Showing 1,711-1,717 of 1,717 results

Press Releases AKC Announces Board of Directors Election Results
  At the AKC Delegate Meeting on March 8, Dr. Thomas M. Davies, Walter F. Goodman and Ronald H. Menaker were re-elected to the AKC Board of Directors, Class of 2008. Ronald H. Menaker was re-elected Chairman of the Board and David C. Merriam was re-elected Vice-Chairman at a meeting of the AKC Board of […] | March 11, 2004
Legislative Alerts NC Developments
As part of our efforts to protect the rights of responsible dog owners and breeders, the American Kennel Club is continuing its daily communication with North Carolina legislators. We have been told that thanks to overwhelming response from the purebred dog fancy, lawmakers have been made aware of our opposition to proposed breeding restrictions and […] | March 11, 2004
Legislative Alerts URGENT: Attention NC Fanciers!
Following a recent telephone call from Co-Chairman Howard, the AKC is strongly urging purebred dog owners and clubs in North Carolina to refrain from submitting additional correspondence to members of the committee, including e-mails. We further believe that continued correspondence may actually hinder the progress we have made to date. North Carolina legislators have been […] | March 10, 2004
Chairman's Reports October 2003 Chairman’s Report
Engaged as we all are in the world of purebred dogs, it is often easy to forget that legislators¾whom we must call on to help us protect our rights as dog owners and breeders and to ensure the continuation of our sport¾may know little about the AKC and the fancy beyond the conformation shows they […] | October 13, 2003
Legislative Alerts Federations: A Strong Voice for Dog Owners
Did you know that the American Kennel Club recognizes over 40 state and local federations, coalitions, and alliances? These hardworking organizations are made up of AKC-affiliated clubs and other concerned individuals who are interested in protecting and promoting the world of purebred dogs. They understand that by joining forces, they can wield a powerful voice […] | June 2, 2003
Legislative Alerts Federations: A Strong Voice for Dog Owners
Did you know that the American Kennel Club recognizes over 40 state and local federations, coalitions, and alliances? These hardworking organizations are made up of AKC-affiliated clubs and other concerned individuals who are interested in protecting and promoting the world of purebred dogs. They understand that by joining forces, they can wield a powerful voice […] | June 2, 2003
Legislative Alerts UPDATE RI: Fancy Meets with Legislators
UPDATE (March 21, 2003)—Rhode Island dog fanciers had a productive meeting with House Leader Gordon Fox this week regarding the “animal protection” bill (HB5817) that contains many troublesome provisions. Fox, who is a sponsor of HB5817, listened to the concerns expressed by the fancy and appears committed to addressing their many concerns. He will take […] | March 21, 2003

Showing 1,711-1,717 of 1,717 results