Showing 21-40 of 50 results

Pages Competition/Titles Update Winter 2023
We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles and honors in Agility, Coursing Ability, Fast CAT, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, Tracking, and Trick Dog. Many dogs are also having success in AKC’s Virtual Titling programs! Agility Congratulations to these dogs who have added more MACH titles to their […] | February 14, 2023
Sports & Events Earthdog: History
The roots of the Earthdog program go back to the beginnings of small game hunting. Farmers and hunters used the small terriers and Dachshunds to pursue vermin to its lair and then to follow the game into to the ground. These dogs had to possess not only the physical attributes that would allow them to […] | October 26, 2017
Canine Partners All-American Dogs at AKC Junior Classic: Meet Na’vi
The AKC Junior Classic will be held Dec. 15 as part of the AKC Obedience Classic in Orlando, FL. Young people get the opportunity to compete with their dogs in obedience and rally in a national setting. We will be spotlighting youth who are competing with All-American Dogs in the AKC Canine Partners program in […] | December 6, 2017
Expert Advice: Feature Adapting to Change: Unexpected Ways Dog People Found Purpose in the Pandemic
2020 was a year of pain, sadness, and frustration. For our sport, it has meant many months of doing without the weekly dog shows where we compete and socialize. We’re all familiar with the old saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” That phrase was never truer than in 2020, when fanciers found innovative […] | February 5, 2021
Sports & Events 2021 AKC Trick Dog National Competition Results
WINNER Leslie Gelesh & Eli (Miniature Poodle) Batman FURever SEMI-FINALISTS Muriel McMullen & Maddie (Australian Terrier) The Grrrinch Faye Roche & Brio (Miniature Poodle) My Olympic Gold Medal Star: Brio Outstanding Performances from the 2021 AKC Trick Dog National Competition In addition to the competition winners listed above, here are some outstanding performances from 2021 (in random order). Many […] | December 10, 2021
Expert Advice: News Sit, Stay, Jump: Masters Agility And Obedience Results
In addition to the renowned conformation show, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show presented by Purina® Pro Plan® hosted the third annual Masters Agility Championship and the inaugural year of the Masters Obedience Championship.   Masters Agility Championship Agility is an athletic event designed to demonstrate a dog's willingness to work in a variety of […] | February 16, 2016
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Meet the Newest AKC-Recognized Breed: Dogo Argentino
Let’s get this straight right from the outset: If you’re thinking Dogo Argentino (Dogo), you must be a leader and an experienced dog owner. In other words, firm, confident, and consistent. That’s the clear message from Amy Collins, a Dogo Argentino owner since 2000 and secretary of the parent club, the Dogo Argentino Club of […] | December 31, 2019
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Famous Dog Names
Dogs have made their way through pop culture over the years, in headlines, television, movies, books, and more. Whether you need some name inspiration for your new furry friend or want to enjoy some nostalgic trivia, here’s a list of some famous dog names from A to Z. Astro Astro, a Great Dane, was the […] | September 12, 2016
Expert Advice: Agility Once Abandoned in Walmart Parking Lot, Dog Becomes International Agility Athlete
It would be tempting to call Miley the Walmart waif, for her beguiling origin in an asphalt parking lot nine years ago. Officially, this 9-year-old AKC Agility Premier Cup competitor is recognized as an All-American Dog but her rescue and subsequent successes are a powerful statement for never judging a dog by its looks or […] | May 18, 2021
The Mastiff booth at AKC Meet the Breeds, Meet and Compete 2019, New York, NY.
Sports & Events Which Breeds Will Be at AKC Meet the Breeds?
Hoping to meet a specific dog breed (or cat breed), or do you just want to meet all 150+ breeds? Find your favorites on our list of breeds so you won't miss a single wag, whisker, or woof! They'll all be there to meet you at the January 25-26, 2020 AKC Meet the Breeds event. […] | November 4, 2019
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices AKC Breeder Spotlight: Pamela, David, & Maggie Peat of Pramada Kennels
Talk about a three-peat – just make sure you spell it with a capital “P.” A winning family trio for more than four decades, David and Pamela Peat of Scottsdale, Arizona, along with their daughter Maggie first made a name for themselves in the sport with Longhair Dachshunds. Their Pramada kennel has produced more than […] | July 16, 2020
Press Releases 2020 AKC National Championship Judging Panel Now Available
The American Kennel Club® (AKC®) is pleased to announce the judging panel for the 2020 AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin to be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, December 12 and Sunday, December 13, 2020. The 2020 event will showcase the top canine athletes and will also […] | February 4, 2020
Pages Competition Update Spring 2020
Competition & Title Updates  We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience, Scent Work, and Tracking, including another Champion Tracker! Agility AGCH Congratulations to this dog for earning the Agility Grand Champion title: AGCH MACH3 Tuckman Of San Francisco MXC PDS MJB2 […] | May 8, 2020
An armful of Pomeranians at the 2018 AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin.
Sports & Events Which Breeds Can I Meet?
Hoping to meet a specific dog breed when you visit AKC Meet the Breeds during AKC National Championship in Orlando? Or maybe you just want to meet them all! Don't miss a single wag or woof with this list of breeds that will be in attendance at the 2019 show. Get your tickets now. Dog Breeds […] | November 12, 2019
Expert Advice: Feature The AKC at 50: Thriving in the Thirties 
In 1939, a million Americans a year paid admission to attend AKC shows exhibiting over 100,000 dogs across the country. The mightiest events, Westminster and Morris & Essex, reported record-setting entry numbers during the 1930s that have still never been topped. Savvy publicity efforts and new AKC publications brought the formerly closed-circuit world of purebred dog breeding and exhibition to the American public, who clamored for more. […] | September 17, 2019
Pages Competition Title Update Winter 2018
Competition/Titles Update We have some big news to report about All-Americans succeeding at earning the top titles in Agility, Coursing Ability, Rally, Obedience and Tracking. This past quarter delivered the first Agility Grand Champion and the first Rally Master title holders! There is also a new Champion Tracker and lots of exciting news about All […] | March 12, 2018
Pages AKC Title Recognition Summer 2018
AKC Title Recognition Awards The AKC now works with several non-AKC service and sports organizations to recognize the titles that AKC-registered dogs earn in their programs. This includes the AKC Therapy Dog titling program and the AKC Search & Rescue title program. AKC also recognizes titles of the Barn Hunt Association (BHA); North American Diving […] | June 21, 2018
AKC Ribbon Logo Square
Pages 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were created and first awarded in 1999 to honor our best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our sport on a national […] | September 30, 2016
Press Releases AKC Announces Nominees of 2005 Lifetime Achievement Awards
  In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were established in 1998 to honor our Fancy’s best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our sport on a national level. […] | August 16, 2004
Press Releases Highlights from the August 2006 Board Meeting
  New York, NY – Highlights from the August 2006 meeting of the AKC Board of Directors as follows: The Board appointed members to all of the Trial Boards, effective September 1, 2006. The full list is included in the minutes for the August 2006 meeting. The Nominating Committee, which is to nominate candidates for […] | August 11, 2006

Showing 21-40 of 50 results