Showing 6,901-6,930 of 6,936 results

Press Releases AKC Welcomes 2003 Summer Interns
  New York, NY - The American Kennel Club is pleased to welcome the seven students who have been chosen to participate in the AKC Internship Program. The program--open to college students with a background and interest in purebred dogs--is designed to further their professional development as well as help the AKC identify potential employees […] | July 9, 2003
Chairman's Reports June 2003 Chairman’s Report
As the cut-off date for nominations for the 2003 Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE) approaches (June 30th), I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight this wonderful AKC program, now in its 4th year. Since AKC first celebrated the extraordinary canine-human bond with this award in 1999,  we have been delighted, humbled, saddened and awed […] | June 26, 2003
Chairman's Reports June Chairman’s Report
As the cut-off date for nominations for the 2003 Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE) approaches (June 30th), I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight this wonderful AKC program, now in its 4th year.  Since AKC first celebrated the extraordinary canine-human bond with this award in 1999,  we have been delighted, humbled, saddened and awed […] | June 9, 2003
Press Releases Addition of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Toller) officially joined the ranks of the American Kennel Club on July 1, 2003. As of this date the Toller will enjoy regular status as an AKC-recognized breed in the Sporting Group, and the addition will round out the total number of AKC-recognized breeds to 150. Coincidentally, this Canadian […] | June 4, 2003
Press Releases Don’t Leave Your Dog in a Hot Car!
When it's only 80 degrees outside, a car can heat up to more than 120 degrees in just minutes. In that kind of heat, a dog could easily die. That's why the American Kennel Club recommends that dog owners never leave their dog alone in a car during warm weather. For additional tips on canine […] | June 2, 2003
Chairman's Reports May 2003 Chairman’s Report
AKC was honored to host Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, at a luncheon at our Corporate Headquarters in New York City on Wednesday, April 30. Princess Anne was the guest of honor at an event to celebrate the launch of AKC's Pet Healthcare Program. As the president of the Animal Health Trust […] | May 26, 2003
Press Releases Get A Sneak Peak
  The summer 2003 issue of AKC Family Dog, a new lifestyle magazine with a focus on purebred dogs, is almost here. The latest issue, available June 1st, is packed with how-to's, news updates, and vital information to help owners provide all the best for their pet.   Media may request advance copies of feature […] | May 20, 2003
Press Releases Obedience Team to Compete at Crufts 2004
  AKC to Select Obedience Team to Compete in First-Ever International Competition at Crufts 2004 -- Top OTCH Dogs Will Be Invited To Compete -- The American Kennel Club (AKC) announced today that its Board of Directors approved the establishment of an AKC Obedience Team to compete in the first-ever 2004 Crufts Obedience World Cup […] | May 19, 2003
Chairman's Reports May ’03 Chairman’s Report
AKC was honored to host Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, at a luncheon at our Corporate Headquarters in New York City on Wednesday, April 30. Princess Anne was the guest of honor at an event to celebrate the launch of AKC's Pet Healthcare Program. As the president of the Animal Health Trust […] | May 13, 2003
Legislative Alerts Help for Homeowners
For years, homeowners with certain breeds of dogs have had an increasingly difficult time obtaining homeowners' insurance. Now with summer fast-approaching, dog owners could find that task even more daunting. Media coverage of summer dog bites may draw negative attention to the issue, causing carriers to raise a warning flag on all customers who own […] | May 13, 2003
Press Releases Tips for Summer Travel with Your Dog
Including the family dog in the family vacation plans this summer can be a great alternative to sending Rover off to the local kennel. By planning ahead, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for you and your cherished canine companion. The American Kennel Club provides tips on what you need to know: By […] | May 5, 2003
Chairman's Reports April 2003 Chairman’s Report
The American Kennel Club is delighted with the announcement of the AKC Pet Healthcare Plan by Pet Partners, Inc. AKC Pet Healthcare Insurance, underwritten by State National Insurance Company, an A rated company by AM Best, which features two comprehensive plans for fanciers and pet owners: the “Premier Plan” and “Premier Plus Plan.”  The plan […] | April 26, 2003
Legislative Alerts Update: Iowa Bill Goes from Bad to Worse
The dangerous dog bill in Iowa has a new number, SF446 (formerly SSB1195), and the breed-specific aspects of the bill have been dropped. Unfortunately, the bill is so poorly written that it now puts all dogs in jeopardy. SF446 declares all unleashed or unmuzzled dogs dangerous and never addresses the behavior of the dog itself […] | April 16, 2003
Legislative Alerts Iowa Considers ‘Vicious’ Breeds
Rottweilers, Dobermans and “pit bulls” would be declared vicious under a bill introduced this week in Iowa. The bill, SSB1195, was introduced by the Senate Committee on Government Oversight April 8th and was approved just two days later for consideration by the full Senate. Iowa fanciers must act now to stop this fast-moving bill. WHAT […] | April 11, 2003
Press Releases AKC Announces 2003 National Tracking Invitational
  The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that a National Tracking Invitational will be held September 20th and 21st, 2003 at Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina. All dogs that have earned the Champion Tracker (CT) title prior to June 23, 2003 will be invited to participate; however, entry is limited to 10 […] | April 10, 2003
Chairman's Reports April Chairman’s Report
The American Kennel Club is delighted with the announcement of the AKC Pet Healthcare Plan by Pet Partners, Inc. AKC Pet Healthcare Insurance, underwritten by State National Insurance Company, an A rated company by AM Best, which features two comprehensive plans for fanciers and pet owners: the “Premier Plan” and “Premier Plus Plan.”  The plan […] | April 8, 2003
Legislative Alerts AKC Urges USDA to Improve Animal Welfare Act
In a letter to Secretary Ann Veneman, the American Kennel Club is urging the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to make important and needed improvements to the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). The AWA requires that minimum standards of care and treatment be provided for certain animals sold at wholesale, used in research, and transported commercially. […] | April 7, 2003
Press Releases The AKC Awards 2003 Junior Scholarships
The American Kennel Club today announced that 48 Junior Scholarships have been awarded to students from 25 states. The scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000 and winners include students from high school to graduate school. "The AKC recognizes the important role our young fanciers play in the future of the sport of purebred dogs", said […] | March 27, 2003
Press Releases AKC Announces Board of Directors Election Results
  At the AKC Delegate Meeting on March 11, Dr. Patricia H. Haines was elected to the AKC Board of Directors, Class of 2007, and Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia and Mrs. Patti L. Strand were re-elected. Ronald H. Menaker was re-elected Chairman of the Board and David C. Merriam was re-elected Vice-Chairman.   Dr. Patricia […] | March 17, 2003
Press Releases Irish Dog Breeds Celebrated In Spirit Of St. Patrick’s Day
In celebration of St. Patrick's Day on Monday, March 17th, 2003 the American Kennel Club celebrates seven purebred dogs of Irish heritage. Additional information including the full breed standards, links to Parent Club web sites and video clips of each breed, is available on this site.   The Glen of Imaal Terrier - "There is […] | March 13, 2003
Legislative Alerts Maryland Considers Debarking Bill
Help is needed immediately to defeat legislation that has been introduced in Maryland to severely restrict debarking of dogs. The bill (H355) is currently awaiting a vote by the House Committee on Environmental Matters. Debarking of dogs is a commonly misunderstood practice. When performed by a veterinarian, debarking is an acceptable medical procedure that is […] | March 4, 2003
Press Releases Leash Your Dog!
If you love your dog, leash your dog! Give yourself peace of mind. Protect your dog by using a leash in public! On a leash your dog can't run into the path of a moving car. A leash keeps your dog close so you can see what he may sniff or pick up in his […] | March 3, 2003
Press Releases The AKC Judging Approval Procedure: Request for Comments
  The Board of Directors is considering some changes to the procedures and policies for approval of judges. It requests your comments on them. Your written comments should be addressed to: Mr. James P. Crowley Executive Secretary American Kennel Club 260 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10016. All comments must be received by Mr. […] | February 28, 2003
Chairman's Reports February 2003 Chairman’s Report
Basic obedience training is the foundation upon which all canine activities are based, whether it be competition in conformation, conquering the obstacles on the agility course, sniffing out a suspect in law enforcement work or a service dog guiding a visually impaired person safely across the street. In 1933, when AKC Obedience competition began, the […] | February 26, 2003
Legislative Alerts NJ Update: BSL Pending, Help Needed
Immediate help from New Jersey dog owners is needed to defeat legislation that would severely restrict ownership of "pit bulls" and possibly Rottweilers. A2906 was introduced in October 2002 and fanciers immediately rallied to educate lawmakers about the ineffectiveness of breed-specific legislation. An identical Senate bill, S2381, was introduced in late February. We must act […] | February 14, 2003
Press Releases Website Offers Enhanced Resources For Training and Classes
  The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce enhanced features for pet owners. Visitors to the web site can now easily find an AKC club that holds classes in their area as well as other information on training their puppy or adult dog. Located on the home page under the drop down menu "Life […] | February 13, 2003
Chairman's Reports February Chairman’s Report
Basic obedience training is the foundation upon which all canine activities are based, whether it be competition in conformation, conquering the obstacles on the agility course, sniffing out a suspect in law enforcement work or a service dog guiding a visually impaired person safely across the street. In 1933, when AKC Obedience competition began, the […] | February 10, 2003
Press Releases AKC Launches Family Dog Magazine
AKC Family Dog, a new consumer lifestyle magazine with a focus on the purebred pet dog, makes its debut with the Spring 2003 issue. This premier issue of the new quarterly magazine from The American Kennel Club is a special "Puppies Edition," focusing on topics that help new or prospective dog owners welcome their young […] | February 10, 2003
Press Releases David Merriam Wins 2003 Skarda Award
The Honorable David C. Merriam will receive the 9th annual Skarda award at the Pedigree banquet tomorrow night, February 8th, in the Grand Ballroom of New Yorks famed Plaza Hotel. Making the presentation, at the black tie affair that honors the years top dog in each breed, will be Merriams nominator, longtime friend and editor […] | February 7, 2003
Press Releases AKC Announces Recipients of 2003 Lifetime Achievement Awards
  The recipients of the AKC 2003 Lifetime Achievement Awards were announced at the December 10 Delegates meeting in Orlando, FL. The Lifetime Achievement Awards honor those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the sport of purebred dogs on a national level. The recipients were selected by votes cast by AKC member clubs for […] | January 31, 2003

Showing 6,901-6,930 of 6,936 results