Showing 1,251-1,253 of 1,253 results

Legislative Alerts Burke County (NC) Considering Kennel Law Changes TOMORROW (4/18)
The Burke County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing for TOMORROW (Tuesday, April 18) on a proposal that would significantly change the laws regarding kennels. | April 17, 2017
Legislative Alerts Neptune Beach (FL) Proposed Animal Ordinance Contains Problematic Sections
A proposed ordinance that contains provisions of concern to dog owners has passed first reading in Neptune Beach, Florida. | February 3, 2017
Expert Advice: News Independence Day Special: Revolutionary Hound Dogs
George Washington was first President of the United States and the father of our country, but he also had another distinction—America’s first crazy dog man.When Washington wasn’t out leading revolutions and presiding over the birth a nation, the Virginia plantation owner was obsessed with his pack. Fox hunting was one of his greatest pleasures, and […] | October 14, 2014

Showing 1,251-1,253 of 1,253 results