Showing 11-20 of 64 results

Expert Advice: Dog Breeding The Importance of Great Nutrition for the Valuable Brood Bitch
Everything a pregnant mother puts into her body has the potential to affect the development of her fetus. This applies to humans as well as our dogs. Remember to review her water, food, nutritional supplements as well as drugs. The only things that should go into a brood bitch before her breeding and during her […] | March 26, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories Dog Stroller Guide: Picks for Small and Large Pets
If your dog is elderly, has lost some mobility, or is recuperating from surgery or ailment, he might have trouble getting around. And if you have a breed of tiny stature, like the Papillon or Shih Tzu, or one that has difficulty in extreme weather, like the Bulldog or Pug, you may think you'll have […] | March 29, 2019
Golden Retriever in the backseat with a man driving.
Expert Advice: Health Can I Leave My Dog in the Car If I Crack a Window?
Most dog owners know that you can’t leave a pet in a hot car. Temperatures can rise to dangerous levels in just minutes, putting your dog at risk of heatstroke. But what if you open a window a little bit? Does that make it safe to leave your dog in the car? The answer is […] | April 23, 2019
Lagotto Romagnolo puppy sitting on a path outdoors.
Expert Advice: General Health Tips For Keeping Your Dog Safe This Summer
Summer is the time to have outdoor fun with our dogs. Longer walks in the park, ambitious hikes, beach days, or family travel—the sun is shining, and the outdoors is calling. But hot weather can also make us uncomfortable, and it poses special risks for dogs. From increased exposure to ticks and other insects to […] | May 20, 2019
Expert Advice: Health How to Make a Dog Throw Up
We've all been there. Our dogs eat something that they are not supposed to — a human medication, your other dog's medication, or a toxic food such as chocolate or raisins — and our first thought is, "how do I make my dog throw up?" Vomiting can be a quick way to remove a potentially […] | May 23, 2019
Expert Advice: General Health How to Tell If Your Dog Is in Shape Or Overweight
If your pooch is looking a bit more pudgy than usual, it's actually quite common. The battle of the bulge isn't just something people face — so do pets. In fact, according to a 2018 survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 55.8 percent of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. And […] | August 7, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Built to Last: The Basics of Canine Conformation & Anatomy
While all dogs should have a basic soundness, their construction varies depending on breed and purpose. Understanding a dog's conformation requires looking at the canine from all angles. Even though there is nothing you can do to change your current dog's genetics, you can prevent injury and work on strengthening weak areas. Let's be honest: […] | November 7, 2019
Golden Retriever looking behind itself smiling with its tongue hanging out.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions How to Stop Dog Farts
Whether they're silent but deadly or startlingly loud and smelly, dog farts are something that no one wants to deal with. Not only are these farts embarrassing for you and your guests, they indicate that your dog could be in pain from excess gas. While the occasional gaseous emission from your pooch is a normal and […] | January 10, 2020
Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health How to Provide Your Senior Dog With Proper Exercise
As our pets age, their mobility is likely going to decline. But this doesn’t mean our senior dogs don’t require any exercise. In fact, maintaining an active lifestyle will help decrease the onset of ailments, such as arthritis and muscle loss. Although your older dog might not be chasing the ball as fast or as […] | May 8, 2020
Kishu Ken standing in the brush at sunset.
Expert Advice: Health How Changes in Weather Can Affect Your Dog’s Mood
Have you ever noticed that your dog’s mood shifts with the weather? Storms, heat, cold, and the changing seasons affect our dogs, just like they affect us. Most dogs can even sense when the weather is about to change. But how does hot weather affect dogs, and how does cold weather affect dogs? Understanding the […] | June 5, 2020

Showing 11-20 of 64 results