Showing 31-40 of 381 results

Expert Advice: Fun Facts 6 Dog Breeds You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Swarms of setters, hordes of herders, oodles of Poodles— with the seemingly endless variety of dogs gaiting around AKC show rings, you might assume every breed in creation is represented. Actually, hundreds of breeds from around the world are outside the AKC orbit. Here are just a few:   ESTRELA MOUNTAIN DOG Birthplace: northern Portugal Job […] | August 17, 2015
Expert Advice: Grooming These Flowing, Glamorous Coats Give Us Breed Envy
Seeming to float around the dog show ring, with a silky, lustrous coat waving, some long-coated breeds may inspire envy in their human admirers: As a silver Afghan Hound glided past, a spectator turned to her companion and said, “I’d kill to have hair like that!” But even dogs who’ve never stepped foot in a […] | August 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Feature Breed Improvements: Old Problems and New Solutions
There is a general movement within the dog world that has breeders and their clubs looking for new ways to make breed improvements. This is occurring because of the growing arsenal of tools available to breeders and their clubs. Given these conditions, the opportunity for making improvements is well within the reach of most clubs […] | April 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Two Dogs And A Parrot’ Highlights Tough Life Lessons Learned Through Pet Ownership
For Picks of The Litter, a regular book review series, Ranny Green critiques “Two Dogs and a Parrot: What Our Animal Friends Can Teach Us About Life" (Blue Bridge). This cranial jukebox of enriching stories reflects a tough realism throughout whether the subject is an Irish Setter, Golden Retriever, or a medium-sized parrot. The internationally […] | December 14, 2015
Expert Advice: News 2016 National Championship Judging Panel Now Available
The American Kennel Club® (AKC®) and Royal Canin are pleased to announce the judging panel for the 2016 National Championship to be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, December 17 and Sunday, December 18, 2016. The 2016 event will showcase the top national and international dogs and will also […] | February 11, 2016
Expert Advice: Events Why You Need to Meet the Breeds® at the AKC National Championship
There's a special event at the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin in Orlando, Fla. where the only competition may be for which dog breed you fall in love with first. AKC Meet the Breeds® gives dog lovers, adults and children, alike, a unique chance to meet and play with dogs of more than […] | November 15, 2017
Expert Advice: News U.S.A. Team Wins World Grooming Competition
What do Lindsey Dicken, Victor Rosado, Mackensie Murphy, Michelle Breen, Cat Opson, and Cheryl Purcell have in common with Michael Phelps? Well, while this U.S.A. team may not be breaking records in the 100-fly, they are winning gold medals . . . in grooming! On Oct. 1, the AKC-sponsored U.S.A. team participated in the World […] | October 12, 2017
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories Gifts for Dog Lovers: Just for Her
Jewelry for Dog Lovers Some of the best gifts come in small packages. And who doesn't love jewelry? Our breed-specific charms, pendants, and pins will wow the dog lovers in your life; they're beautifully rendered, high quality, and show how thoughtful you are. You can browse our jewelry collection or see our top sellers below: […] | October 25, 2017
Public Education Educator Resources Favorite Dog
Pages My Favorite Dog
Learning Objectives With support from the teacher, students will organize, represent, and interpret data. Students will ask and answer questions about the total number of data points and how many are in each category.   Grade Levels K-2   Common Core Standard CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.MD.C.4 Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and […] | February 27, 2018
Expert Advice: News 2017 Breeder of the Year Honorees Represent Dedication and Commitment to Purebred Dogs
Each year, we are proud to recognize and celebrate the men and women who dedicate their lives to improving the health, temperament, and quality of purebred dogs. These breeders are the heart of our organizations and they deserve to be recognized for their incredible work. One breeder is chosen from each of the seven groups […] | November 6, 2017

Showing 31-40 of 381 results