Sports & Events
Agility FAQ
Agility - Frequently Asked Questions 1. How do I find a local Agility training class for my dog? Look in the Yellow Pages under Pets or Dog Training for your local AKC club or dog school. Check this website for the training resources page and search for upcoming Agility Trials in your area. […]
| October 26, 2017
Sports & Events
Airedale Titles
Airedales Earn Their First Field Titles by Tom Meyer, AKC Spaniel Field Representative In just a little over two months from when Airedales were first allowed to participate in the Spaniel Hunting Test program, two dogs have become the first to earn AKC Hunting Test titles: The first Senior Hunter (SH): CH MACH5 Connemara's […]
| October 26, 2017
Sports & Events
Event Coverage
[AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championship] Gun Dog Homepage Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Photo Coverage Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Final Day | In Conclusion | Photo Coverage Day 1 – AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championship The 2013 AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championship returns to Branched Oak Lake near Lincoln, NE for the 20th […]
| October 26, 2017
Sports & Events
Event Coverage
AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championship Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Final Day | In Conclusion Photo Coverage Historically the sport of field trialing has its roots in southern quail hunting. The first pointing breed field trials in American were held near Memphis TN in 1874. The area is […]
| October 26, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The Flat-Coated Retriever Is a Versatile Hunting Dog and Companion
The Flat-Coated Retriever (Flat-Coat) is a large and strong utilitarian hunting dog that shines at flushing birds, such as quail and pheasant, during upland shooting (the pursuit of birds usually found in heavy cover on the ground). He is also skilled at retrieving game from the land and the water. Here are nine interesting facts […]
| May 2, 2017
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The Plott – a Big Game Hunter From the Smoky Mountains
The Plott is a member of the Hound Group that specializes in hunting big game such as wild boar, mountain lions, and even bear. These courageous and athletic dogs are also excellent raccoon hunters and excel at chasing and treeing these crafty animals. The Plott is a true American breed that was developed in the […]
| December 2, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The Bald and Beautiful American Hairless Terrier
The American Hairless Terrier (AHT) is a small-to-medium-sized terrier that is intelligent and curious. These active and trainable dogs are completely hairless, although some can have whiskers and eyebrows. Here are some fun facts about this truly American dog. 1. The American Hairless Terrier is directly descended from the Rat Terrier, a dog that was […]
| November 10, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
Meet the Neapolitan Mastiff – Formidable With Intruders, Loyal and Loving With Family
The Neapolitan Mastiff (also known as the Neo or Mastino) is a huge, heavy-boned dog with awe-inspiring features. These members of the Working Group are enormous, and the average male weighs 150 pounds, but the bigger the better. There is no other breed that looks quite like the Neo, and they can be distinguished from […]
| October 31, 2016
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny
8 Fun Facts About the English Foxhound
The English Foxhound is a versatile hunter and member of the Hound Group. This determined scent hound can be taught to hunt almost any ground-dwelling quarry, although traditionally it was used for foxhunting and can still be found in that same role today. Here are some fun facts about this sociable field companion. 1. The […]
| December 7, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts
The Mysterious Kerry Blue Terrier—Leprechaun of the Dog World
If a leprechaun decided to disguise himself as a dog, chances are he would choose the Kerry Blue Terrier. Like the leprechaun, these joyful, full-of-life, and mischievous dogs are from Ireland, and it’s often said their hearts are sprinkled with Irish humor. The Kerry Blue Terrier is known as the Irish Blue Terrier in its […]
| September 1, 2016