Showing 61-90 of 99 results

Pages Competition Update Spring 2021
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking, and Trick Dog. Many dogs are also having success in AKC’s Virtual Titling programs! AGILITY AGCH (Agility Grand Champion) AGCH MACH2 Rosie La Bella MXC PDS MJC PJS MFG TQX T2B5 […] | March 30, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding AKC Breeder Spotlight: Vikki McConnell of Ali’i AK Inu Kennels
Vikki McConnell, owner of Ali’I AK Inu Kennels, started showing dogs in Alaska about 20 years ago. A few years later, with the help of her breeder/mentor, she began breeding her own dogs. She started with Longhaired Dachshunds and Akitas at about the same time. Vikki had been introduced to Akitas while living in Hawaii […] | April 13, 2021
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Giardia in Dogs and Giardiasis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Dogs can become infected with Giardia in a number of different ways, leading to giardiasis. Learn about Giardia in dogs and how to deal with giardiasis in dogs if your pet is diagnosed with that condition. | May 19, 2021
Golden Retriever rolling over playing with her litter of puppies outdoors.
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Average Litter Sizes: How Many Dogs Are Born in a Litter?
A normal litter size can range from 1 to 12 puppies, with 5-6 puppies being average across all dogs. But just as every breed of dog differs by size, function, and personality, they also differ when it comes to litter size, according to AKC registration data. Big dogs tend to have larger litters while small […] | May 24, 2021
Expert Advice: Breed History Bedlington Terrier History: From Miners’ Dogs to Loyal Companions
No breed can upstage the Bedlington Terrier: From its sculpted, crispy-linty coat to its tassel-tipped ears, it looks for all the world like a lamb. | June 7, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Lhasa Apso History: Tiny Tibetan Watchdogs
When dog lovers hear the phrase “mountain dog,” their thoughts naturally turn to the big guys: Saint Bernards, Great Pyrenees, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and other large, immensely powerful breeds created to guard flocks and rescue luckless travelers amid the world’s great mountain ranges. But dogs specially bred to thrive in high altitudes come in all […] | July 1, 2021
Dachshund getting teeth examined by veterinarian on white background.
Expert Advice: Dental Health Do Small Dogs Have More Dental Problems Than Large Dogs?
When dentists advertise dental services for people, it's all about creating pretty smiles. But for dogs, the veterinary reminders prompt a different story, as canine dental problems go deeper than a toothy grin. Small and large dogs experience different types of dental issues—all beginning with the size of their mouths. Adult dogs have 42 teeth—20 […] | July 13, 2021
German Shorthaired Pointer laying down in its crate in a truck.
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories How to Choose the Best Dog Carrier
Whether you're traveling the world or simply going to the vet, a dog carrier is a useful tool that prioritizes your pet's comfort and safety. A dog carrier (or travel crate) keeps your dog safe while riding in a vehicle and makes it possible for your small dog to fly on most commercial airlines. Yet, […] | August 2, 2021
Norwegian Lundehund puppy playing with a ball in the grass.
Expert Advice: Training Fun, Cognitive Training Games to Make Your Dog Smarter
These enriching brain games for dogs will help engage your pet's brain and make your training sessions even more fun. | September 1, 2021
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel meeting a Yorkshire Terrier at the park.
Expert Advice: Dog Behavior Dog-to-Dog Greetings: Your Dog Doesn’t Need To Say Hi
Although most puppies are dog social, in adulthood most dogs become dog selective or dog tolerant. Some may even become dog reactive. | September 22, 2021
Press Releases AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin Draws Entry of More Than 5,000 Dogs in its 21st Year
Canine Athletes from the 50 States, Washington, D.C. and 13 Countries Will Vie for Best in Show The AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin continues to draw impressive numbers. An entry of 5,051 dogs will compete for the title of National Champion on December 18 and 19, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Combined with the […] | November 22, 2021
Pages 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were created and first awarded in 1999 to honor our best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our Sport on a national […] | March 1, 2022
two poodles outdoors top 5 most popular breeds
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2021
It goes without saying that in your house, your dog is the most popular. But what do the statistics say? The American Kennel Club has used registration data to compile the list of 2021’s most popular breeds. As always, the Labrador Retriever tops the list — this time for the 31st year!  The Lab's temperament […] | March 15, 2022
Australian Cattle Dog having its eyes checked by the vet.
Expert Advice: Health Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) in Dogs: What to Know
Do you suspect your dog is having vision trouble? Perhaps they're nervous in dimly lit spaces or bumping into things in unfamiliar environments. Although many conditions could be responsible for your dog's vision loss, one possible cause is progressive retinal atrophy, also known as PRA. This is a genetic disease of the retina in the […] | October 20, 2022
Dachshund with its owner getting checked by a veterinarian.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Can Dogs Get Strep Throat?
If you're feeling ill, there's nothing better than cuddling with your dog to improve your spirits. But what if your symptoms include a sore throat, and you're diagnosed with strep? Can dogs get strep throat? If so, is strep throat in dogs contagious to people? Strep throat, an infection marked by swollen tonsils and difficulty […] | January 10, 2023
Chihuahua sitting outdoors in the snow in a pink winter coat.
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories Does My Dog Need a Winter Coat? Choosing the Best Winter Coat for Your Dog
Do all dogs need a winter coat? If so, what are the best winter coats for dogs? We break down our favorites for dogs of all sizes and breeds. | January 25, 2023
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog 5 Reasons to Choose Daycare for Your Adult Dog
You may think of puppies when you think of dog daycare, but daycare for adult dogs can be just as rewarding. Learn more about the different benefits of daycare for your dog! | June 6, 2023
Two puppies of the breed English Toy Spaniel stand in a drawer chest, in the summer at the cottage outside the premises
Expert Advice: Health Heart Murmurs in Dogs: What to Know
Heart murmurs in dogs can be harmless or represent serious health conditions. Learn about the different types and how they're diagnosed and treated. | June 13, 2023
Expert Advice: Training How to Identify and Stop Attention Seeking Behavior in Dogs
Barking, pawing, whining, jumping up, and mouthing are all examples of attention-seeking behavior in dogs. Learn why it happens and how to stop it. | June 17, 2023
Little puppy of bernese mountain dog in bed. Cute animals
Expert Advice: Health Puppy Strangles: What You Need to Know About This Rare Skin Disease
Puppy strangles (or juvenile cellulitis) is an uncommon idiopathic skin disease. It's believed that a hereditary autoimmune issue, and is not contagious to humans or other dogs. | August 30, 2023
Expert Advice: Health Can Dogs Be Albino?
Can dogs be albino? Yes, and certain breeds are more prone to the gene than others. Read about albino dog history, and what to do to keep them healthy. | September 8, 2023
The AKC® National Championship presented by Royal Canin has a new record-breaking entry. A grand total of 5,762 dogs will compete for the title of America’s National Champion on December 16 and 17, 2023 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Combined with the other weekend events, including the AKC®/Royal Canin National All-Breed […] | November 15, 2023
Toy Manchester Terriers at the AKC Meet the Breeds during the 2016 AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin, Orlando, FL.
Sports & Events What Dog Breeds Can I Meet at AKC Meet the Breeds?
AKC Meet the Breeds events are a fun and educational way to spend a day with the whole family, and maybe even figure out which dog breed is right for you! If you are attending an AKC Meet the Breeds event, or are thinking about attending an event in the future, you can find out […] | January 13, 2024
Pug laying down indoors looking sad.
Expert Advice: Health Seborrhea in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Seborrhea in dogs can cause flaking skin, oily skin and coat, and odor. Learn to recognize and treat this skin condition. | January 16, 2024
Pages 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees
Nominees in Conformation Michael Canalizo Michael Canalizo has spent many years in the Dog Show World as a Breeder/Owner, Professional Handler, turned Judge. His first exposure to his primary breed: the Afghan Hound came in 1961 as a member of “the typical Hobby Breeder family” with their purchase of “Babu Bamn of Grandeur”. He showed […] | January 18, 2024
Chihuahua getting a check-up at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health What to Know About HGE, or Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome in Dogs
If your dog suddenly develops aggressive, bloody diarrhea, they could have hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (also known as acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome). | January 18, 2024
Expert Advice: Dog Sports From Sick to Speedy: Beagle ‘Toast’ Competes in AKC Fastest Dogs USA
Toast, the two-year-old Beagle, beat the odds when he got parvovirus as a puppy. Now, he's one of the highest-ranking Fast CAT Beagles. | February 20, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Pica in Dogs: What to Know
Pica is a condition where your dog eats non-food items like stones or dirt. Learn about the many causes and treatments for this dangerous behavior. | February 29, 2024
Golden Retriever getting comforted while lying on a table at the vet.
Expert Advice: General Health Renal Dysplasia in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Renal dysplasia (RD), also known as renal malformation, refers to a type of congenital chronic kidney disease. Learn more about renal dysplasia in dogs. | May 31, 2024
Bulldog puppy getting a check-up at the vet.
Expert Advice: Fitness & Exercise Does Your Dog Need a Massage? Benefits of the Canine Massage
Canine massage has many benefits for dogs from puppies to seniors. It can ease pain, increase mobility and circulation, and aid in recovery. | July 5, 2024

Showing 61-90 of 99 results