Press Releases
AKC Welcomes 2005 Summer Interns
The American Kennel Club (AKC®) is pleased to welcome ten students chosen to participate in the 2005 AKC Internship Program. The program- open to college students with a background and interest in purebred dogs- is designed to further their professional development as well as help AKC identify potential employees with experience in both AKC operations […]
| June 9, 2005
Legislative Alerts
Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS)–FAQs
-- Click here for more information about PAWS -- On May 26, 2005 Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) introduced legislation which will bring under federal regulation persons who import large numbers of dogs for resale, individuals who sell dogs at retail through the internet or the mass media, and high volume breeders who sell dogs […]
| June 3, 2005
Press Releases
The AKC Awards 2005 Junior Scholarships
The American Kennel Club today announced that 58 Junior Scholarships have been awarded to students from 26 states. The scholarships for high school, college and graduate school students range from $1,000 to $5,000 each for a total of $100,000. "The Junior Scholarship program is a special way for AKC to honor the hard work and […]
| April 28, 2005
Legislative Alerts
MA Federation Holds First-Ever Lobby Day
On Wednesday, April 20th, the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (Mass Fed) held its first-ever Lobby Day at the State House in Boston. The following is a summary of a report submitted by Charlotte McGowan, the federation’s Legislative Liaison. We extend our congratulations to all who participated in this very successful […]
| April 25, 2005
Press Releases
Balto’s Buffet Bash
Central Park in autumn splendor was the scene of a very special picnic in honor of Balto, the single representative of canine sculpture in New York City's flagship park. The much loved sculpture by Frederick George Richard Roth depicts the famous sled dog, Balto, who led the team that raced through hurricane-force winds and minus-50-degree […]
| October 22, 2004
Press Releases
AKC Announces Nominees of 2005 Lifetime Achievement Awards
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were established in 1998 to honor our Fancy’s best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our sport on a national level. […]
| August 16, 2004
Press Releases
Presidential Purebred Pups Are A White House Tradition
From Washington's Foxhounds to Bush's "Barney," presidential purebred pups are as traditional as baseball and apple pie. Twenty-two U.S. presidents have owned purebred dogs and most shared the White House with them. While some dogs had jobs - "Millie" authored a book, "Him" and "Her" modeled for Life magazine, and "Laddie Boy" oversaw high-level […]
| August 2, 2004
Press Releases
Celebrating All-American Dog Breeds
While many of the dog breeds we know and enjoy today originated in other countries, there are a number of AKC registered breeds which were developed on American soil, and each has its own unique history and heritage: Alaskan Malamute - The Alaskan Malamute, one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, was named after the […]
| June 28, 2004
Press Releases
AKC Featured on the TODAY SHOW
AKC's Gail Miller appeared on NBC'S Today Show Friday, June 11th to discuss the recent findings by German researchers that dogs can comprehend language. Interviewed by Ann Curry, Miller stated that the findings are, "not surprising at all to anyone who has owned or trained dogs. Dogs are very intelligent and it's in their nature […]
| June 11, 2004
Press Releases
Ronald McDonald House Donation
As one enters the efficiency suite at the Ronald McDonald House in Durham, NC they are taken back to simpler days spent playing with dogs in the summertime. Painted on the walls is a mural of dogs playing ball in the grass, a Beagle sitting under an oak tree, a Dalmatian with his food […]
| May 7, 2004