Canine Partners
Buddy Featured on Today Show For Helping At-Risk Students
Buddy, a 3-year-old Airedale Terrier, is pictured watching himself on television, in this cute photo taken by his owner Judy Krug of Chicago, IL. Buddy is a therapy dog and certified reading assistant dog, who is a member of SitStayRead. He spent the summer in Chicago Public School (CPS) classrooms listening to first and second […]
| September 30, 2015
List of Breeds by Group
Each of the AKC registered breeds are assigned to one of seven groups representing characteristics and functions the breeds were originally bred for. Current as of June 1, 2023 [accordion] [accordion_panel title="Herding Group"] HERDING GROUP The Herding Group, created in 1983, is the newest AKC classification; its members were formerly members of the Working Group. […]
| August 25, 2015
Expert Advice: Events
Experience the Stink Eye
By Margery Morstein Every Welsh Terrier owner knows the Stink Eye, that intense look that conveys both independent thinking and annoyance when things aren’t going the Welshie way. The look has become an endearing trademark of this feisty breed, and for the past two years, the logo behind the WTCARES (Welsh Terrier Rescue) yearly fundraiser, […]
| July 16, 2015
Expert Advice: News
Dog Show Legend Jane Forsyth Dies at 86
Jane Kamp Forsyth—breeder, handler, all-breed judge, AKC Lifetime Achievement Award winner, and towering figure on the international dog-show scene—died on July 3. She was 86 years old. “The entire American Kennel Club mourns the loss of Jane Forsyth, and we send our condolences to Bob and Sioux,” AKC President/CEO Dennis Sprung says. “Janie was an inspiration […]
| July 6, 2015
Expert Advice: Lifestyle
Winter Care for Canines
General ConcernsWinter's cold air brings many concerns for responsible dog owners. Keep the following precautions in mind: Don't leave your dog outside in the cold for long periods of time. Wind chill makes days colder than actual temperature readings. Be attentive to your dog's body temperature, and limit its time outdoors. Adequate shelter is a […]
| May 4, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The World’s Largest Dogs
Big dogs equal big love and loyalty. Here are the large dog breeds that earn their place at the top of the size chart. Most people will know the Great Dane but what about the lovely Leonberger? When considering getting a dog, size is a factor, but only one of them. The dog’s personality, activity […]
| April 9, 2015

Expert Advice: News
Pioneering a Rare Breed
By Allan Reznik By Allan Reznik (Reprinted with permission from Dogs in Review and author Allan Reznik, from the November 2014 issue of Dogs in Review magazine. People get into a new breed for all kinds of reasons: the need to downsize, a desire for less grooming, a thirst for greater challenges, even the search […]
| March 23, 2015
Canine Partners
Canine Partners Junior Handler Spotlight: Deborah Tung
Deborah Tung is a Virginia teenager who does it all with her dogs. Deborah competes in Agility and the fun new sport of Barn Hunt with her All-American Dog, Nigel. Barn Hunt tests all dogs’ hunting ability in finding vermin, which many breeds were developed to perform. Rats are placed in heavy, safe PVC tubes […]
| March 11, 2015

Expert Advice: Fun Facts
Top 10 Breeds of the 1920s
Accepted in 1908, the German Shepherd Dog overtook the Boston Terrier in 1925 and became the number-one dog of the 1920s. The breed then disappeared from the top ten until after World War II, when it reemerged as the number-six dog of the 1950s and has remained among the most popular breeds to the present […]
| February 13, 2015

Expert Advice: Fun Facts
Top 10 Breeds of the 1910s
The Boston Terrier, a top-ten breed for six decades of the 20th century, has reached the number-one position twice, including in the 1910s. The Airedale Terrier reached the number-two position, the highest the breed would ever claim, appearing in the top ten for three consecutive decades and then never regaining its national popularity. The decade […]
| February 13, 2015