Expert Advice: Cute & Funny
10 Photos Of People’s New Puppies That Will MELT Your Heart
There is nothing better than welcoming a new puppy to your family. Today, we live vicariously through these 10 people and their new puppy's bright-eyed adorableness. A photo posted by Chester (@chester_the_oes) on Mar 16, 2016 at 10:32am PDT A photo posted by Sunshine The Golden Pup (@sunshinethegoldenpup) on Mar 15, […]
| March 18, 2016
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny
10 Things Only a French Bulldog Owner Would Understand
Owning a French Bulldog doesn't necessarily require that you become fluent in French, but Frenchies tend to insist that you become dedicated to ensuring their care and comfort.Here are 10 things every French Bulldog owner quickly learns about the breed: 1. Frenchies can transform their 25-pound body into a 200-pound dead weight at any time while on a […]
| January 1, 2009
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The Bow-Wow Backstory of the Beatles’ “Hey Bulldog”
It’s one of the great dog-themed anthems of rock ’n’ roll, but up until the last minute “Hey Bulldog” was supposed to be about a frog. It was early February 1968, as the Beatles were preparing for their fateful trip to India to meditate with the Maharishi. Pressed for time, and with a commitment for […]
| July 14, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The World’s Largest Dogs
Big dogs equal big love and loyalty. Here are the large dog breeds that earn their place at the top of the size chart. Most people will know the Great Dane but what about the lovely Leonberger? When considering getting a dog, size is a factor, but only one of them. The dog’s personality, activity […]
| April 9, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
Medium Size Dogs
Dogs that can be considered of medium size can be found in most of the AKC’s seven groups. Whether it’s the energetic Shetland Sheepdog, the sporty spaniels, or the laid back Bulldog, there is a range of temperament and appearance within this size category. When considering getting a dog, size is a factor, but only […]
| April 9, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
What Does it Really Mean to be a Terrier Anyway?
We often hear dog shows accused of being nothing but “beauty contests.” In reality, they’re organized more like job fairs. At AKC shows, dogs are exhibited in seven groups organized by the original work the breeds were created to do. The dog judged best in each group becomes one of the final seven to vie […]
| February 16, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
7 Breeds with Really Cool Nicknames
Long before smushface" and "wigglebutt" became the ubiquitous dog monikers, these seven breeds were given nicknames crafted specifically for them. the Clown Prince of Dogs At various times devotees of at least a dozen different breeds have claimed this title for their dogs. But to our knowledge only one group of fanciers has incorporated canine clowning […]
| January 1, 2009
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog
Tips for Starting a Jogging Program with your Dog
AKC GoodDog! Helpline trainer Hilarie Erb provides tips for starting a jogging program with your dog. It is important to do this safely and provide the proper training before you take off running! If you are a runner and think that your dog would be the ideal running partner, you may be right. However, there […]
| July 22, 2015
Expert Advice: Events
Judges For 2017 Westminster Kennel Club Show Announced
The Westminster Kennel Club recently announced that Mr. Thomas H. Bradley III is scheduled to judge Best in Show at the club’s 141st dog show Feb. 13–14, 2017. A lifetime participant in the dog sport, Mr. Bradley competed in his first dog show as a teenager in 1955, showing his German Shorthaired Pointer at the […]
| May 10, 2016
Expert Advice: News
The Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2014
The Labrador Retriever has done it again. The intelligent, family friendly breed held onto the number one spot on the most popular list for the 24th consecutive year, continuing the longest reign as the nation’s top dog in American Kennel Club history. For the full list of breed rankings, click here. While the Lab holds strong, […]
| February 27, 2015
Expert Advice: News
Vive le Chien! Celebrate Bastille Day with AKC’s French Breeds!
July 14 is Bastille Day, when France and Francophiles the world over commemorate the start of the French Revolution in 1789. The AKC joins the celebration in just the way you’d expect—with dogs. Here’s a roundup of some AKC breeds developed in France, plus a few that are French by tradition if not by birth. […]
| July 9, 2015
Expert Advice: General Nutrition
Feeding Puppies, Large and Small
The range of sizes among dog breeds is greater than that of any other animal. For example, a 150-pound Newfoundland is 50 times the size of a three-pound Pomeranian. And as you might expect, large breed puppies and small breed puppies have very different nutritional needs. There are general rules for feeding any puppy, but […]
| March 20, 2015
Expert Advice: News
French Bulldog Is Most Popular Dog In New York City
The French Bulldog is the most popular dog breed in New York City for 2015, according to AKC registration data. While the family-friendly Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed in the United States, the adaptable French Bulldog holds the No. 1 spot in the nation's largest city. However, the Frenchie isn't top dog in every […]
| February 22, 2016
Expert Advice: News
Most Popular Breeds In 25 Most Populous Cities In The US
Although the Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog in the United States, the Lab isn't top dog in a few of the 25 most populous cities, according to AKC registration data. For example, the playful and adaptable French Bulldog is No. 1 in New York City and San Francisco, while the active and intelligent Poodle is […]
| February 22, 2016
Expert Advice: News
Dogs Teach Empathy, Prevent Bullying to At-Risk Youth in NYC Schools
For many at-risk youth in New York City, violence and crime is an inescapable fact of life. But Audrey Hendler is hoping to change that, with the help of about 25 four-legged teaching assistants. In 2010, Hendler launched A Fair Shake for Youth, a program that brings therapy dogs into middle schools in under-served communities […]
| March 16, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog
Celebrate National Train Your Dog Month With These Tricks: Week One
January is National Train Your Dog Month and there's no better way to celebrate the bond between you and your canine companion than by introducing some fun into your daily routine. Tricks training is a great way to do that. National Train Your Dog Month was established six years ago by the Association of Professional […]
| January 6, 2016
Expert Advice: Events
The Winners of the 2014 AKC Publications Photo Contest
The winners of this year’s photo contest created unforgettable images by placing their models in vivid landscapes. A red barn, for example, provides a perfect backdrop to show the range of Newfoundland colors. Seagrass complements the straight, coarse coat of a tiny brown dog. A German Shorthaired Pointer stands on a rock, staring out at […]
| July 11, 2016
Expert Advice: News
Meet the Bulldog Puppy Who Has a Very Important New Job
This Bulldog puppy is less than two-months-old, but he's already got himself a very important job. The pup's name is Handsome Dan XVIII and he is the new mascot for Yale University. Handsome Dan already has a twitter account, where he shared this absolutely adorable picture of himself. So excited to be a part […]
| November 18, 2016
Expert Advice: News
2016 National Championship Judging Panel Now Available
The American Kennel Club® (AKC®) and Royal Canin are pleased to announce the judging panel for the 2016 National Championship to be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, December 17 and Sunday, December 18, 2016. The 2016 event will showcase the top national and international dogs and will also […]
| February 11, 2016

Expert Advice: News
Putnam Kennel Club Supplies Fire Departments With Rescue Kits
By Flo Laicher, Putnam Kennel Club Delegate By Flo Laicher, Putnam Kennel Club Delegate Wanting to serve the pets and pet owners in our community, members of the Putnam Kennel Club, Inc. (PKC) started a project to donate rescue mask kits to the fire departments in Putnam County, New York. This kit gives the fire […]
| June 8, 2015