor at an event to celebrate the launch of AKC's Pet Healthcare Program. As the president of the Animal Health Trust […]
| May 26, 2003