Expert Advice: Puppy Health
Best Time to Bring a Puppy Home from the Breeder
ASK AKC Dear AKC: I am considering buying a Chihuahua from a breeder who is letting the pups go at 6 weeks old. I have always heard that puppies should not be weaned until they are at least 8 weeks. Should I consider a different breeder? -- Early Arrivals Dear Early: Every breeder has their […]
| May 17, 2015
Expert Advice: Dog Behavior
How Do I Change My Dog’s Bathroom Habit?
Ask AKC Dear AKC: My dog is a wonderful Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mix. My question has to do with taking him to go out. He will only go to the bathroom where other dogs have gone. My husband and I moved into a townhouse where no one has lived before. As a result, he will […]
| May 12, 2015
Canine Partners
Children Learn Lessons from Book About Former Shelter Dog
This story originally appeared in a 2011 issue of the AKC Canine Partners News newsletter. Since the story was published, Harley, now 9 years old, has earned the AKC’s highest honor in agility – the Master Agility Championship (MACH) and is now pursuing her Preferred Agility Championship (PACH). Most puppies spend their early months being […]
| April 30, 2015
Canine Partners
AKC Agility Preferred Class – Great Option for Many Dogs
This article originally appeared in the March 2012 issue of the AKC Canine Partners News newsletter Cooper is an agility superstar. It barely took him a month to go from Novice to the most advanced level of AKC agility – Excellent. But then the then-8-year-old mixed-breed dog suffered a back spasm that took him out […]
| April 8, 2015
Legislative Alerts
AKC Supports Veterinarian-Led Bill to Protect Dogs and Crack Down on Animal Cruelty
The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports North Carolina Senate Bill 209, which takes an important step to protect the health and welfare of all dogs in North Carolina. SB 209, introduced earlier this week by North Carolina Senators Trudy Wade, DVM, Bill Rabon, DVM and Andrew Brock, would establish the "NC Pets We Care Hotline" […]
| March 13, 2015

Expert Advice: Fun Facts
Top 10 Breeds of the 1950s
The only breed to rank in the top ten breeds every decade since the founding of the American Kennel Club became the nation’s top breed in the 1950s—the Beagle. Not coincidentally, Charles Schultz’s pet Beagle, Snoopy, made his illustrious first appearance in national newspapers on October 4, 1950, and swiftly became a pop phenomenon. The […]
| February 13, 2015
Welcome to the AKC . We have put together definitions for dog words that you may not be familiar with. If you have additional questions regarding the glossary, please contact our Special Services Department. A Abdomen The belly or under surface between the chest and the hindquarters. Acetabulum The concave lateral portion of the […]
| December 19, 2014

Expert Advice: Fun Facts
8 Medium-Sized Dogs
Is Tibetan Mastiff just a bit too large for your taste? And a Chihuahua maybe, well, a little too small? You might find one of these eight breeds to be just right. Learn more about popular medium-sized dogs here: Bulldog: Gentle and protective, Bulldogs make excellent family pets. They form strong bonds with children and have a loveable disposition. Bulldogs don’t […]
| January 1, 2009
Press Releases
Celebrating All-American Dog Breeds
While many of the dog breeds we know and enjoy today originated in other countries, there are a number of AKC registered breeds which were developed on American soil, and each has its own unique history and heritage: Alaskan Malamute - The Alaskan Malamute, one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, was named after the […]
| June 28, 2004
Press Releases
AKC Celebrates All-American Breeds
Just like our immigrant ancestors, most of the dog breeds we know and enjoy today originated in other countries and came to the United States later on. However, there are a number of AKC registered breeds which were developed on American soil, and each has its own unique history and heritage: Alaskan Malamute - […]
| June 18, 2003