Legislative Alerts
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Governor Aims to Regulate Breeders
The public comment period for the proposed changes to the dog law regulations has been extended until March 16, 2007. The American Kennel Club and the Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs ask concerned dog owners to mail their letters no latter than March 12, 2007 to ensure that they are received prior to the deadline. […]
| February 5, 2007
Legislative Alerts
New York Bill Will Impose Mandatory Microchipping and Enrollment in State Registry
New York State Assembly Bill 1677, introduced by Assemblyman Peralta, seeks to require all dogs over four months of age to be microchipped and registered with a new state-run registry. If passed and signed into law, these changes could have a significant impact on breeders and dog owners in New York. It is imperative that […]
| February 5, 2007
Press Releases
February is Pet Dental Health Month – AKC Gazette Offers Dental Tips, Product Reviews
Learn How to Tell When Good Teeth Go Bad The February issue of the AKC Gazette - the American Kennel Club's flagship publication – the oldest continuously published dog magazine in America – has devoted several articles to dental health and product reviews as part of National Pet Dental Health Month, sponsored in part […]
| February 2, 2007
Press Releases
Remington to Sponsor 2008 AKC Coonhound National Championship Grand Prize
-- Hunters Competing in 2007 Qualifying Events Will Be Eligible -- The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that the Remington Arms Company will sponsor the grand prize - a Remington Limited Edition 4 x 4 Chevrolet Crew Cab Truck - for the 2008 AKC Coonhound National Championship. The qualifying period for the […]
| January 25, 2007
Press Releases
AKC Publications Garner 11 Nominations In Dog Writers Association Of America Writing Competition
New York, NY - The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that its publications and individual work appearing in its pages received 11 nominations from the Dog Writers Association of America as part of its 2006 writing competition. For the first time ever, AKC Family Dog received a nomination in the Best All-Breed Magazine […]
| January 24, 2007
Legislative Alerts
MN Dog and Cat Breeders Act Aims to Regulate Breeders
Minnesota Senate Bill 121, known as the Dog and Cat Breeders Bill, has been introduced by Senators Betzold and Koering. It seeks to establish breeder licensing, inspection of all "kennels", and unproven care standards. If passed and signed into law, the changes imposed by this bill would have a profound impact on dog breeders in […]
| January 24, 2007
Chairman's Reports
January 2007 Chairman’s Report
Dogs initially earned the moniker "man's best friend" as a result of their work alongside man as hunter, herder, or guardian. Today's canine may have dwindling duties on the farm and in the field but a new role has emerged, taking simple companionship a step further and becoming a full fledged family member. Like our […]
| January 10, 2007
Legislative Alerts
Louisville Enacts Major Changes to Animal Control Law
Mayor Jerry Abramson has signed into law major changes to the Louisville Animal Control Ordinance and the news is not good for fanciers, breeders and responsible animal owners. The provisions in the ordinance contain a pet limit, severe restrictions on the keeping of intact animals, licensing of in-home kennels, extreme differential licensing and vague definitions. […]
| January 4, 2007
Press Releases
Douglas and Michaelanne Johnson Receive AKC Breeder of the Year Award
Award Ceremony Featured on National Broadcast of AKC/Eukanuba National Championship The recipients of the AKC Breeder of the Year Award, Douglas and Michaelanne Johnson of Colorado Springs, CO, were honored on the live national broadcast of the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship on Saturday, December 2. The annual award honors those breeders who have dedicated their […]
| December 18, 2006
Press Releases
AKC Hires Director of Performance Events
The American Kennel Club® is pleased to announce the hiring of Doug Ljungren, Director of Performance Events. Ljungren will join the staff in Raleigh, NC effective March 1, 2007. He and his wife, fancier Judy Cheshire, will relocate from Washington State. Ljungren has extensive background in both the sport of purebred dogs and in business […]
| December 18, 2006
Chairman's Reports
December 2006 Chairman’s Report
The recently completed sixth AKC/Eukanuba National Championship was a wonderful way to close our year by showcasing the best of the American Kennel Club, both for the dog fancy and the general public. We hosted nearly 3,000 dogs for the weekend’s three events. All 165 AKC breeds and varieties, all 50 states and 16 countries […]
| December 12, 2006
Chairman's Reports
October 2006 Chairman’s Report
Despite our patriotic name, the American Kennel Club® is a world-class organization with an international presence. Earlier this month, the AKC/USA World Agility Team put in a stellar performance in Basel, Switzerland at the 11th FCI World Agility Championships. Sending Americans and their globe-trotting dogs to world competitions represents just one way in which we […]
| October 11, 2006
Legislative Alerts
Breed-Specific Proposals to be Heard at Mississippi City Councils Tomorrow
The Tupelo City Council and the Baldwyn Board of Aldermen will meet tomorrow, Tuesday October 3rd to discuss possible breed bans. The Mississippi Canine Coalition is organizing fanciers and concerned dog owners to oppose these proposals. For further information on how you can help, please contact the Mississippi Canine Coalition directly at Mississippi has […]
| October 2, 2006
Press Releases
AKC Announces Recipients of the 2007 Lifetime Achievement Awards
New York, NY -- The American Kennel Club® announced today the winners of the 2007 AKC® Lifetime Achievement Awards. The awards will be presented to the winners by AKC President and Chief Executive Officer, Dennis B. Sprung, at the December 5, 2006 Delegates Meeting in Long Beach, California, held in conjunction with the AKC/Eukanuba […]
| September 29, 2006
Press Releases
Congress Passes AKC-Supported Version of ‘PETS’ Bill
--Bill Addresses Challenges Faced By Pet Owners During Disasters-- New York, NY — This week, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives passed by unanimous consent the “Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006,” known as “PETS.” PETS addresses the problems experienced by pet owners before, during and after the 2005 hurricane season. The […]
| September 28, 2006
Chairman's Reports
September 2006 Chairman’s Report
The American Kennel Club offers a variety of educational resources promoting responsible dog ownership. Whether you are a long-time breeder or just getting started in the sport we encourage you to take advantage of our informational offerings. For a comprehensive educational experience, try one of the AKC/Canine Health Foundation Breeders Symposiums. Last month in Branson, […]
| September 26, 2006
Chairman's Reports
September Chairman’s Report
The American Kennel Club offers a variety of educational resources promoting responsible dog ownership. Whether you are a long-time breeder or just getting started in the sport we encourage you to take advantage of our informational offerings. For a comprehensive educational experience, try one of the AKC/Canine Health Foundation Breeders Symposiums. Last month in […]
| September 12, 2006
Legislative Alerts
AKC and AKC CAR Make Recommendations to USDA on Microchip Identification of Pets
The AKC and AKC Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) filed comments on September 6, 2006 with the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) on the establishment of federal regulations for the microchip identification of animals covered by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA). The comment letter was filed in […]
| September 8, 2006
Press Releases
AKC and Hartz Announce Winners of Veterinary Technician Scholarship
-- Thirty-one Veterinary Technician Students Awarded Various Scholarships Totaling $37,000 -- The American Kennel Club (AKC®) and The Hartz Mountain Corporation, along with the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA), are pleased to announce the winners of the AKC/Hartz Veterinary Technician Scholarship. Scholarships were awarded to 31 students from 26 U.S. accredited […]
| August 29, 2006
Press Releases
AKC Celebrates 59th World Coonhound Nite Hunt and Bench Show Championships
The American Kennel Club® has announced that the 2006 AKC® World Coonhound Nite Hunt and Bench Show Championships will be held September 25 through 30 at the Kosciusko County 4-H Fairgrounds in Warsaw, Ind. The Sportsmen and Farmers Conservation Club of Silver Lake, Ind. will serve as the host for this prestigious event. The […]
| August 23, 2006
Press Releases
Put Your Paw Print On The AKC Responsible Dog Owner Pet Promise
New York, NY – Sometimes we all need a reminder of everything that is required of us as dog owners. Sure we give our pups lots of playtime, treats and affection, but what about training? Is your dog groomed as often as his breed requires? Is your pup wearing a collar with tags and permanently […]
| August 18, 2006
Legislative Alerts
Update! Sacramento Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance Vote Tuesday
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will take a vote on the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance at their next meeting, Tuesday, August 15th. Supervisors had previously discussed the issue at the August 1st meeting but did not have enough time to hear all the testimony. Concerned dog owners and fanciers are urgently needed to attend […]
| August 11, 2006
Legislative Alerts
New Jersey Breeder Bill on Hold
New Jersey Assemblyman Neil Cohen has announced that he will not move the controversial A. 3401 in its current form. However, he is committed to sponsoring a breeder regulation bill when the legislature returns for general session. Asm. Cohen has asked that concerned fanciers contact him via email at with comments and suggestions about […]
| August 9, 2006
Chairman's Reports
August 2006 Chairman’s Report
Being truly unique in our mission and having a history spanning more than 120 years, there are few organizations with a heritage anything like ours. However, in recently learning more about the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), I have been struck at the many parallels it shares with the AKC. Both the AKC and AVMA […]
| August 8, 2006
Legislative Alerts
New Jersey Breeders Bill Withdrawn
Assemblyman Neil Cohen has withdrawn the controversial A. 3401 bill from the New Jersey State Assembly. The proposed bill defined a “breeder” as any person who sells or offers for sale more than five dogs per year and required breeders to comply with a host of restrictive regulations for the care and maintenance of dogs. […]
| August 7, 2006
Legislative Alerts
New Jersey Bill Bad News for Breeders
Assemblyman Neil Cohen has introduced Assembly Bill 3401, a bill which threatens the rights of responsible breeders in the state of New Jersey. Fanciers, concerned dog owners and responsible breeders should immediately contact their representatives in the New Jersey State Legislature and oppose this bill. The bill defines a "breeder" as any person who sells […]
| August 2, 2006
Legislative Alerts
Chairman Menaker Contacts New Jersey Assembly Members Regarding A3401
AKC Chairman Ron Menaker, a New Jersey resident, has taken the lead in writing a letter to his Assembly members to oppose New Jersey Assembly Bill 3401 which would essentially outlaw responsible breeding in the state. To read Chairman Menaker's letter, please click here. AKC is asking fanciers to assist in defeating this anti-breeding legislation. […]
| August 2, 2006
Press Releases
AKC Launches Veterinary Network Certificate Program
New York, NY - The American Kennel Club® is pleased to announce the launch of the Veterinary Network Certificate Program which offers all puppies newly registered with the AKC® a complimentary first veterinary office visit with one of the 2,000 practices enrolled in the program. The AKC encourages owners to register their puppy as soon […]
| August 1, 2006
Press Releases
AKC Announces Full Litter Registration Application
The American Kennel Club® today announced the launch of the Full Litter Registration Application pilot program. Breeders now have the option to register an AKC® litter and individually register each puppy in the litter all at the same time using one easy application form. The full litter registration application offers breeders discounted litter and […]
| July 31, 2006
Press Releases
AKC Hires New Director of Inspections and Investigations
New York, NY – The American Kennel Club® is pleased to announce the hiring of William H. Deily, Jr. as the Director of Inspections and Investigations. Deily, who replaces the recently retired Steve Robinson, has joined the staff in Raleigh, NC. Deily has extensive background in both the sport of purebred dogs and law enforcement. […]
| July 31, 2006