Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health
How to Improve Your Senior Dog’s Quality of Life
Senior dogs can still have a wonderful quality of life. There are also lots of ways owners can promote movement, health, cognitive function, and comfort.
| May 4, 2021

Expert Advice: Grooming
Can You Use Human Shampoo on Dogs?
With so many dog products on the market, you may wonder what's essential and what you can do without. For example, do dogs really need their very own dog shampoo? Why can't you just use human shampoo on your dog? The short answer is, don't. Learn the reasons why dogs should have their own shampoo. Acidity […]
| April 30, 2021

Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health
Preventing Obesity in Senior Dogs
Like the humans who care for them, older dogs are not exempt from gaining weight. Here's how to prevent canine obesity in senior dogs.
| April 6, 2021

Expert Advice: Why does my dog...
Why Does My Dog Try to Eat Bees?
Wondering why your dog eats bees? Bee stings in dogs can lead to life-threatening allergic reactions so it is good to be prepared.
| March 25, 2021

Expert Advice: Breed History
Neapolitan Mastiff History: From Italian War Dogs to Devoted Protectors
From their rope-like facial wrinkles to their tree-trunk-sized limbs, the Neapolitan Mastiff represents power. Learn more about Neapolitan Mastiff history.
| March 11, 2021

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
Can Dogs Detect Wine-Tainting Molecules?
International vintners depend on dogs to find wine-tainting molecules Alejandro Fantoni Sr. was waiting in an airport security line when one of the detection dogs caught his attention. Fantoni struck up a conversation with the handler. “[My dad] started talking with the trainer of the dog, asking, ‘Can you train dogs to detect any kind […]
| March 10, 2021

Expert Advice: Government Relations
Everything You Need to Know About Emotional Support Animals
Every dog owner knows there are many benefits to having a dog, from getting themselves out for exercise to receiving loyal companionship. However, for some people with mental or emotional conditions, the presence of a dog is critical to their ability to function normally on a daily basis. The pet provides emotional support and comfort […]
| February 24, 2021
Press Releases
2021 AKC National Championship Judging Panel Now Available
The American Kennel Club® (AKC®) is pleased to announce the judging panel for the 2021 AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin to be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, December 18 and Sunday, December 19, 2021. The 2021 event will showcase the top canine athletes and will also […]
| February 11, 2021

Expert Advice: Basic Training
How to Teach Your Dog to Lie Down
Down is one of the most basic and useful behaviors to teach your puppy. Here's how to teach your dog to lie down on command.
| January 20, 2021

Expert Advice: Health
COVID-19 Brought Telemedicine Into the Veterinary Office. Is It a Good Thing?
“HOLD STILL!” Telemedicine sounds easy—talk to your vet, never leave your armchair. And sometimes it is. But sometimes it isn’t. Like now. Have you ever tried holding your dog while pulling his lips back to expose his rearmost molars while at the same time trying to aim your cell-phone camera at the tooth in question? […]
| January 11, 2021