Press Releases
AKC Announces Board of Directors Election Results
-- Lee Arnold, Carl C. Ashby, III, Alan Kalter, and Dr. Robert D. Smith Elected -- The Annual Meeting of the AKC Delegates took place on March 10, 2009. Four new Directors have been elected: Lee Arnold, Delegate from the Southern Colorado Kennel Club; Carl C. Ashby, III, Delegate from the United States Kerry Blue […]
| March 10, 2009
Legislative Alerts
CA Bill Prohibits Performance Events/Hunting with Dogs
AKC and California dog owners are outraged by legislation that prohibits hunting with dogs or training for that purpose. This bill (AB342) was intended to restrict the hunting of fur-bearing animals with dogs but is extremely poorly worded. As written, AB342 makes it illegal for any dog to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill, or […]
| March 4, 2003
Legislative Alerts
Attention Indiana Sportsmen
Field trialers and hunt test enthusiasts in Indiana who have been frustrated by their state's recent restrictions on performance events have an opportunity to share their thoughts with state officials in June. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife is hosting a series of open houses around the state June 3-11th. […]
| May 28, 2003
Legislative Alerts
Breed-Specific Legislation Considered in Chicago
Attention Chicago dog owners! Alderman Virginia (Ginger) Rugai has introduced an ordinance that would prohibit residents from owning, transporting, or selling "pit bulls." Pit bulls are defined as American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, or any mix of those breeds. Violators will face fines of $100-1000 and/or up to six months […]
| January 19, 2004
Legislative Alerts
Success for North Carolina Dog Owners
Sporting badges and patriotic ribbons to identify themselves as responsible animal owners, purebred dog fanciers, hunters, cat fanciers, and other concerned animal groups joined the American Kennel Club April 6 at a public hearing in Raleigh on proposed changes to the state's animal care and control laws. An impressive turnout of dog owners from every […]
| April 12, 2004
Legislative Alerts
LA County Releases Details of Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal
Click here for an update to this Alert The Los Angeles County Animal Board of Supervisors will meet April 18th to discuss their proposal to require all dogs to be spayed or neutered unless their owner purchases a $60 intact animal license (currently $30) and meets the stringent criteria established by the county. The measure […]
| April 5, 2006
Legislative Alerts
CALL TO ACTION: Help Needed in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles County Supervisors will take a final vote on the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance at their meeting this Tuesday, May 2nd. Dog owners wishing to breed or simply maintain an intact dog will have to pay a $60 per dog fee and meet a host of restrictive criteria. It is urgent that fanciers […]
| April 28, 2006
Legislative Alerts
Riverside County, CA Holds Public Meetings Regarding Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal
Update! The Riverside County Department of Animal Services has announced they are cancelling the remaining three meetings on the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance until a draft can be finalized by county counsel. AKC thanks the many fanciers and concerned dog owners who attended the meeting on Saturday and we will post further information as soon […]
| June 6, 2006
Legislative Alerts
Riverside County Releases Details of Mandatory Spay/Neuter and Mandatory Microchip Ordinances
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors has released the specifics of their mandatory spay/neuter ordinance and mandatory microchip proposal. The measure will require all dogs and cats to be spayed or neutered unless the owner qualifies for and purchases an intact animal license. A first violation of the mandatory spay/neuter ordinance can result in a […]
| June 28, 2006
Legislative Alerts
Riverside County, CA Announces Public Meetings Regarding Mandatory Spay/Neuter and Mandatory Microch
The Riverside County Department of Animal Services has announced the dates and times of four public meetings to discuss a proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance and an ordinance to require microchipping of all dogs and cats. It is vital that fanciers, breeders and concerned dog owners attend these meetings and educate the community about the benefits […]
| July 18, 2006