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The Doberman Pinscher is described as alert, fearless, and loyal and those who love them would certainly agree. These stately dogs have a tough-looking exterior with a gentle spirit and a heart of gold.

These big, brave dogs are total and complete mushes with their families. If you have one of these dogs at home, you know these ten things to be true.


1. You will never go to the bathroom alone again.


2. They love their little humans with all their hearts.


3. You can never have enough doggie apparel.


4. You have an in-home exercise regimen, just trying to keep up.


5. Lots and lots of baths.


6. You will never be bored. Never, ever again.


7. You know how to hold 65lbs of “puppy” in your arms when they want a hug— which is most times.


8. All it takes is a poke of the nose to get your attention— or affection. And they probably want both.


9. They are famous, or should we say infamous, for their Dobie-lean.


10. You will never sleep alone again.


If these things touched your heart, find out if the Doberman is the right breed for you here.


A huge thank you to The Doberman Gang of NYC for their input and photos— their help made this post possible, not to mention adorable. Give them a LIKE on Facebook.


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WATCH an adorable Dobie play hide and seek and read the whole article here.
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