Legislative Alerts
Illinois Update: Bill Restricting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Sent to Governor – Call Today
Yesterday, the Illinois General Assembly officially sent a bill to the governor that would ban the retail sale of pets in the state. Animal rights activists are flooding the governor’s office with calls and letters of support. Even if you have already done so, we encourage all dog owners, breed rescues, and clubs in the […]
| June 30, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Did an Imported Rescue Dog Trigger CDC Action?
Last week, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the temporary suspension of the importation of dogs from countries classified as high risk for canine rabies, or of those arriving from countries not considered a high risk if the dogs have been in a high risk country during the previous six […]
| June 21, 2021
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues – June 2021
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – HB 235, a bill supported by AKC GR, authorizes food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas and sets out access, sanitation, and other requirements. It also specifies that emotional support animals […]
| June 18, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Animal Advocates Bill Held, Other Dog Bills Advance As Session Winds Down
The Illinois General Assembly has wrapped up the majority of its work for the year and remains in recess until an agreement is reached on some non-dog-related policy issues. This has been a very active year for canine legislation in the state, and AKC worked with the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners (IFDCO) […]
| June 4, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Reopening Information by State
The following list provides information on COVID-19 shelter in place/closure orders with respect to rules impacting access to pet care, supplies, and services. Please visit AKC legislative alerts ( to view some of the actions we’ve taken and to learn what you can do to help. COVID-19 Directives by State Alabama - Alaska - […]
| May 24, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Restrictions Pass Committee – Call Your Senator TODAY
This morning, the Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee passed a bill that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. HB 1711 would restrict pet choice and consumer protection. It also implies that breeders should not be involved in rescue efforts. There are only […]
| May 27, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Register Your Opposition to Restrictions on Pet Choice, Breed Rescue TODAY
The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee is considering a bill on Thursday, May 27, that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. We are asking local clubs, club rescues, and dog owners to take a minute TODAY and submit an online witness slip […]
| May 25, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Ask Committee to Oppose Bill Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue TODAY
The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee will likely consider a bill next week that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. House Bill 1711 is virtually identical to a bill considered and defeated earlier this year by the Senate Agriculture Committee. However, the […]
| May 21, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Two Harmful Proposals Still Active in Legislature – Call Today
Although the Illinois session is expected to wind down over the next few weeks, two important bills that would undermine impact responsible dog ownership remain active in the state legislature. AKC and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs are working to advocate and communicate our position to legislators, and we need your help! We urge […]
| May 17, 2021
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues May 2021
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – HB 235 would authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas and sets out access, sanitation, and other requirements. It also specifies that emotional support animals are not service animals within the meaning of the Americans […]
| May 14, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Chicago Update: Chicago Passes Ordinance Without Hobby Breeder Regulations
The Chicago City Council has passed a revised ordinance that further regulates pet store sourcing but removed the hobby breeder requirements that would have placed onerous and potentially impossible requirements on hobbyists in the city. For the past year, AKC Government Relations and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners (IFDCO) have been working […]
| May 13, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: “Lawyers for Dogs” Bill to Be Considered Tuesday (5/11) – Call Today!
On Tuesday, May 11, an Illinois House Committee will consider Senate Bill 153, which would provide an animal a court advocate in cases involving the health, safety, or an injury of a dog or cat. SB 153 is similar to bills introduced in other states this year, and is part of an effort to alter […]
| May 6, 2021
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues April 2021
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – HB 235 would authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas and sets out access, sanitation, and other requirements. It also specifies that emotional support animals are not service animals within the meaning of the Americans […]
| April 16, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Multiple Bills with Significant Impact on Dog Owners Continue to Advance, Contact Lawmakers Today
The Illinois Legislature returned from Spring Break and immediately continued work on bills impacting dog owners and breeders in the state. AKC and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs are working hard to advocate for responsible purebred dog owners. We urge dog owners, Illinois dog clubs and breeders to join us in working to protect […]
| April 16, 2021
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues March 2021
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – HB 235 would authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas and sets out access, sanitation, and other requirements. It also specifies that emotional support animals are not service animals within the meaning of the Americans […]
| March 22, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Ask Senate to Oppose Animal Rights Court-Appointed “Lawyers for Dogs” Bill
A bill is moving in the Illinois Senate that would provide an animal a court advocate in cases involving the health, safety, or an injury of a dog or cat. Senate Bill 153 is similar to bills being introduced in other states in an effort to alter the legal status of animals and provide them […]
| March 16, 2021
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Bills Restricting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Are Advancing– Call Today to Oppose!
The Illinois House and Senate continue to consider bills that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. Yesterday, the House Consumer Protection Committee passed House Bill 1711, but there was a verbal commitment to negotiate on amendments prior to bringing the bill […]
| March 16, 2021
Clubs & Delegates
Whats New from GR July 2020
What’s New from AKC Government Relations It’s safe to say this summer has turned out to be different than any other before. Whether you turn on the news, social media, or talk to your friends and family, COVID-19 continues to be top of mind. While you may assume that this has caused a hiatus on […]
| July 28, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Illinois Update: Chicago Delays Action on Restrictive Hobby Breeder Proposal
This morning, the Chicago proposal that would have essentially banned hobby breeding and eliminate pet store consumer protection was held for consideration. During the full City Council meeting, Health and Human Services Committee Chairman Roderick Sawyer announced that Proposal O2020-2827 was being held in committee, thereby delaying the vote that was expected today. AKC Government […]
| July 22, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Reminder: Chicago City Council to Consider Restricting Hobby Breeding on July 22- Call Today!
The Chicago City Council could vote on Wednesday (July 22) on a proposal that would ban hobby breeding in the city without extensive permits and requirements. Those who reside, have registered a litter, or participate in breed rescue activities in Chicago are encouraged to reach out to the City TODAY, express your concerns, and ask […]
| July 20, 2020
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues May 2020
State Issues: News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2019 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. Alabama – HB 209 seeks to authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in […]
| May 28, 2020
Clubs & Delegates
Local Issues April 2020
Local/Other: Issues at the City, County, and Metropolitan Levels, and in U.S. Territories The AKC Government Relations Department is pleased to assist dog owners with canine legislation issues in their local communities, but we can't help unless we are aware of the proposal. Please contact us at (919) 816-3720 or when new laws are discussed or […]
| April 30, 2020
Clubs & Delegates
Local Issues March 2020
Local/Other: Issues at the City, County, and Metropolitan Levels, and in U.S. Territories The AKC Government Relations Department is pleased to assist dog owners with canine legislation issues in their local communities, but we can't help unless we are aware of the proposal. Please contact us at (919) 816-3720 or when new laws are discussed or […]
| March 30, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Illinois: Evanston Postpones Vote on Hobby Breeder Sales Ban- Keep Contacting the Council
Last night, the Evanston City Council voted to delay action on a measure that would significantly restrict the sale of dogs in the city. As stated in the previous alert, sales would be banned in the city unless the animals are from a shelter, a rescue, or a breeder that BOTH has a USDA license […]
| March 10, 2020
Clubs & Delegates
Local Issues July 2019
Local/Other: Issues at the City, County, and Metropolitan Levels, and in U.S. Territories The AKC Government Relations Department is pleased to assist dog owners with canine legislation issues in their local communities, but we can't help unless we are aware of the proposal. Please contact us at (919) 816-3720 or when new laws are discussed or […]
| July 30, 2019
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues May 2019
From the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2019 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. Alabama – SB 10 would provide for the rights and responsibilities of an individual with a disability who […]
| May 28, 2019
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues April 2019
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2019 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. Alabama – SB 10 seeks to provide for the rights and responsibilities of an individual with a […]
| April 22, 2019
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues March 2019
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2019 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. Arkansas – HB 1778 seeks to require a fine of $1,000 to $5,000 and either imprisonment for […]
| March 26, 2019
Legislative Alerts
Illinois Committee Considering Bill Deleting State’s Consumer Protection Laws Tomorrow (3/26)
March 25, 2019 After postponing a hearing last week, the Illinois House Agriculture & Conservation Committee is considering a bill tomorrow (Tuesday, March 26) that would delete consumer protection language passed in 2017 and replace it with language that would only allow pet stores to sell dogs from shelters, rescues, or breeders who have fewer […]
| March 25, 2019
Clubs & Delegates
State Issues February 2019
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2019 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. California – AB 588 would require shelters to disclose any history of bites for dogs available for […]
| February 26, 2019