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The AKC has learned that on Tuesday, January 10, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold another hearing on House Bill 14, which would remove the breed-specific language that has been in state statute for over 20 years. 

It is possible that the committee will vote at this hearing, and responsible Ohio dog owners are strongly encouraged to contact committee members regarding this important piece of legislation. The AKC is pleased that an amendment has been offered that would require that any individual who designates a dog as a nuisance, dangerous, or vicious must prove that designation by clear and convincing evidence.  The AKC believes this legislation and this amendment goes a long way towards ensuring that the rights of innocent dog owners are protected while protecting the community against truly dangerous dogs, regardless of their breed.

Read AKC talking points on breed-specific legislation.

Read AKC Issue Analysis “Why Breed-Specific Legislation Doesn’t Work”

How You Can Help:

  • Attend the Judiciary Committee Hearing on Tuesday, January 10.  The hearing information is as follows:

    Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee
    Tuesday, January 10, 2012
    3:15 p.m.
    Ohio State Capitol Building, North Hearing Room
    One Capitol Square
    Columbus, Ohio

    **If you intend to speak, please arrive early to complete a witness testimony form and provide 25 copies of your written testimony.

For more information, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at (919) 816-3720, or e-mail

The AKC has learned that on Tuesday, January 10, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold another…