Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
The Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2020
For the most updated statistics, check out the latest rankings of America's most popular dog breeds. Is your dog’s breed winning popularity contests this year? Now you can find out! The most popular dog breeds of 2020 were released on March 16, 2021, based on American Kennel Club registration statistics. America continues its love affair […]
| March 16, 2021

Expert Advice: Dog Behavior
Why Does My Dog Chew My Furniture and Baseboards?
Chewed shoes, nibbled baseboards, and gnawed furniture are all common nuisances during your puppy's early months. After all, teething puppies need to chew to help relieve the discomfort of erupting teeth. But dogs grow out of that, right? Nope! Adult dogs love to chew and if they don't learn appropriate chewing behavior, you can expect […]
| July 29, 2020

Expert Advice: Health
How Changes in Weather Can Affect Your Dog’s Mood
Have you ever noticed that your dog’s mood shifts with the weather? Storms, heat, cold, and the changing seasons affect our dogs, just like they affect us. Most dogs can even sense when the weather is about to change. But how does hot weather affect dogs, and how does cold weather affect dogs? Understanding the […]
| June 5, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
The Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2019
Wondering how popular your pooch really is? Now you can find out. The most popular dog breeds of 2019 were released on May 1, 2020 (also National Purebred Dog Day) based on 2019 AKC registration statistics. It may come as no surprise that the Labrador Retriever takes the top spot for the 29th year in a row, […]
| May 1, 2020

Expert Advice: Puppy Information
How to Introduce Puppies Into Homes With Senior Dogs
Considering adding a new puppy or new puppies to your family, with a senior dog already at home? There are certain precautions you'll need to take to maintain your older dog's mental and physical health during this time of transition. Here's what Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the American Kennel Club, offers as advice. Finding the […]
| March 26, 2020
2018 Most Popular Dog Breeds
Breed Rank Retrievers (Labrador) 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 French Bulldogs 4 Bulldogs 5 Beagles 6 Poodles 7 Rottweilers 8 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 9 Yorkshire Terriers 10 Boxers 11 Dachshunds 12 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 13 Siberian Huskies 14 Australian Shepherds 15 Great Danes 16 Doberman Pinschers 17 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels […]
| March 26, 2019

Expert Advice: News
Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2018 (2019)
AKC registration continues to expand for the sixth year in a row. The most popular dog breeds of 2018 were released on March 20, 2019, according to AKC registration statistics. Registration is not only beneficial for your dog, but for dogs everywhere. The American Kennel Club and its affiliates have donated over $38 million to canine […]
| March 20, 2019

Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure
Newest AKC Museum of Dog Has Modern, Pop Culture Feel
Manhattan to Missouri to Manhattan. Sounds like a Major League baseball double play, doesn’t it. In a nutshell, that’s the 37-year history of the AKC Museum of the Dog, which opens its doors — at 101 Park Ave. — Feb. 8, the outset of Westminster Weekend. Founded in 1982 in the New York Life Building […]
| January 18, 2019
Breed Rank Retrievers (Labrador) 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 French Bulldogs 4 Bulldogs 5 Beagles 6 Poodles 7 Rottweilers 8 Yorkshire Terriers 9 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 10 Boxers 11 Siberian Huskies 12 Dachshunds 13 Great Danes 14 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 15 Doberman Pinschers 16 Australian Shepherds 17 Miniature Schnauzers 18 Cavalier King […]
| March 28, 2018
Breed Rank Retrievers (Labrador) 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 Beagles 4 Bulldogs 5 Yorkshire Terriers 6 Boxers 7 Poodles 8 Rottweilers 9 Dachshunds 10 French Bulldogs 11 Doberman Pinschers 12 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 13 Siberian Huskies 14 Shih Tzu 15 Great Danes 16 Miniature Schnauzers 17 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 18 Pomeranians […]
| March 12, 2018
Breed Rank Retrievers (Labrador) 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 Bulldogs 4 Beagles 5 Yorkshire Terriers 6 Poodles 7 Boxers 8 French Bulldogs 9 Rottweilers 10 Dachshunds 11 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 12 Siberian Huskies 13 Doberman Pinschers 14 Great Danes 15 Miniature Schnauzers 16 Shih Tzu 17 Australian Shepherds 18 Cavalier King Charles […]
| March 12, 2018
Breed Rank Retrievers (Labrador) 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 Bulldogs 4 Beagles 5 French Bulldogs 6 Yorkshire Terriers 7 Poodles 8 Rottweilers 9 Boxers 10 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 11 Siberian Huskies 12 Dachshunds 13 Doberman Pinschers 14 Great Danes 15 Miniature Schnauzers 16 Australian Shepherds 17 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 18 Shih […]
| March 12, 2018
Breed Rank Retrievers (Labrador) 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 Bulldogs 4 Beagles 5 French Bulldogs 6 Poodles 7 Rottweilers 8 Yorkshire Terriers 9 Boxers 10 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 11 Siberian Huskies 12 Dachshunds 13 Great Danes 14 Doberman Pinschers 15 Australian Shepherds 16 Miniature Schnauzers 17 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 18 Cavalier King […]
| March 12, 2018
Special Registry Services – Foreign Registration
The American Kennel Club is opposed to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. In solidarity with Ukrainian people, effective immediately, judges from the Russian Federation will not be approved to judge at AKC sanctioned events. Additionally, requests for imported dog registrations (AKC Foreign Registration) for dogs born in Russia, will be denied effective immediately. (February 2022) […]
| November 1, 2017
Expert Advice: Weight Management
Breed Weight Chart
Breed Weight Male Weight Female Affenpinschers 7-10 pounds 7-10 pounds Afghan Hounds 50-60 pounds 50-60 pounds Airedale Terriers 50-70 pounds 50-70 pounds Akitas 100-130 pounds 70-100 pounds Alaskan Malamutes 85 pounds 75 pounds American English Coonhounds 45-65 pounds 45-65 pounds American Eskimo Dogs 6-10 pounds (toy), 10-20 pounds (miniature), 25-35 pounds (standard) 6-10 pounds (toy), […]
| May 11, 2017
Expert Advice: Events
Judges For 2017 Westminster Kennel Club Show Announced
The Westminster Kennel Club recently announced that Mr. Thomas H. Bradley III is scheduled to judge Best in Show at the club’s 141st dog show Feb. 13–14, 2017. A lifetime participant in the dog sport, Mr. Bradley competed in his first dog show as a teenager in 1955, showing his German Shorthaired Pointer at the […]
| May 10, 2016
Expert Advice: News
Labrador Retriever Is Once Again America’s Most Popular Dog
BREED 2015 2014 2013 Retrievers (Labrador) 1 1 1 German Shepherd Dogs 2 2 2 Retrievers (Golden) 3 3 3 Bulldogs 4 4 5 Beagles 5 5 4 French Bulldogs 6 9 11 Yorkshire Terriers 7 6 6 Poodles 8 7 8 Rottweilers 9 10 9 Boxers 10 8 7 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 11 12 […]
| February 22, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
List of Unique Dog Breeds
For purposes of imposing a consistent format at dog shows, the AKC family of breeds is divided into seven groups. The hounds, terriers, and toy dogs each have their own group. The herding dogs that move livestock are grouped together, and so are the big working dogs that pull, protect, patrol, and do other heavy work. Likewise, sporting dogs, […]
| July 16, 2015